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Watching my emails, but NOTHING comes!


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I've been checking the results postings here and am seeing other people get admitted to programs I've applied to, but it's complete radio silence on my end - I've only heard back from one school so far. Should I be nervous? Or is this normal?

Edited by sqrwtrmln
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I've been checking the results postings here and am seeing other people get admitted to programs I've applied to, but it's complete radio silence on my end - I've only heard back from one school so far. Should I be nervous? Or is this normal?


Well, if it's any consolation, two of the schools on your list I applied to and they both told me that we won't find out 'til late February - mid March. But I am in a different major  -_-

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I'm so stressed. Some schools notify by mail only, some will only tell you you've been rejected in their online portal...it just fosters panic. :(

Is there a place to keep track of schools that have begun to notify about acceptances?

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10 weeks.  It's been 10 weeks since my first application deadline passed and I started checking my email/ status page constantly.  Last week one person posted their result but nothing else has happened.  It's not enough for me to assume anything.  Just more waiting.  Even if I'm rejected it can't possibly be as excruciating as the past 10 weeks...

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Thanks everyone. The majority of my schools told me 4-6 weeks for admissions decisions and it's been about that long for all of them now so I'm starting to lose it. Holding on to hope though and so should all of you!

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Thanks everyone. The majority of my schools told me 4-6 weeks for admissions decisions and it's been about that long for all of them now so I'm starting to lose it. Holding on to hope though and so should all of you!

Yep. Yet another surprisingly (and disappointingly) silent Friday for me. Still a couple hours for late emails - not likely that will make a difference though.

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8 schools and not one decision  :(


Same here. Crickets.


According to the results page, all but one program that I applied to has already sent out acceptances and/or interview invites. Too soon to give up all hope at this point, but I'm not terribly optimistic either. 

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Yep. Yet another surprisingly (and disappointingly) silent Friday for me. Still a couple hours for late emails - not likely that will make a difference though.

I used to love my weekends.  Now I find myself waiting for Monday and the possibility of some news... any news.  

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I've seem acceptances and rejections sent out for schools I applied to but only one replied so far and it was quite unexpected since I didn't think I'd hear back from them for quite some time. One of the schools has gone totally silent. My email has been unanswered for over a week. I even used their weird messaging system and send three messages over a period of time only to get zero replies.

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those close to me are now just shaking their heads every time I bring up 'no news'.  I am going insane because several Masters acceptances have posted for my top choice, but no PhD results...I just don't understand ;) . I also know that my top choice made many decisions last friday for acceptances and funding, but still...crickets for miles.  I calm myself by telling myself the 'delay' is that those acceptances must now be going through their grad college before notification.  One of my schools was due Dec 1, and still silence...and they don't use a web app system so I have no way to be OCD about checking their site.  I keep telling myself it is early, but it doesn't help.  I seriously had no idea I would be this insane about the process.  I was so burnt out after applying that I thought I would naturally be disconnected from it.  Man was I wrong!

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I used to love my weekends.  Now I find myself waiting for Monday and the possibility of some news... any news.  

Yeah, same here. I keep hoping for Monday to come (not that there's ever any news, hah).



I seriously had no idea I would be this insane about the process.  I was so burnt out after applying that I thought I would naturally be disconnected from it.  Man was I wrong!

I thought this too, especially since I had so many issues with two of my applications (GRE scores not being linked up with my application, etc). I wasn't expecting to hear from any schools so early, so when I got a response from UCR, it made me super impatient to hear from the rest.

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I also thought I'd be way more disconnected about hearing back from schools. But I was also way more confident when I sent in my applications. Now I just keep thinking how stupid I've been and how there's no way my chances are as good as I hoped they'd be. I really didn't think the stress would get to me but I've gotten so negative these past few days just anticipating rejections. I just want this wait to be over!

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Six programs, and nary a peep. I keep staring at my email, waiting for something to dance or leap out at me, then I dart back here to refresh the results page and see what's different. I keep checking history departments and English departments with the thought that, "Surely since they share staff with American Studies, if one moves, the other must, too." And then when I see all the programs that I DIDN'T apply to getting results, the self-loathing kicks in and I start criticizing myself for not applying to USC or UT or Washington State . . . and then I go check my email again. It's a vicious cycle. They need to either start accepting/rejecting/wait-listing me or else all pitch and pay for my therapy!

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I also thought I'd be way more disconnected about hearing back from schools. But I was also way more confident when I sent in my applications. Now I just keep thinking how stupid I've been and how there's no way my chances are as good as I hoped they'd be. I really didn't think the stress would get to me but I've gotten so negative these past few days just anticipating rejections. I just want this wait to be over!

We are in the same mindset. At this point it's like bring on the bad news so we can just move on and deal with getting an actual answer.

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I've never hated weekends so much in my life as I do during this application season.

I'm sure many of you feel the same.


Stay on your toes.. The Grad App Gods are listening.


I just posted in here yesterday as I hadn't heard from any programs, and sure enough, I got an acceptance e-mail last night at midnight and one rejection letter at 4 AM.  :blink:

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I've got an interview next weekend. One of my programs does interviews but not til March and explicitly stated the committee won't see apps til mid to late February. The other programs I've either already been rejected (1) or they don't do interviews and won't notify til mid to late feb (2 more). I figure Duke has rejected me but not told me cause interviews are in two weeks.

So waiting on 3 programs plus after the interview next week my top choice. I'm impatient. :)

Edited by BiochemMom
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I just keep on reminding myself that I am thankful I am not seeing acceptances to my programs pop up on the results search before I hear anything.  If I start seeing them and I still haven't heard anything, that is when things are gonna get crazy and I am really gonna pity the people around me.  omg, just thinking about that scenario incites a level of panic!

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