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2015 Rejections

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Woah, UT Austin rejections are coming out already?




Yeah I wonder what that's all about...my website status is still in process. I wish that person had said more about the nature of the rejection, since I assumed that the website rejections just kind of go out all at once via an automated system (at least that's how it's gone thus far). 

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Officially rejected at Rice. I had a POI personally flagging my application to the adcom, but to no avail it seems. Disappointed, but not shattered. Overall, Rice wasn't a perfect fit -- that POI in particular was a perfect fit, but institutionally it was near the bottom of my list. And hey, I don't have to move to Texas! (Bright sides, right?)


I was just rejected from Austin. Part of me is relieved that I don't have to move to Texas. I think it's the part of me that is pretending my confidence is totally shattered. 


I waited a few days, thanked the DGS/admissions committee for taking the time to read my application, and asked for some feedback on my application. I think the etiquette is to mirror the politeness of your rejection.  If the department is polite/personal about the rejection (say, sending an email rather than a "check status on website" automated message), or you have been in contact with your POI or the DGS for a while, then writing them back seems like the correct thing to do. I am glad I asked for feedback and may do this at other schools once I receive official rejections. 


I've done exactly what Snyegurachka has done. I waited a week to send an email to Northwestern. I just sent an email to my POI at Rice. Just be polite, and maybe ask if there's anything they can tell you that will help for next time (whether there's a next time or not).


Good to know. I have also heard to wait until April 15th, when they are less busy. Also, what should I do if the dept. has sent me nothing? I have only gotten automated emails from the University. I suppose I can just contact the DGS independently. 


I saw someone post that they had been rejected from FIFTY programs. I do believe this poster did eventually receive an offer.


The learning curve is really steep for this process. It seems like very few get an offer their first go around. I got shut out in 2013 and I have had two more rejections in the past 24 hours. Now I'm probably moving to Texas? 


Texas A&M is a rad school. Congrats! Also, this is a bit confidence-restoring for me. I fear that I am on my way to a shut out. This is my first season. 

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Yeah I wonder what that's all about...my website status is still in process. I wish that person had said more about the nature of the rejection, since I assumed that the website rejections just kind of go out all at once via an automated system (at least that's how it's gone thus far). 


It was me. It was a random website check. I haven't heard anything from the University via email or post. 

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What's more interesting to me, and this happens every year, are the people who start off something like 0 for 9, lose hope, and then suddenly get accepted to a top program.  This famously occurred on this board like 2 or 3 years ago and the person got into Columbia.  


Looks like I'm running at least 0 for 8 now, so...fingers crossed!

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Looks like I'm running at least 0 for 8 now, so...fingers crossed!


I know I only applied to ten, but I definitely understand where you're coming from. I have three rejections, two implied rejections, so I'm waiting on five more. It's terrifying, but I hope you and I both receive at least one acceptance. That goes for all the others waiting to hear good news, too. 


If you think you're having a bad day, just look at HONY pictures/quotes. You really begin to questions how you were so upset when people in much more difficult positions are smiling through it all. Honestly, I was feeling really down last night about this whole process/anxiety, but once I looked at those pictures, I felt selfish for being upset about what seems so small compared to others' problems. I know that doesn't seem like incentive to look at the photos (I mean, who actually wants to feel selfish?), but they range from really uplifting to I could cry for hours for these people. Regardless, they make you realize that not getting accepted isn't the end of the world, though sometimes it may feel like it.

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This isn't really English, but I got rejected from Michigan's American culture program. I'm trying not to dwell. American Studies is a second choice to English anyway for me. 


That's a bummer! I applied there in 2013, but, like you realized that it was second to English. So, hey, it's a good thing (plus, you still have W&M, which is awesome!).

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Having not received official rejections from Brown or Austin there's a glimmer of false hope.... it will soon manifest as even more crushing disappointment! 


I'm in the same boat with both schools. I have a little less hope for Brown, which I've moved to the 'implied rejection' category, than I do for Austin. The problem with the latter is that they roll out rejections over a period of weeks. 

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Just heard back from CUNY. This is my first time applying to PhDs, I'm two years out of undergrad, and while this program was low on my list it still hurts. I just wish the first school I heard from wasn't a rejection, but so it goes. Now just more waiting.

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And in a super fun follow-up I just got rejected from Austin. 740.gif


Not to rub salt in that wound but how did you know you're rejected? Mine still says "in review" and I haven't received an email.

(don't feel too bad---remember there's always money in the banana stand)

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Not to rub salt in that wound but how did you know you're rejected? Mine still says "in review" and I haven't received an email.

(don't feel too bad---remember there's always money in the banana stand)

I feel like I've already burned down the banana stand! Ah well.


My status said "In review" all day but I've been checking it religiously and it changed to "Denied." 

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Official rejections from Austin, CUNY, Berkeley, and UVA in 24 hours. My inbox is looking sad. This is beginning to hurt.

That's rough. I got two in five hours after not hearing a peep from anywhere. I know rejection is a part of life but, damn, it shouldn't cut this deep. Although of course it does. 

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Official rejections from Austin, CUNY, Berkeley, and UVA in 24 hours. My inbox is looking sad. This is beginning to hurt.

do you guys mind sharing what letter your last name starts with? Mine starts with a K and I'm not sure why I haven't heard from UVA or Austin

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do you guys mind sharing what letter your last name starts with? Mine starts with a K and I'm not sure why I haven't heard from UVA or Austin

Mine starts with "P," I think we're giving them too much credit thinking it's alphabetical. I'm betting there's just a stack of papers somewhere.

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