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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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Official rejection from Columbia, not that I had any hopes anyway.

Though I just received an e-mail from CUNY. I am in. (FINALLY SOMEWHERE TO GO FOR ME! biggrin.gif)

I have a question about the wording of the e-mail though.

"I am pleased to notify you that you will soon be offered admission to our program. I am also especially pleased to inform you that you will also be offered an Enhanced Chancellor’s Fellowship"

That "will be offered" means "you will receive the official letter soon", right? (god I hope thats the case.)

I got offical notice of rejection from Columbia on 12 martch. Congraduation to you for finding a place to get in. Keep my fingers crossed for the rest of us who are still waiting for the possible good news desparately.

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Thanks everyone for your support.

Hehe I am not sure if I will take this offer, Brandeis or GWU seems like a better option for now. We'll see...

I am also for the results from GWU, but I heard from people inside that there are only 15% OR 20% international students and not everyone will get funding. I really don't know the policy of them this year. Do hope our waiting turns out to be good.

Congradulations again!

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Slow times here on the results page...seriously, how is it that these schools can't just get out their decisions, good and bad, by the middle of March? I'd be annoyed if I were still waiting to hear news (aside from whether I can be offered a spot off a wait list, that's of course understandable that it takes until near April 15). Come on, admissions God! Make this forum somewhat interesting!

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Has George Washington sent anything out yet? Has anyone contacted them?

My initial thought was that we wouldn't hear from those schools currently out on Spring Break. GW is one such school. However, this afternoon I spoke with an administrator at a different school which is also on Spring Break. I wonder if this indicates admin folks are available to announce decisions?

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My initial thought was that we wouldn't hear from those schools currently out on Spring Break. GW is one such school. However, this afternoon I spoke with an administrator at a different school which is also on Spring Break. I wonder if this indicates admin folks are available to announce decisions?

I work in university admin and we don't get off for spring break. Our school gives us one day off. Only professors get the vacations off.

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This is a little off-topic, but since we've been talking about visits--am I obligated to visit if a department offers to pay for it?

I'm fairly certain that I'm going to commit to the department in question; it's a good fit and my only funded acceptance so far. I've been emailing with a few of their professors and gotten all of my questions answered. I'm in an extremely busy period with my current non-academic job and I found visiting departments before I did my MA to be a waste of time. Anyone have strong opinions on whether or not the visit is worth it in my situation? Am I missing out on some important networking before I start classes in the fall?

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Accepted to George Washington, but without funding! wink.gif

Looks like a mass email, "The department's admissions committee ranked close to 400 applications this year. The pool was one of the most competitive we have ever had. Our goal is a diverse class of about 15 top-notch students."

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Congrats! I didn't get an e-mail and started to worry....

Accepted to George Washington, but without funding! wink.gif

Looks like a mass email, "The department's admissions committee ranked close to 400 applications this year. The pool was one of the most competitive we have ever had. Our goal is a diverse class of about 15 top-notch students."

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Accepted to George Washington, but without funding! wink.gif

Looks like a mass email, "The department's admissions committee ranked close to 400 applications this year. The pool was one of the most competitive we have ever had. Our goal is a diverse class of about 15 top-notch students."

Ditto. It sounds troubling though. How can we go there without full funding? :(

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Ditto. It sounds troubling though. How can we go there without full funding? :(

Indeed. I know I can't afford it. The general rule is to follow the money. Although not fully subsidized, UCSB has offered me better funding opportunities and I'm leaning in their direction. Nevertheless, I'll probably attend GW's admit day on April 5 and see what's the situation.

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^ Thanks!

I got an informal note of admission from a professor in my area last week indicating that I would be accepted and funded but I did not get the email this morning, so it looks like those being offered funding didn't get a mass e-mail either...

Edited by bsquar
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Don't feel that you need to visit the department. I just got back from a visit and several of the grad students mentioned that they had missed their prospective student visit. They seemed very happy, regardless. At least at the visit I went to, people just met with professors to discuss the program; there wasn't much "networking" going on. If all of your questions are answered, you won't necessarily gain much from visiting.

I agree with some of what you said and disagree with other parts. I agree that there isn't much "networking" going on, and I also found that I didn't have a ton of questions for the professors since I'd done a fair amount of research into each place I visited before actually going. If that's all you're hoping to get out of visit days, then it probably isn't worth it to go if you're crazily busy.

That said, I think the fact that you found out that the current grad students are happy is important in and of itself. That's really something one can't know until he/she visits. The other thing I found worthwhile from visiting was getting to know the prospective cohort. I loved the group at one university I visited, enjoyed the company of the group at another, and didn't care for them at a third. (Not going to specify since I met at least one person from GC at each place.) Getting to know who you're going to be working with for the next 5-6 years (profs, currents, and prospies), combined with getting to know the city/campus area, is really what I found most worthwhile.

But to answer the original question, no, you are not mandated to go if you can't make it. Departments offer the free trip just to make sure everyone has a fair opportunity to check out their programs. (And to sway you toward taking their offers with good food!)

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No, I'm sure they already announced the fellowships/TAships.

I've gotten into Fletcher, SAIS, SIS, and SIPA so far-- but not a word from GW! I think I'm a good candidate, so what's with the silent treatment? Do you really think that there's no chance for $$ if we haven't heard by now?

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I've gotten into Fletcher, SAIS, SIS, and SIPA so far-- but not a word from GW! I think I'm a good candidate, so what's with the silent treatment? Do you really think that there's no chance for $ if we haven't heard by now?

To be clear, most of the posters in this forum are related to PhD programs. You might want to check Grad Cafe's forum for professional programs.

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To be clear, most of the posters in this forum are related to PhD programs. You might want to check Grad Cafe's forum for professional programs.

Oh, hah hah hah-- thank you for the heads up! I was really starting to wonder...

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