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2015 Rejections

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Uhhhh I just got a really generic "your application status will be updated in 48 hours" email from a university. I'm pretty sure that means I will be rejected, or I'd get a personal email (or more personal than that, anyway).


Friday the 13th, I guess.

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Much love to all, and know I'm rooting for maximum joy for us all come April 15th. I've never been in the presence of such a kind and deserving lot. When I got rejected from Brown yesterday, my best friend said something that's made all the difference for me: this is a business as much as anything else. As long as there are more eggs to be hatched, it's best to know which baskets won't hold our precious and intelligent little beauties properly. 

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Happy Friday the 13th, everybody!!*^^*

Okay. So I know I probably sound WAY too happy for this thread. Please know it's not that grad school is not important to me. Just...this is my first year applying, there's so much that I know now, better, and...{shrug} I don't know. I guess I know that we all work SO very hard, for just a few, coveted positions. It's sad, but not so very, when considering my peers. I'm not always the first in, but I work hard and have not yet failed at what I work for. So, to me, it's just a matter of time and more effort. Hence my relative zen. :-)

Okay, waxing philosophical over!*^^* So my first rejection came from the sweet Emory. As I said in my results post, I thought it was a nice notification: lengthy, probably form, but very kind, which I appreciate, for all my efforts. I'm still waiting on my other two schools, so we shall see. Just wanted to let you all know.~

Keep the fighting spirit.~

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How about Brown?


I haven't received an official rejection, but I think it's pretty safe to assume 'implied rejection' at this point (at least that's how I'm taking it). In the past, they've sent out all of their acceptances at once. As far as I can tell, they don't have a standard waitlisting practice, either. 

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Has everybody who applied to CUNY heard back from them now? How about Brown?


No word either way from Brown, no. I have to assume it's a rejection, but by that same token, I'm not sure why some rejections have gone out, but clearly not all...

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No word either way from Brown, no. I have to assume it's a rejection, but by that same token, I'm not sure why some rejections have gone out, but clearly not all...


On the Brown rejections: there was some confusion at first, but I believe all of the rejections that went out were for their Modern Culture and Media applicants. English rejections haven't been sent out yet.

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On the Brown rejections: there was some confusion at first, but I believe all of the rejections that went out were for their Modern Culture and Media applicants. English rejections haven't been sent out yet.


Ohhhh. Well that explains it then. Thanks!

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I started writing off some programs as "implied rejections" after some acceptances went out, even the ones that had a good 7+ acceptances posted on the results page, and I was feeling pretty bummed because the schools I had yet to hear from felt like long shots. But then I got waitlisted at a program with several acceptances out. That kinda dragged my bum back into the game with some renewed vigor and hope, and I got rid of my "implied rejections" list. One thing I learned from this experience is that there's just no telling what's gonna happen. 


I defer to Gogo:  Nothing to be done. 


Funny thing: I watched Waiting for Godot last night and couldn't help but yell at the screen, "I feel ya, homie!" and pound my fist into my chest. 


Anyway, not sure where this post belongs: rejections, waiting to exhale, or acceptances. 

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 But then I got waitlisted at a program with several acceptances out. That kinda dragged my bum back into the game with some renewed vigor and hope, and I got rid of my "implied rejections" list. One thing I learned from this experience is that there's just no telling what's gonna happen. 


In some strange way, I find it comforting to move schools into the 'implied rejection' category, even if I do it a bit too soon. Doing so allows me to stop worrying about that program and stop religiously checking my email/the results board. If it turns out that later that I've jumped the gun in assuming rejection, I haven't lost anything: I still have the waitlisting (or acceptance), and, to boot, I get the pleasure of being proven wrong. 


That's just what works for me. I understand the desire to hold out hope until you get official word, and I'm not chiding those who do this. I just figure it's not worth the pain of experiencing the full force of rejection twice: once when you see you're not among the first accepted, and for the second time when you get the official rejection. 

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I would rather sort a school under "implied rejection" and then be happily taken aback at a later date.


Like UCI. Just looked and historically they notify rejects early March. What the heck!


Beat me to it. 

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I would rather sort a school under "implied rejection" and then be happily taken aback at a later date.




In some strange way, I find it comforting to move schools into the 'implied rejection' category, even if I do it a bit too soon. Doing so allows me to stop worrying about that program and stop religiously checking my email/the results board. If it turns out that later that I've jumped the gun in assuming rejection, I haven't lost anything: I still have the waitlisting (or acceptance), and, to boot, I get the pleasure of being proven wrong.


A resounding "ditto" to this. Hope is a fickle little beast, and in situations like this, wherein acceptances have gone out but rejections have not, I'd rather just lock that beast away, out of sight, out of mind.

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In some strange way, I find it comforting to move schools into the 'implied rejection' category, even if I do it a bit too soon. Doing so allows me to stop worrying about that program and stop religiously checking my email/the results board. If it turns out that later that I've jumped the gun in assuming rejection, I haven't lost anything: I still have the waitlisting (or acceptance), and, to boot, I get the pleasure of being proven wrong. 


That's just what works for me. I understand the desire to hold out hope until you get official word, and I'm not chiding those who do this. I just figure it's not worth the pain of experiencing the full force of rejection twice: once when you see you're not among the first accepted, and for the second time when you get the official rejection. 


A resounding "ditto" to this. Hope is a fickle little beast, and in situations like this, wherein acceptances have gone out but rejections have not, I'd rather just lock that beast away, out of sight, out of mind.


Out of upvotes, so double ditto it is!

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