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2015 Rejections

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Allplaid! You are awesome! I don't know how I know it but i do! 


Ya know... there might be multiple Americanists accepted at Rutgers. They have an incoming cohort of twelve. 

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Urgh. The UCI rejection/wait list notices are right around the corner, if history is any indication (though I've heard elsewise from folks who have already been accepted--it's more of a rolling wait list?). Either way, it's my last notification before I close the books on Fall 2015 app season. COME ON ALREADY.... starting to lose it....



^thank you for this gif....it says everything I want to say and more about this process.

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Urgh. The UCI rejection/wait list notices are right around the corner, if history is any indication (though I've heard elsewise from folks who have already been accepted--it's more of a rolling wait list?). Either way, it's my last notification before I close the books on Fall 2015 app season. COME ON ALREADY.... starting to lose it....




Yeah, that's the only place I still have faint hope for. VERY faint, but still a little niggle, given the strength of their poetics program and my poetics orientation...

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At what point do we think Florida will be done calling acceptees? I'm (clears throat) I'm asking for a friend.


Historically, it looks like calls go out over the course of a week or so. Personally, I am counting less and less on UF with every acceptance I see posted, but I tend to be a pessimist when it comes to grad school admissions (and Florida was/is one of my top choices, which only heightens this).


I e-mailed the department secretary to ask when decisions would come out because I have a March 13 response deadline, but I haven't heard anything. If I get a response, though, I'll post it.

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Sigh. Well there it is: the official UCI reject :(


And we're done, folks! Pack it up.


Yup, me too.


Well, you and I both have acceptances on the table, at least -- they may not be exactly what we were looking for, but there's some major solace in being accepted to something, somewhere!

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Yup, me too.


Well, you and I both have acceptances on the table, at least -- they may not be exactly what we were looking for, but there's some major solace in being accepted to something, somewhere!


Agreed! I'm thankful that it wasn't a complete shut out for either of us. In fact, I think I'm going to treat myself to some nice scotch tonight for surviving getting all notifications back. 

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Sigh. Well there it is: the official UCI reject :(


And we're done, folks! Pack it up.


Ugh, I still have 4 programs to hear back from. 2 are implied rejections, 2 I have no idea about. I'm going nuts. I just want it to be over!

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Ugh, I still have 4 programs to hear back from. 2 are implied rejections, 2 I have no idea about. I'm going nuts. I just want it to be over!


I concur! Seeing everyone finish their list makes waiting all the more brutal.

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One of the shitty things about GC being totally an online community is that we can't all go out for a nice big blow-off-some-steam night of drinking and camaraderie! I would gladly buy all of you a round or two of the drink of your choice. For all the talk about how GC could be a bad influence, I really don't know what I would have done without it. Rejectees and acceptees alike, you've all been splendid, and deserve hugs, chocolate, and booze galore. :)

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At what point do we think Florida will be done calling acceptees? I'm (clears throat) I'm asking for a friend.


If it helps at all, I think they're reeeealllly slooooow this week due to spring break. I received an acceptance voicemail on Tuesday asking me to call or email back, but despite my reaching out, I have yet to speak to anyone in person. (I'm trying not to freak out about this and worry that they've changed their minds about me. I need a vomit emoticon.)

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I third that sentiment. How do I have so much news left to hear in March?!

You're waiting for Lehigh too! Its one of the schools that is not an implied rejection for me, at least not yet. I logged in to my application today, but it still says submitted. Have you heard of anyone being accepted, rejected, or anything?

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You're waiting for Lehigh too! Its one of the schools that is not an implied rejection for me, at least not yet. I logged in to my application today, but it still says submitted. Have you heard of anyone being accepted, rejected, or anything?


Oh good! I'm not the only one! I saw a WL posted on the results board, but I haven't seen anything else. One of the professors with whom I had the most contact throughout the process was at Lehigh, so if I don't hear anything by next week I'm going to e-mail them.


I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow, so I may not be quick with updates, but I'll try to post news if anything truly noteworthy happens while I'm away.

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