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same thing with USC is happening with Minnesota! a few rejections via the website, one acceptance, and no news from anyone else. what's the deal with that? (say that last sentence in a Seinfeld voice)


i've been in touch with minnesota and they said all the acceptances have gone out. i've been trying to figure out my status on the waiting list.

this is what i know about minnesota:

they have 6 spots

they admitted 10 people

there are 3 people (myself included) on the waiting list

the waiting list is not ranked

that's all i know!

as for usc: my last count was 7 rejections and 1 acceptance on the results page. and still no word from them on my app.

  On 2/15/2010 at 9:29 PM, fauxtog said:

i've been in touch with minnesota and they said all the acceptances have gone out. i've been trying to figure out my status on the waiting list.

this is what i know about minnesota:

they have 6 spots

they admitted 10 people

there are 3 people (myself included) on the waiting list

the waiting list is not ranked

that's all i know!

as for usc: my last count was 7 rejections and 1 acceptance on the results page. and still no word from them on my app.

interesting... does your website status reflect your waiting list status?

dead silence from all these programs really is lovely.


my status is listed on minnesota's site (and i received an email directing me to the site, but about 3 weeks after hearing my status from a faculty member).

as for michigan, there's nothing new on my status for their site. but i was emailed by a faculty member this weekend and i called michigan this morning to confirm...

sorry, hope this info helps... :unsure:

oh, i also know that michigan only had 6 spots this year too.


obnoxious how, this year, the incoming cohorts are so small!

has anyone else's status on the Minnesota website not changed yet? I have no rejection, no acceptance, no waitlist: just "submitted." guessing that isn't a good sign.


american studies here! i'm at w&m finishing up a master's and applied to 8 programs in either american studies, american culture studies, or cultural studies: george mason, bowling green, st louis u, and universities of michigan, iowa, texas, maryland, and kansas. I just got accepted to kansas (via website) no news on funding and nothing from any other schools.

my interests are in popular culture and im writing my thesis on Mormonism in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight-- since it's a hot and sexy topic, i'm hoping that'll help my chances at a phd program.

anyone else in at KU?


Yay! I've been hovering around the History forum and was wondering where the American Studies forum was. Glad I've found my people!

Of the 12 programs I've applied to, 3 are American Studies / Civ -- Harvard, Yale, and Brown -- and the rest are History. Haven't heard a peep from any of the American Studies programs, and it sounds like from past results that the programs will come back next week at the earliest. My interests are in Asian American studies (Yale and Brown have good PAs), visual culture / art history (Harvard and Yale have good PAs), and public history / museum studies (Brown has a good PA).

So far I've heard back from Berkeley and Northwestern, and plan to visit them in early and mid-March. I intend to do interdisciplinary work wherever I end up, so, if I can find a good match at a history program that will let me do that (which I've heard is true at Berkeley), then I'll be significantly less worried about my chances.

Good luck to all!


has anyone heard anything new? our field has quieted down substantially on the board...

I found out UT plans to release decisions beginning of March, but know nothing else.


Anyone hear anything from Boston University or  Washington University in St. Louis-- they are definitely at the very top of my list.

Any information would be appreciated!


Hey everyone,

American Studies lady here! I've applied at Michigan, Minnesota, Rutgers (and their Womens and Gender Studies program), and NYU. I am afraid I have been rejected by Minnesota based on this forum-I've heard NOTHING from ANYONE. Ugh!

I'm on pins and needles here waiting. So anxious! I'll make sure to update the minute I hear anything! :)

  On 2/24/2010 at 2:22 PM, iigorayn said:

Hey everyone,

American Studies lady here! I've applied at Michigan, Minnesota, Rutgers (and their Womens and Gender Studies program), and NYU. I am afraid I have been rejected by Minnesota based on this forum-I've heard NOTHING from ANYONE. Ugh!

I'm on pins and needles here waiting. So anxious! I'll make sure to update the minute I hear anything! :)

I've applied to Rutgers' WGST program as well-- haven't heard anything! But, judging from the results page, it's not looking good for that program.


has anyone heard anything from rutgers am studs? i see that one person posted an acceptance, albeit without funding, but my status is still listed as no decision.

  On 2/25/2010 at 8:53 PM, alfie08 said:

Last year Yale notified on the equivalent of today...but nada so far....thoughts?

could have something to do with the big snowstorm on the east coast. i'm not sure if CT is getting snow, but i know NJ and NY are expected to get quite a bit.

  On 2/25/2010 at 9:01 PM, jlennon33 said:

could have something to do with the big snowstorm on the east coast. i'm not sure if CT is getting snow, but i know NJ and NY are expected to get quite a bit.

Oh yeah. Good call. As I sit and watch said snowstorm from my office in NYC, I should have thought of that.

  On 2/26/2010 at 2:45 AM, mastermind1886 said:

is it legit? they've called in the past. anyone want to own up?

It's me. I suspect they didn't call because I am not in the States. Or maybe that's how it's gonna be done this year.

Either way, this is very exciting.

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