hippyscientist Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 @ron_swanson my masters is a little different as it's in the UK and grades are still important. There's not grade inflation or "easy A's", and it tends to be frowned upon and opportunity limiting if you don't get a merit/distinction (top grades) out of the programme. I'll not be busting my ass just on classes in PhD, but for now it's important to prove that I can do my subject. From what I gather, the US system is almost totally different.
shadowclaw Posted January 20, 2016 Posted January 20, 2016 My term started at the beginning of the month... we're already in week 3! I definitely could have used a longer break between fall and winter terms. Three weeks wasn't enough. I miss the semester system. Last term was pretty easy in terms of time management, but this term I feel like there is not enough time in the day. I have a TA position which amounts to between 17 and 20 hours per week (although last week was more intensive because I had papers to grade). On top of that, I'm taking 12 credits (the minimum required when on a TAship) and they are a bit more intensive than the 12 credits I took last term. There is a lot more reading and the writing and presenting has started much earlier. For one of my classes, we had to sign up for a presentation during the first class, and I ended up picking a topic for week 2... so I had to devote a lot of time last week to putting it together and I have a presentation today as well for a different class. So that definitely explains why I'm feeling super stressed right now... several assignments due at the same time while I'm still learning how to balance my TA responsibilities. I'm also really feeling the imposter syndrome right now. I'm in the early stages of my research working with my advisor to hone in on a dissertation topic. I felt pretty good about how things were going until she asked me to work on a literature review. She wanted an outline before I started working on it, which at first I didn't understand (how could you outline a paper when you haven't done any research yet?), but after essentially telling her that I had no idea what she wanted from me, she finally told me she just wanted a list of specific questions I was going to research. Which was fine, but we apparently had a miscommunication on the expectations for what exactly she wanted me to do a literature review on, so my outline was completely off the mark and now I feel incompetent and that my advisor must be super disappointed in me! birchleaf 1
CBclone Posted January 20, 2016 Posted January 20, 2016 I start up again on the 25th. Five weeks has been a bit...excessive...but the school holds a two-week winter session, primarily of some undergrad courses. It's kind of odd IMO that they do two weeks off, two weeks winter session, and then this week is off again. I'll be working 20 hrs/week as a GA, shadowing the GA for the position that's been offered to me for next year (luckily I only have to observe about 5 hours a week, not the whole 20), doing 3 to 4 hours of field work placement a week, and taking 12 credits. Maybe overload, we'll find out. Last semester was pretty easy for me and I know this one will be a challenge but I think I'm ready for it. Also applying to internships & seasonal jobs for the summer. It's my last "free" summer and I can do what I want -- work to make money, volunteer, take an internship (no-credit) anywhere in the country, travel (if I had money), anything. Next summer (2017) I have to do an official, for-credit, exam-qualifying internship. Here we go!
CrazyPugLady Posted January 21, 2016 Posted January 21, 2016 I guess I finished my first term of MA. Wasn't as bad as I thought! Overall the professors at my school are quite understanding, which helped me mental-health wise. I've had a lot of shitty stuff happening at home so I'm glad the faculty here are supportive of students in general. I thought I'd get a B+ in a really difficult class - I re-read my final paper and thought omg, what a mess. I also felt like I didn't contribute much in seminars - I talked, but it seemed like it was garbage compared to others. I guess it is impostor syndrome. Anyway, in all 3 of my classes I got an A which I'm happy about. I know I can do better though... I've been working on my thesis proposal and am glad that I've already established a committee for my thesis next year. So my troubles now are my TAship, I got assigned a difficult class. The other day I heard a student (within earshot) saying I am the worst TA she's ever had and that they only went for my tutorial because I was giving back the quizzes. Ouch. It's a 2nd year social theory class and students don't give a crap -the material is already dense and they don't do the readings (the professor asks each lecture how many did the readings, roughly 20% raise their hands! ugh). Makes for teaching tutorials hell... it's a lot of me standing there, talking AT them, no mutual discussion even with prodding from me. I've tried everything to make them talk. I have social anxiety so it's difficult to make small talk... I am usually an organised person and like to plan these kinds of things in advance but my supervising professor is not throwing me a bone and is making it difficult - I asked for powerpoints or notes in advance so I could prep for my tutorials and she got defensive and refused. She said I should just talk about the readings without it corresponding with lecture BUT given how dense the material is, doing that has confused the students in the past. Another issue of mine is that I got an email from our grad coordinator that my OGS didn't even get through the departmental phase. Even though my committee, peers, and other professors said my OGS application was solid. I'm worried about SSHRC now. That kind of crushed my self-esteem a bit. I have a good GPA, have extensive RA and TA experience from undergrad (due to connections and working hard) and have been involved in all sorts of committees and I would say my reference letters were good too. I'm hoping for the best. I want this semester to be over already. I feel really depressed ... I guess I already was feeling that way and still pulled through. Here's hoping I can pull through again. birchleaf 1
scarvesandcardigans Posted January 24, 2016 Posted January 24, 2016 After one semester in the books I am feeling a little bit discouraged with the research routes that are in front of me right now. I am enjoying my classes and TAship, but feeling discouraged that I am one of a number of students that has no research coming up in a local conference and generally feel behind in research gains, which is discouraging as someone looking toward PhD applications next fall and as someone in a non-thesis program. Last semester, I got dumped, and I'm still not 100% over it, if even at all, and it's sometimes distracting from my work. Additionally, I'm seeing the "it's livable, but you won't get rich" comment coming to life with my stipend, but I am most of the time very thankful for it. That's a lot of kvetching, but day-to-day I'm very happy to be where I am. I hope for everyone here that things are going exactly as they need to go.
birchleaf Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 Classes start up tomorrow, and I've been worried the entire break about a very high-level language class I was signed up to take. Originally I wouldn't have had to take it, but the next-level language class I should have taken (of course!) conflicts with the unexpected TAship course I received! Just got the news a couple of hours ago that there's a seminar I can take instead, which is amazing! The seminar of course conflicts with my intended TA office hours, but those can be changed. So happy!
sackofcrap Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 We started back last week. So far things have been much easier than last semester and let's hope they continue that way. Everyone ahead of me in my program says that the first semester of this program is the hardest and it gets easier from there. Let's hope they are right. I'm really excited to finally get started working with kids who have autism. Should be exciting.
serenade Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Has anyone else started to think, "Last year this time I was starting to hear back about interviews, acceptances, rejections, etc...and checking my email every ten minutes every day"? Wow. SO much has changed in a year! For the better for everyone, I hope! VulpesZerda and MathCat 2
birchleaf Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Yes! I used to KILL my phone battery just refreshing my email all the time! And I've got plenty of friends who are waiting to hear back now for MA/Law programs. I don't wish that stress on anyone!
kjc Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 It has happened. Not even two semesters in and I have become what I promised I never would. I just realized that I have gone a full four days without showering. Have you ever seen a professor that not only looks disheveled and tired but also looks like they haven't been able to squeeze any bathing in for a while? I always told myself that wouldn't happen to me, I could skip makeup and doing my hair but cleanliness is still a must. I have had 4 days in a row where I am gone form home from 730am-11pm... and I just simply forgot that bathing is something I am supposed to do, I guess. I wake up, drink coffee, go to school, come home, eat something, go to sleep, repeat. Anyway, that was the most glorious shower I have ever taken. Cat_Robutt, shadowclaw, missleung and 4 others 7
shadowclaw Posted January 31, 2016 Posted January 31, 2016 The head of my program nominated me for a pretty sweet fellowship for next year. The graduate school's website says that as part of the nomination package, all of my transcripts need to be included. However, the program head told me she only included the undergrad transcript from the school that I received my degree (I have 3 others from schools I transferred to/from). I feel like she would know what the graduate school wants since she's been doing this sort of thing for a while, but I'm a bit concerned that my nomination won't be considered without those other transcripts.
VulpesZerda Posted February 17, 2016 Posted February 17, 2016 (edited) Winter is basically starting to kill me and my motivation. I'm really off my game and almost feel like I'm still in winter break mode. I hope I shake this soon before I forget something important or bomb an exam. At least I can see if my happy light helps in the next few weeks. If anyone feels this post, especially if you're new to the north, buy one! Edit: what really put me over the edge was a required seminar about getting a job after graduation. I had a lot of racing thoughts about how I'm too lazy for academia, and I feel more nervous about the future than I normally do! Edited February 17, 2016 by VulpesZerda
Dedi Posted February 18, 2016 Posted February 18, 2016 I'm having the opposite problems than I do in previous winters. I usually oversleep and gain weight. Now I'm not sleeping enough and losing weight! Bear in mind that I'm on the edge of underweight as is. My intestines tend to complain a lot, so I'm getting that investigated. My mood has been great, just physically out of whack. That's extremely unusual for the past, I don't know, 5-7 years? I'm halfway done with the behavioural part of one project. Looking forward for some results!
CBclone Posted February 22, 2016 Posted February 22, 2016 Just completed an assignment that entailed tracking all of my time over a 7-day period, down to 15-minute intervals. I knew I was busy, but my goodness. The numbers are startling: 30% of time sleeping (or about 7 hours/night) 12% of time at GA position (20 hours/week) 35% of time either in class, doing reading/assignments, etc. (12 credits + an independent study, just under 59 hours) 4% of time in transit (just under 7 hours, includes a combination of walking, driving, and/or bus, depending on mood/weather/day) 10% of time cooking, eating, showering, personal hygiene & well-being stuff (just under 17 hours) 9% remaining for personal/discretionary time (15 hours, including time spent at the gym...which I'm trying to do more of) Three weeks of class until Spring Break! Though I have a major presentation in each class after break and no plans, except to binge watch some Netflix and try to get ahead on readings and projects heading into the end of semester. On the plus side, new shoes coming this week! Yahoooooo!
Cheshire_Cat Posted February 23, 2016 Posted February 23, 2016 The professors I GA for rarely have work for me. I suppose I should enjoy that while it lasts. I need to study for a regression analysis test. I have come to the conclusion that it isn't the topic that bothers me, but having to learn it in a class. I would be so much more efficient learning it by myself with the help of Google, and a professor just making assignments. I feel like we are going really slow. But since part of our grade is attendance and participation, I suppose I can't do that. I have a new appreciation for my undergrad and masters statistics teachers though. I never felt we were going too slow in those classes. (Though, that may have been because I slept through half the class and then played catch-up) I'm really enjoying the other classes I have. I love the fact that we have a lot of discussion in class. I feel dumb half the time, and that my comments are dumb, but it is challenging, in a good way.
CuddlyWingman Posted February 23, 2016 Posted February 23, 2016 One semester down, three (hopefully) to go! I've started TAing, as well as writing my research proposal, so hopefully everything will fall into place for me to graduate next spring. If not, I will be a very sad panda indeed. On 2/17/2016 at 6:24 PM, VulpesZerda said: At least I can see if my happy light helps in the next few weeks. If anyone feels this post, especially if you're new to the north, buy one! I'm having almost the exact opposite problem! I'm a northerner trying to adjust to life in the tropics haha My body still doesn't understand why the snow and ice have been replaced by heat and random monsoons.
kjc Posted March 11, 2016 Posted March 11, 2016 Feeling pretty... dumb... today. I feel like my advisor has to hold my hand through things much too often. If a scientist is supposed to be a thinker, why can't I think? I guess that begs the question of, why am I a scientist? Ugh.
Adelantero Posted April 6, 2016 Posted April 6, 2016 Got the NSF GRF! I already feel more relaxed and I think I'm going to get a lot done this summer. Two of us in the lab got the fellowship, which is pretty exciting. One of us would have been a little extra disappointed if only one had won, I'm sure. sierra918 and MathCat 2
sackofcrap Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 We only have about 1 more month left and then we are done with our first year of graduate school. scarvesandcardigans and jujubea 2
Cheshire_Cat Posted May 1, 2016 Posted May 1, 2016 Done! Handed in my last assignment tonight. Let's hope all of my grades are good. In my regression class I had a train wreck of a group project, but the professor says he doesn't give Ph.D students bad grades... Still, it was pretty bad. So I may be the first, haha! But, I think my seminar research proposal turned out better than I thought it would. Overall, it has been challenging, but mostly challenging in a good way. I am excited that this is my life, haha! Maybe because I have the train wreck of a job to look back at and compare with, but it hasn't been as stressful as I thought it would be. jujubea 1
ballwera Posted May 2, 2016 Posted May 2, 2016 On 5/1/2016 at 0:19 AM, Cheshire_Cat said: Done! Handed in my last assignment tonight. Let's hope all of my grades are good. In my regression class I had a train wreck of a group project, but the professor says he doesn't give Ph.D students bad grades... Still, it was pretty bad. So I may be the first, haha! But, I think my seminar research proposal turned out better than I thought it would. Overall, it has been challenging, but mostly challenging in a good way. I am excited that this is my life, haha! Maybe because I have the train wreck of a job to look back at and compare with, but it hasn't been as stressful as I thought it would be. Group projects have been the bane of my existence this year. Whoever thought they were a good idea at the graduate level needs to have their head examined.
jujubea Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 Ughhhh am I the only person in the world still doing finals??? Writing a 12-pager today, doing a last interview tomorrow, for which I still need to write up a report (in an Asian language), then the big fat one: a 25-pager for the last class. I haven't written that much since my undergrad thesis! Ahhhhh!!!!!
shadowclaw Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 14 hours ago, jujubea said: Ughhhh am I the only person in the world still doing finals??? Writing a 12-pager today, doing a last interview tomorrow, for which I still need to write up a report (in an Asian language), then the big fat one: a 25-pager for the last class. I haven't written that much since my undergrad thesis! Ahhhhh!!!!! No, it's still finals week for me, too! I only have one thing left - a 4 to 6 page paper. It's been a busy term, but I've mostly managed to keep on top of things.
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