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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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I think we will hear from Princeton and Columbia next week and maybe even the big H! Though it's honestly more likely that that bomb will fall the week after. I don't know about other schools, since I'm mostly focused on those three. Oh - and the rest of Berkeley's decisions should be coming in.

That timeline makes sense. Since I haven't heard anything from Berkeley yet, I'm hoping they'll send out more decisions next week. Also, judging from last year's results, we should hear from UCLA and more from Michigan next week. The 17th was the day last year for for UCLA and Michigan had a bunch of decisions later in the week.

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So, I had Chinese food this evening. I had two fortune cookies and found the following:

"There will be many surprises: unexpected gains are likely."

"Your infinite capacity for patience will be rewarded sooner or later."

I am probably extrapolating too much, but I wanted to share this fortune with you guys!

Nice. Thanks for sharing.

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Huh? Is that latest Stanford acceptance by snail mail real or just someone's wishful thinking?<_< If they are actually sending out acceptance letters by mail, I might have to e-mail Chandelle and ask her to confirm my rejection - it will be months until any letter from the US arrives in Central Asia...

I think I'm learning that dropping Professor names and showing interest-via-article abstracting is the way to get a bounce out of the SOP. I don't think you should be at all surprised that NYU admitted you -- you're stellar.

Thanks - unfortunately, Yale and Emory respectfully disagree with you on the last point :(. But I got in somwhere nice, so I won't complain. Congratulations to all those who haven't been rejected by Yale, I hope you receive good news soon!

Edited by Shere Khan
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I have today joined the ranks of the rejected, thanks to Yale. I'm not terribly sorry. Here's a little story that might help cheer anyone disappointed, in a pessimistic sort of way. This isn't sour grapes because I wasn't accepted, but I didn't even like the place much when I visited a seminar with my professor. Their professor came up to us at the reception and asked who we were. When he introduced himself and said what university we were from (a hideously low ranked one), she just turned around and walked away without a word. She never even introduced herself. I never reflected on how rude that was until today when I got rejected.

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Mixed day: rejected at Yale, but had a paper accepted for presentation at a conference.

Semi-Hurray! (?)(!)


Condolences to everyone else who was spurned, congrats to those accepted. On to Princeton-Harvard-Columbia!!

What conference? I had a paper accepted for presentation at the MPSA in Chicago last week

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Edu verified could be tough for some of us though. I graduated from Vanderbilt University in May 2008 and my e-mail account was deactivated September 2008. I (and many others who choose to work a few years between undergrad and grad) would thus not be able to post results. Agreed there has to be some way to screen people making stuff up though.

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Edu verified could be tough for some of us though. I graduated from Vanderbilt University in May 2008 and my e-mail account was deactivated September 2008. I (and many others who choose to work a few years between undergrad and grad) would thus not be able to post results. Agreed there has to be some way to screen people making stuff up though.

Simple registration would work by imposing a small but potentially effective deterrent cost on those posting false results. Just witness how the PSJR was almost decimated by the now abolished registration system.

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Perhaps someone can phone South Bend on Monday to verify, but I think the result was intended to fisk us going into the weekend. The "thrill" from posting fake Yale notices is gone.

Keller- agreed. I'll call Monday to double check, as I have a low likelihood of attending given the schools I'm already in at and thus don't care if I look like a pestering a-hole. That said, I believe you're correct. The possible Harvard fake-outs and Princeton fake-outs have been played out, Yale has legit decisions, so some bozo is probably looking at the next set of fireworks he can potentially set off. I agree, let's not feed the beast!

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It's for the British Columbia PSA. Yay for Olympic fun-ness.

+odd irish/scottish/demonic/high school punk kids tap dancing and fiddle playing!

Who wouldn't expect this hedonistic debauchery from a socialist state like Canada!

Edited by tskinner
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OK, so, a little off topic, but did you guys hear about that professor at Alabama Huntsville who killed three people at a faculty meeting after she found out she didn't get tenure? Yikes. I have never heard of anything like that happening before...what a terrible tragedy.

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