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That awkward moment when you get stood up for interview..


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... :/ 

Was supposed to be on Skype. I left an email 5 min after when we were supposed to meet saying I'm online and leaving my ID. 10 min later I called, it went straight to VM so I left a message. It's been almost an hour.. 

Any thoughts on what else I can/should do, if anything?

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Maybe they just forgot, or had something else suddenly come up? I wouldn't take it as being negative towards you; if anything, it is unprofessional of the person who was supposed to be interviewing you.

At this point, I think you've really done all you can. See if they return your email/call and explain why they missed the meeting. If they don't, take it as a sign that this person is probably rude and inconsiderate, and thus not likely to be someone you want to work with for the next 5 years, anyway.

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Same time zone. I looked over our email many times to make sure I got the time right.

I am guessing some kind of emergency, mostly for their sake, coz it's with my top choice... So weird.. It's really unprofessional otherwise to not have regard for my time (and feelings/nerves)

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This sort of happened to me last year. They didn't answer their telephone when we were scheduled to meet. The PI was in a meeting or something that ran late, but eventually sent me an email and everything was fine. I'm sure you'll hear from them soon letting you know something came up and asking to reschedule

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On 1/15/2016 at 3:55 PM, Generic_Applicant said:

So weird.. It's really unprofessional otherwise to not have regard for my time (and feelings/nerves)

As others have noted, sometimes things come up (especially when there are status differences like this) and whether it's really unprofessional or not will depend on how the prof reacted to missing the meeting. If they explained and were apologetic I wouldn't think too much of it.

Now..... maybe I'm reading too much into "and feelings/nerves" but it sounds like you're taking this a bit personally and if that's what's happening, try to dial it back. Making your advisor responsible for your feelings isn't a good road to travel down, and any whiff of defensiveness won't reflect well on you when the interview happens. 

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On 1/15/2016 at 4:55 PM, Generic_Applicant said:

It's really unprofessional otherwise to not have regard for my time (and feelings/nerves)

No one is really responsible for having regard for your feelings/nerves other than you, especially someone you don't even know. I realize that's harsh but it's also true. If you advisor has to constantly worry about your feelings and nerves, they may not give your work serious critiques out of fear that it would upset you. Ultimately, that would be doing you a disservice.

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It seems when I mention feelings around here, it gets blown up a bit out of proportion lol I am not taking this personally and am definitely open to criticism @rising_star. If not, I wouldn't be where I am in this field. Please don't take things out of context. I was implying that I was nervous to begin with and didn't know what was happening or if I should do more to get in touch with him. 

Either way, it worked out. He did end up getting in touch with me later and all is well. 

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