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We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016


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@MarineBluePsy See my dad did offer that but I said no lol. I refuse to be in a car with him by myself. He might kick me out of the car. He's kicked me out the house before. I've learned that I should always have the possibility to have options and not be stuck.

@Pink Fuzzy Bunny Yep! It was so much fun, the road trip of a life time. I highly recommend it!

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6 hours ago, spectastic said:

do you guys buy your advisers gifts and crap like that?

my mom won't stop nagging me about giving my adviser a tie or some shit. I'm like "Mom. STOP IT"

Why? For birthday/Christmas? I resort to baked goods for things like that, but I do know people who have bought their advisors gifts.

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6 hours ago, spectastic said:

do you guys buy your advisers gifts and crap like that?

my mom won't stop nagging me about giving my adviser a tie or some shit. I'm like "Mom. STOP IT"

I give my advisor (and other profs) chocolate when the occasion arises. I think I'll write thank you letters to my rec letter writers and maybe thank you cards at graduation.

And @Need Coffee in an IV I'm sorry your dad is like that. According to my dad, he learned long ago that I'm going to do what I want so he doesn't often speak out against my choices. When I travel both parents insist I have to contact them when I get their safely, which usually isn't a problem (was annoying after flying to Japan and being too tired to function, but still had to email them before sleeping).

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@GreenEyedTrombonist Thats nice that your dad actually respects you and your choices. Sigh..I just know that it won't ever change unless I try to force it to change. Who knows, maybe not visiting them for a couple of years will make them realize this controlling behavior isn't acceptable.  Thanks for listening! Idk if he will ever change, he really needs therapy. But I do know I can change how I react to him

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16 hours ago, spectastic said:

do you guys buy your advisers gifts and crap like that?

my mom won't stop nagging me about giving my adviser a tie or some shit. I'm like "Mom. STOP IT"

Absolutely not.  I provide them with free labor and that is all the gift they need.

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On 1/11/2017 at 10:27 PM, spectastic said:

do you guys buy your advisers gifts and crap like that?

my mom won't stop nagging me about giving my adviser a tie or some shit. I'm like "Mom. STOP IT"


Never. :) 

On 1/12/2017 at 2:55 PM, MarineBluePsy said:

Absolutely not.  I provide them with free labor and that is all the gift they need.

I'm with you, but I also think that I don't think my advisor would ever expect a gift.

On 1/13/2017 at 6:09 AM, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I CAN'T TELL ANYONE BUT YOU GUYS DON'T COUNT SINCE THIS IS AN ANONYMOUS INTERNET FORUM, I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congrats! :D 

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And the verdict is in!  My class grade is considered passing which means I am in good standing and my funding is secure.  My department has been unfairly penalizing students and now has to make changes going forward.  I'm not sure if anything will or can be done for prior students, but it would be nice if they were at least informed of the situation and upcoming changes.  Now I can actually start focusing on the current semester and will hopefully not have any crazy situations going forward.

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4 hours ago, MarineBluePsy said:

And the verdict is in!  My class grade is considered passing which means I am in good standing and my funding is secure.  My department has been unfairly penalizing students and now has to make changes going forward.  I'm not sure if anything will or can be done for prior students, but it would be nice if they were at least informed of the situation and upcoming changes.  Now I can actually start focusing on the current semester and will hopefully not have any crazy situations going forward.

and hopefully minimal bridge-burning between your advisor, the professor, the chair, etc. etc. etc.?

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5 hours ago, MarineBluePsy said:

And the verdict is in!  My class grade is considered passing which means I am in good standing and my funding is secure.  My department has been unfairly penalizing students and now has to make changes going forward.  I'm not sure if anything will or can be done for prior students, but it would be nice if they were at least informed of the situation and upcoming changes.  Now I can actually start focusing on the current semester and will hopefully not have any crazy situations going forward.

phew! glad that mess has a satisfactory  conclusion

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8 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

and hopefully minimal bridge-burning between your advisor, the professor, the chair, etc. etc. etc.?

I really hope so.  Things with my advisor are fine and I still haven't formally met the Chair.  I'm hoping to stall on that eventual meeting so that this isn't so fresh in their mind and I can have close to a fresh start.  I also just found a way around having additional classes with that professor.  Basically the classes I will need with that professor are offered in our department in the Fall and in another department with a different professor in the Spring.  The classes are identical in content and expected competencies so we are allowed to take either, its just preferred that we stay in our own department.  Well after this whole mess I no longer care what is preferred lol.  Plus even others have picked up on the tension between my advisor and that professor so I think its better to do what I can to not make that worse. 

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@MarineBluePsy I think thats a smart idea. I recently have developed the unhealthy obsession with family feud, I would be awesome at that show. Ahhh second semester starts tomorrow. Going back to work was a bit meh, but I started pounding the pavement in studying. Annnnd one of my references still hasn't upload their letter yet for my internship booooo

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So I'm coming down with something nasty. I hate that I have to admit that but I have a fever and chills, keep blacking out and short of breath, all wobbly & dizzy. This is the worst freaking time to get sick. There's so much to do and tomorrow I have to TA and have a meeting with my advisor and meeting with a visiting scholar whos giving a talk about life after grad school as well as some neuroscience stuff and I just need to be in tomorrow and not be sick. I can push it one more day til the weekend right? If I wear a scarf to breathe into...

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@hippyscientist Hope you are feeling better! I've been sulking, my team lost in the playoffs lol. But good news, is I'm really loving everything about my course and my instructor seems wonderful. Its way to early but I'm kinda hoping she may be on my panel. But idk if its a good idea/will it work out since this course is online

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3 hours ago, Need Coffee in an IV said:

@hippyscientist Hope you are feeling better! I've been sulking, my team lost in the playoffs lol. But good news, is I'm really loving everything about my course and my instructor seems wonderful. Its way to early but I'm kinda hoping she may be on my panel. But idk if its a good idea/will it work out since this course is online

Feeling much better thanks for asking :) Who's your team? Mine failed the other weekend which sucked :( Course sounds excellent tho!

@Pink Fuzzy Bunny GOOD LUCK!!! Hope it goes well. 

This week I have to make a thingy for a probe - kinda like a phone case for the ultrasound - and I have to make it. I had to draw the designs and now source some thermoplastic and stuff. Never knew grad school would involve this sort of stuff too and it's actually exciting. We were going to use a 3D printer to make a case but it was going to take too long.

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4 hours ago, hippyscientist said:


This week I have to make a thingy for a probe - kinda like a phone case for the ultrasound - and I have to make it. I had to draw the designs and now source some thermoplastic and stuff. Never knew grad school would involve this sort of stuff too and it's actually exciting. We were going to use a 3D printer to make a case but it was going to take too long.

How else are you going to make it? Machine shop?

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@hippyscientist It was the seahawks, I'm rooting for the falcons to win this year. They may have kicked me out of the playoffs, but the patriots broke my heart several years ago ha. Also we deal with 3D printer vs chemicals to create the cast by mixing and pouring them into a mold for replica fossils. So I kinda know what you are talking about.

But guys, guess what?! I impressed my boss because I was able to remember all the bones and their locations/characteristics!! I'm super pumped on myself lol

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