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Interview Weekend -- what did you wear, ladies? (Guys are also very welcome to contribute)


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I am curious about what people wore to interview weekends! I know that women tend to have more options/ways to dress formal other than wearing suits, so I'm just wondering what I should wear... If it helps, I live in illinois (currently freezing) and will be flying to Cali for an interview weekend. Any suggestions for what to wear? Would long sleeve shirts be too warm?

And what hand carry bags did people bring?

Thanks, any comment is appreciated :)

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This is just what I did for mine:

I wore a suit for the day of interviews and a nice sweater the day I arrived (it was in the 30s) and was able to go back to the host's and change into a nice blouse and jeans for the night out with the current students.

I carried a large purse that I could fit a portfolio and part of my thesis stimuli in (a children's book) as well as what I'd normally put in a purse.

Sorry, can't comment on Cali weather!

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I had an interview in Florida 2 weeks ago (it was only like 55 degrees) and I wore a grey suit from Express. I was one of 12 other applicants interviewing and I was the only one in a suit! Many others had on dress pants with a sweater. I have a few more interviews coming up and will wear my suit again as I would much prefer to be overdressed than under dressed.


In my upcoming interviews, there is a dinner with faculty the night before. Most people have said nice jeans with a sweater will do for that type of environment.

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I wore nice dresses with either tights or leggings underneath all three days (3 different dresses). I took the same thing for interviews so u wouldn't have to think about it. I don't think I had any pocketbook. I think I just used my backpack at all times, but it is possible I am misremembering.

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Where in California? Southern California is very casual. I wore a pair of black tapered trousers, a button up blouse, a black sweater, and flats. Fairly casual but on par with everyone else interviewing. No one wore suits and only a one or two girls bothered with heels.

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I stressed out about this detail for a bit, but decided that being too formal was better than being under dressed.


I've interviewed in two places and both times, I wore a blazer and dress pants with a nicer (from Ann Taylor) silk-ish tank top underneath. I think you could also maybe wear a silk-like blouse and pants, and forgo the blazer if you don't want to be too hot. Remember, you'll be indoors, where there's air-conditioning, so I wouldn't be too worried about the weather outside. For all non-interview events, I just wore more casual dress pants (slimmer in the leg) and a thin, dressier sweater. I also brought a light cardigan with me in case so I could switch from blazer to cardigan if I wanted to.


I decided not to bring a purse with me to my actual interviews, but just brought a nice portfolio that I put my CV (just in case) and notebook/pens in. 

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I stressed out about this detail for a bit, but decided that being too formal was better than being under dressed.


This is generally how I feel about all interviews. You can always tone it down later once you are in. I mean when I applied to be a software developer I was wearing a suit. I haven't worn a suit since.

Edited by <ian>
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Sorry to double post in this thread. I just have one quick question...


I'm from SoCal and I'm interviewing at a major school on the East Coast. I have absolutely no idea what to wear in the cold and/or snow. Specifically, I have no idea what type of shoe to wear. Any suggestions?

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Sorry to double post in this thread. I just have one quick question...


I'm from SoCal and I'm interviewing at a major school on the East Coast. I have absolutely no idea what to wear in the cold and/or snow. Specifically, I have no idea what type of shoe to wear. Any suggestions?


(Assuming female) I would suggest a skirt suit so then you can wear sweater tights and nice flats. Otherwise you'll get snow all over your pants if you go the pant suit route. If there is a ton of snow that would get into your flats, go for some nice boots instead.

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Sorry to double post in this thread. I just have one quick question...


I'm from SoCal and I'm interviewing at a major school on the East Coast. I have absolutely no idea what to wear in the cold and/or snow. Specifically, I have no idea what type of shoe to wear. Any suggestions?

Either nice boots, or be prepared to change from snow boots into dress shoes. Most programs in the northeast are prepared for the de-booting that occurs at the start of interview day, and have a place to put them out of the way.


Also, layers. It can be quite chilly during walking tours of campus...and quite warm in buildings with the heat blasting and lots of bodies in a small space.

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At both of my interviews, most everyone wore suits. My roommates gave me great advice that I felt good about: to stand out in a positive way, wear a shirt/necklace that showcases who you are. So I wore my suit with a white floral top or a soft blue sweater with a bold rainbow colored necklace. 

One interview was in the snow and one was in the heat. At both interviews I used my skirt suit on day 1 and pant suit day 2. Advice from someone who didn't know better: Don't wear leather boots in the snow! It hurts them!

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I wore a black skirt suit with a collared gray silk shirt. One interview in the cold I wore a pant suit. Everyone not wearing a suit looked underdressed.

Oh and for shoes, I wore really low dress heels with orthopedic soles.

Edited by Fishbucket
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I've had 2 interviews in the Northeast so far. On the actual interview day, I wore a pink blouse tucked into a gray pencil skirt, a camel-colored cardigan, fleece-lined tights, and boots. They weren't the most attractive boots ever since I needed to walk around outside, but I think approximately 0 people cared. I was comfy and warm! 


To answer your question about California, it depends on where you're going. Here in Southern California it's ridiculously hot right now, so I would suggest wearing a blouse + cardigan and you can take the cardigan off if you go outside. If you'll be in Northern California long sleeves would be fine since it's a bit cooler.


As for handbags, I hate large purses so I just brought my regular teeny purse. I just had my wallet, keys, phone, and a small notebook and pen in there. I do think a larger bag would be a bit more convenient though, because they give you a folder with a bunch of stuff in it and so I had to carry that around in my hands which was sort of annoying. I ended up accidentally leaving one of my folders behind in fact -__-

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Thank you SO much to everyone who responded with


(Assuming female) I would suggest a skirt suit so then you can wear sweater tights and nice flats. Otherwise you'll get snow all over your pants if you go the pant suit route. If there is a ton of snow that would get into your flats, go for some nice boots instead.



Either nice boots, or be prepared to change from snow boots into dress shoes. Most programs in the northeast are prepared for the de-booting that occurs at the start of interview day, and have a place to put them out of the way.


Also, layers. It can be quite chilly during walking tours of campus...and quite warm in buildings with the heat blasting and lots of bodies in a small space.



None of my boots are nice and I love flats, so what I actually did was wear my crappiest pair of boots (because there were so many puddles and lots of uncleared snow on the sidewalks). And I changed in the Panera a block down from the school. Lol



To be honest, none of your interviewers will probably look at your shoes. Mine didn't bother to look down at my shoes. There was a bunch of snow on the ground during my interview, so I just wore boots. We also had to walk through campus at some points, and I felt bad for the girls wearing heels. My suit pants covered most of my boots and I didn't get any snow on my pants. I also felt comfortable because I wasn't worried about slipping and it kept my feet warm--that means less for me to worry about during interview day. I'm from SoCal too and I wasn't used to the snow. But most of the other girls were used to the snow and seemed fine in their flats and heels.



At both of my interviews, most everyone wore suits. My roommates gave me great advice that I felt good about: to stand out in a positive way, wear a shirt/necklace that showcases who you are. So I wore my suit with a white floral top or a soft blue sweater with a bold rainbow colored necklace. 

One interview was in the snow and one was in the heat. At both interviews I used my skirt suit on day 1 and pant suit day 2. Advice from someone who didn't know better: Don't wear leather boots in the snow! It hurts them!



I wore a black skirt suit with a collared gray silk shirt. One interview in the cold I wore a pant suit. Everyone not wearing a suit looked underdressed.

Oh and for shoes, I wore really low dress heels with orthopedic soles.



I've had 2 interviews in the Northeast so far. On the actual interview day, I wore a pink blouse tucked into a gray pencil skirt, a camel-colored cardigan, fleece-lined tights, and boots. They weren't the most attractive boots ever since I needed to walk around outside, but I think approximately 0 people cared. I was comfy and warm! 


To answer your question about California, it depends on where you're going. Here in Southern California it's ridiculously hot right now, so I would suggest wearing a blouse + cardigan and you can take the cardigan off if you go outside. If you'll be in Northern California long sleeves would be fine since it's a bit cooler.


As for handbags, I hate large purses so I just brought my regular teeny purse. I just had my wallet, keys, phone, and a small notebook and pen in there. I do think a larger bag would be a bit more convenient though, because they give you a folder with a bunch of stuff in it and so I had to carry that around in my hands which was sort of annoying. I ended up accidentally leaving one of my folders behind in fact -__-



Thank you all so much for your suggestions and advice! I really appreciate it. You are all extremely helpful!

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I wore a dress and a cream colored blazer. I wanted to kind of stick out a bit among everyone else since I figured they'd all stick to darker colors. I ended up being one of two people there not wearing mostly black. I changed from my boots into a pair of heels right before I walked into the interview (and handed them off to a friend to hold until it was finished).

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Black slacks look good with almost everything, and can be dressed up or dressed down. Pair with a blazer and nice blouse for an interview, or with a cute sweater or cardigan for dinner/cocktail party. Echoing others, it's so much better overdress than underdress!

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