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History 2010


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It depends. Tuition varies according to residency (resident, non-resident, or Minnesotan) and how many credits you're taking. Right now (Spring 2010) for residents, it's $659.11 for the first credit, plus $657.11 for every credit after that, up to a maximum of $5258.88. Non-residents pay $1568.78 for the first credit, plus $1566.78 for every credit after that up to a maximum of $12536.24. Minnesotans pay $766.13 for the first credit, $764.13 for every credit after that, a maximum of $6115.04. And everyone pays segregated fees: $65.38 for the first credit, $63.38 after that, up to $509.04.

Hope that helps.

Thanks--how many credits would a graduate student normally take in a semester? I'm thinking seven or eight?

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Yes, in that sense, I do have something to be happy about. But neither school has contacted me, which worries me quite a bit. I feel like if they really wanted me (i.e. they were going to try to get me good funding) that they would have made contact by now. With Wisconsin especially that scares me because some people get nothing.

If I could have one piece of information in hand (other than my definitive rejection from Yale), that would help so much.

What's the rush? April 15th isn't here yet. UMN and UW know that other schools are still deciding so they don't feel the pressure to start handing out funding packages ASAP. As it's been said here, you've made through all the rounds except for the last one. Other schools chose not to let its applicants know of their decisions until the very, very, very end.

As for contacts, if you've never been in contact with UW or UMN professors, I would just wait until the visit to start making connections. If you've been in regular contact before, then it may be appropriate to e-mail them sometimes next week.

And seriously, chill out. There are still a lot of us who would just love to be in your position- 2 acceptances, even if the funding situation is murky at the moment! And we're still waiting!

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I have a slightly different take on this advice... I think it's a good idea to establish and maintain contact throughout the "deliberation" period. There was once a person admitted to my program who, after receiving the initial call from the would-be adviser, wasn't in contact with the profs who had admitted said student. This student came to the admitted students weekend, but the profs were so turned off by what they perceived as the student's lack of commitment or interest that they lost interest in the student, too.

I was never in Nytusse's position, so I'm only imagining what it would feel like to be dangling like that. But I think establishing contact by your own initiative could only help you. Perhaps even more so if showing initiative and commitment could nudge the funding decisions in your favor.

Waiting is nut-making. Good luck to all of you still anticipating decisions.

What's the rush? April 15th isn't here yet. UMN and UW know that other schools are still deciding so they don't feel the pressure to start handing out funding packages ASAP. As it's been said here, you've made through all the rounds except for the last one. Other schools chose not to let its applicants know of their decisions until the very, very, very end.

As for contacts, if you've never been in contact with UW or UMN professors, I would just wait until the visit to start making connections. If you've been in regular contact before, then it may be appropriate to e-mail them sometimes next week.

And seriously, chill out. There are still a lot of us who would just love to be in your position- 2 acceptances, even if the funding situation is murky at the moment! And we're still waiting!

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What's the rush? April 15th isn't here yet. UMN and UW know that other schools are still deciding so they don't feel the pressure to start handing out funding packages ASAP. As it's been said here, you've made through all the rounds except for the last one. Other schools chose not to let its applicants know of their decisions until the very, very, very end.

As for contacts, if you've never been in contact with UW or UMN professors, I would just wait until the visit to start making connections. If you've been in regular contact before, then it may be appropriate to e-mail them sometimes next week.

And seriously, chill out. There are still a lot of us who would just love to be in your position- 2 acceptances, even if the funding situation is murky at the moment! And we're still waiting!

I don't mean to make anyone feel badly who hasn't heard. It might help if I explain that I came from a really tiny, undistinguished undergrad, applied to an Ivy League Master's program in a fit of delusion, and was accepted to said program.

I haven't even wrapped my head around THAT transition yet, and it feels like the stakes have gotten much higher. It is so hard to figure out where one stands in this crazy process, and it's not something I'm used to dealing with at all. Sometimes it feels like this grad school thing is such an insider game.

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On its own, I suppose. I'm starting to think ahead so that I don't have to rush into a decision on April 14. I've also been admitted into Madison, but would take UNC over Madison because of faculty and funding. The only other schools left on my list that are frequently mentioned ahead of UNC history are Stanford, Michigan, UCLA, and Penn. I doubt that I'll get into Stanford since I got rejected by Princeton yesterday, and I'm not all that interested in UCLA. I've been offered pretty good funding by UNC, and the faculty match is good, but I'm having a hard time determining how strong UNC's overall History reputation is.

Like I said, it's still very early to be making any decisions, but I just want to see what other think.

Edited by rockchalk
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Just got an email from a prof at Northwestern letting me know that I should be expecting good news from the Graduate school in a few days. I'm guessing that the Latin Americanists met later than other fields. My first acceptance! I was feeling pretty bummed about the two rejections in a row but this has knocked that all out of my head. I now renounce all right to complain about anything. I am sick of people who got acceptances crying about how "hard" it is to choose between schools(plural). It's a luxury to have been accepted into one school let alone two or three. It's pretty gross to post about being wracked with indecision about your multiple acceptances when there will be many hard working and deserving people who end up with no offers this season. Good luck to all!

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On its own, I suppose. I'm starting to think ahead so that I don't have to rush into a decision on April 14. I've also been admitted into Madison, but would take UNC over Madison because of faculty and funding. The only other schools left on my list that are frequently mentioned ahead of UNC history are Stanford, Michigan, UCLA, and Penn. I doubt that I'll get into Stanford since I got rejected by Princeton yesterday, and I'm not all that interested in UCLA. I've been offered pretty good funding by UNC, and the faculty match is good, but I'm having a hard time determining how strong UNC's overall History reputation is.

Like I said, it's still very early to be making any decisions, but I just want to see what other think.

I've never heard anything but excellent things about UNC history. But I do know that their Modern European department is very much geared toward German history, which I do not believe is your field?

I have also applied to Michigan and UPenn, both of which I would really like to get admitted to (particularly Penn, because there are an abundance of people I could work with there). All of these departments are great for Modern European, but I think one big difference might come down to funding. UNC is really low with its stipend right now (unless you get extra fellowships or something), but the cost of living seems really low (at least to me).

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Just got an email from a prof at Northwestern letting me know that I should be expecting good news from the Graduate school in a few days. I'm guessing that the Latin Americanists met later than other fields. My first acceptance! I was feeling pretty bummed about the two rejections in a row but this has knocked that all out of my head. I now renounce all right to complain about anything. I am sick of people who got acceptances crying about how "hard" it is to choose between schools(plural). It's a luxury to have been accepted into one school let alone two or three. It's pretty gross to post about being wracked with indecision about your multiple acceptances when there will be many hard working and deserving people who end up with no offers this season. Good luck to all!

Congratulations! Awesome school and you were really bummed out about Brown and Duke.

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"I am sick of people who got acceptances crying about how "hard" it is to choose between schools(plural). It's a luxury to have been accepted into one school let alone two or three. It's pretty gross to post about being wracked with indecision about your multiple acceptances when there will be many hard working and deserving people who end up with no offers this season. Good luck to all!"


It's one thing to ask legitimate questions to gain further knowledge about a paricular program to which you were admitted, but it's pretty tasteless and tactless to post things like "I just don't know, should I go to Yale or Princeton?! This is just so hard!"

Edited by Caligula
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So I'm gone for 24 hours and away from my computer, I get back, and see tons of results posted. What's up with Chicago sending that email the other day about the admissions timetable if they're already notifying people of acceptances? Mark that one up too to the negative pile for me, I guess. Congrats to those admitted!

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I think week is going to be very busy. I've heard on here that Harvard and Georgetown are coming next week, anywhere else on the horizon?

I would have to think UPenn might be this week, also. And I wonder about Illinois...there were two results posted last week, but that's it, so maybe more come out soon?

I'm really scared about UPenn. Harvard too, but that's different.

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So I'm gone for 24 hours and away from my computer, I get back, and see tons of results posted. What's up with Chicago sending that email the other day about the admissions timetable if they're already notifying people of acceptances? Mark that one up too to the negative pile for me, I guess. Congrats to those admitted!

What I want to know about Chicago is if the people who got acceptances also got that generic email...or was that just sent to those who were going to be rejected?

It looks like last year Chicago notified the rejections WAY after the acceptances, which is seriously not cool.

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Hi all,

I'm an Americanist, and so far have been accepted to one school, rejected from two, and waiting on four. I was wondering if anybody has heard anything from Stanford or University of Washington (Seattle) yet...?

I got an e-mail offering acceptance and funding yesterday from UW, but I am not an Americanist.

Edited by seahistory
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Hi all,

I'm an Americanist, and so far have been accepted to one school, rejected from two, and waiting on four. I was wondering if anybody has heard anything from Stanford or University of Washington (Seattle) yet...?

I'm also an Americanist, and likewise have yet to hear anything from University of Washington. Perhaps they are still deliberating...

Similarly, I've noticed that none of the Chicago admits on the board are Americanists. I (naively) hope that they are still deciding.

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I'm also an Americanist, and likewise have yet to hear anything from University of Washington. Perhaps they are still deliberating...

Similarly, I've noticed that none of the Chicago admits on the board are Americanists. I (naively) hope that they are still deciding.

For whatever it's worth, last year, when UW admitted me without funding, the official letter was dated 23 Feb, and it took forever to arrive, since it ended up in my mail box without any prior warning like e-mails or something.

They were much faster this year, since they are offering me funding this year.

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