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Waiting Game--how do you deal with the waiting anxiety?

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I find hot showers are often the best way to deal with my stress. Never thought to turn the lights off and light an aromatherapy candle though! Totally doing this soon.


Aroma therapy candle - or! If you have any essential oils, like lavender, eucalyptus, chamomile, sandalwood, etc. you can put a few drops in the shower, and the vapors rise and you breathe them in... It's sooooo nice.

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Aroma therapy candle - or! If you have any essential oils, like lavender, eucalyptus, chamomile, sandalwood, etc. you can put a few drops in the shower, and the vapors rise and you breathe them in... It's sooooo nice.


I just use really nice smelling body wash, lol. 

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My 17 year old daughter decided to share a piece of 'wisdom' with me..."Worry is like a rocking chair.  You have something to do, but you don't get anywhere."  I laughed and told her I would post it on this thread. 

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My 17 year old daughter decided to share a piece of 'wisdom' with me..."Worry is like a rocking chair.  You have something to do, but you don't get anywhere."  I laughed and told her I would post it on this thread. 

That's great, I haven't heard that one before! 



I have been dealing with the waiting anxiety by trying to keep busy with my work...which probably means I need to leave this site...it's just so tough to keep myself from checking the results constantly. 

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My 17 year old daughter decided to share a piece of 'wisdom' with me..."Worry is like a rocking chair.  You have something to do, but you don't get anywhere."  I laughed and told her I would post it on this thread. 

Wise 17 year old!

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I have so many sources of anxiety right now and they're all a result of having to wait for things to right themselves - I feel in control of nothing right now.

- obviously waiting to hear back from PhD's is the first thing. And as a result of that, not having any clue where i'll be living in, oh, six months or less, as well as what that will do to my current relationship

- waiting for my car to be repaired so I can leave the house, and more importantly, drive back to my MA school in time for an appointment on friday

- I have a foot injury that's kept me from running for 6 months (which i normally do daily). It has stumped 3 doctors to this point. Not broken, so we're all clueless why resting for months won't let it heal

- The first check from my MA program gets cut in half b/c of fees (outside the ones that are covered by the program), so waiting for check #2 in late feb.

- By pure coincidence one of the prof's I applied to work with for PhD will be at my MA school this friday and saturday for a conference. he was asked to speak because he got his doctorate from my current university. And, out of all the people I contacted when starting the PhD application process, he was the most indifferent about my application and made that clear. Obviously he will know I should be there, so avoiding him entirely would throw up a red flag. Now I just have to figure out how to interact with him as not to alienate him and ruin my chances of getting in (optimistic as I'd like to be, I know that i won't just 'get in' to his school by having a friendly conversation with him at a conference)


I just keep telling myself "just wait til March. everything will be more clear then."


It feels a lot better to get all this out on paper though.

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- By pure coincidence one of the prof's I applied to work with for PhD will be at my MA school this friday and saturday for a conference. he was asked to speak because he got his doctorate from my current university. And, out of all the people I contacted when starting the PhD application process, he was the most indifferent about my application and made that clear. Obviously he will know I should be there, so avoiding him entirely would throw up a red flag. Now I just have to figure out how to interact with him as not to alienate him and ruin my chances of getting in (optimistic as I'd like to be, I know that i won't just 'get in' to his school by having a friendly conversation with him at a conference)

I actually wouldn't worry about this one too much. I had one professor who gave me a very short, curt response to my original contact email back in October. I got accepted to that school, and she emailed me the other day saying that she sends those kinds of emails to everyone who contacts her before they apply, and that she was actually very excited that I got in. So, it really depends from prof to prof...don't be scared, just have a good conversation with him and try not to worry about it :)

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I haven't heard ANYTHING and living with the uncertainty is really tough. At this point, I just want to hear one way or the other so I can start planning


I guess the only thing to do is to *try not to think about it*...


Yeah, right.....

Pretty much

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My 17 year old daughter decided to share a piece of 'wisdom' with me..."Worry is like a rocking chair.  You have something to do, but you don't get anywhere."  I laughed and told her I would post it on this thread. 

As great of an analysis she made about worrying... I'm still worried :-(.


I always did like rocking chairs though.

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If I don't have homework (which does anyone find it's harder to concentrate on during this wait?) then I either watch Netflix or listen to some of my vinyl records while I crochet. Then about once a week I do have to bake something as well. 

i just feel like I wanna be your friend  :lol:

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I end up doing a lot of digital art and audiobook listening to help combat stress. I also listen to Let's Plays by TBFP, which usually can make me laugh no matter what's going on. Other than that, I'm reading, doing exercises in the living room, and of course shoveling snow (thanks CNY weather!)

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For all those that responded to the rocking chair statement: I'm sure she heard it somewhere and thought it would serve her worrisome, anxious, neurotically-refreshing-webpages mother well.


 We do have a rocking chair or two in the house, but I rock so fast I make myself a little seasick...I'm one of those people that's constantly bouncing a leg or foot.  


If I'm to be totally honest, if I'm not worrying that means I'm forgetting something.

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For all those that responded to the rocking chair statement: I'm sure she heard it somewhere and thought it would serve her worrisome, anxious, neurotically-refreshing-webpages mother well.


 We do have a rocking chair or two in the house, but I rock so fast I make myself a little seasick...I'm one of those people that's constantly bouncing a leg or foot.  


If I'm to be totally honest, if I'm not worrying that means I'm forgetting something.


You sound like my fiance :)

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I always have these incredibly hopeful moments of breaking out of the anxiety that's got me clamped down, but the last twenty-four hours have not been pretty: Constantly waking up in the middle of the night, a twenty-four hour carb/junk food binge (bring on the caramel popcorn and Auntie Anne's pretzels), and listening to Habanera from Bizet's Carmen non-stop. Need to get out of this funk or February is going to go to waste pretty quickly...

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  • 3 months later...

Oh wow, I loved the rocking chair quote! That was just awesome. 

Did make me realise that there really is no reason to be anxious all the time, and that I should just work harder on concentrating to the work I should be doing. (Instead I'm writing this... procrastination is my only hope I guess?) 

I'm waiting a confirmation for a scholarship/funding application which, and I quote, "you have a very good chance of securing" according to one of my professors. I'm currently a BA student and the scholarship is for MA+PhD. And I'm driving myself insane by worrying about it even if I should be concentrating to revision and exams that take place next and the following week. Argh! 

I just hate waiting. 

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Oh wow, I loved the rocking chair quote! That was just awesome. 

Did make me realise that there really is no reason to be anxious all the time, and that I should just work harder on concentrating to the work I should be doing. (Instead I'm writing this... procrastination is my only hope I guess?) 

I'm waiting a confirmation for a scholarship/funding application which, and I quote, "you have a very good chance of securing" according to one of my professors. I'm currently a BA student and the scholarship is for MA+PhD. And I'm driving myself insane by worrying about it even if I should be concentrating to revision and exams that take place next and the following week. Argh! 

I just hate waiting. 


i'm waiting on word about a scholarship as well! the anxiety is unreal...

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i'm waiting on word about a scholarship as well! the anxiety is unreal...

Really?! This might be horrible for me to say but I'm kinda glad that I'm not alone!!  :P 

What scholarship are you waiting for? And to where? :D 

Have they given you any info on how long wait you should be prepared for? 

I feel antsy... Like, before this I didn't properly even know what that meant! I srsl have never felt like this before, haha~ 

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Really?! This might be horrible for me to say but I'm kinda glad that I'm not alone!!  :P 

What scholarship are you waiting for? And to where? :D 

Have they given you any info on how long wait you should be prepared for? 

I feel antsy... Like, before this I didn't properly even know what that meant! I srsl have never felt like this before, haha~ 


Ha! that's alright my feelings were the same - yes! others are suffering with me!


I'm waiting to hear back from my government about a full scholarship I applied for. I was accepted to Vanderbilt University for a M.Ed. and everything rides on this scholarship...my country offers few student loans so I basically have two options if I want to attend grad school internationally: 1) get the scholarship, 2) be rich  <_<


I applied since the first week in Feb. and initially the wait was 90 days (ridiculous!)..it's going on 4 months since I sent in my application and no one can give me any indication of how long I have to wait....


so I'm here, trying not to worry...working on plans B, C and D...wondering what the hell my future holds  :unsure:  

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