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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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originally from closer to Wilkes-Barre

Me too! I'm from the Hazleton area. I, like you, also applied to BC but haven't found out yet. I'm already finishing up my MA so it's all or nothing with them for me. I don't expect to get in, but still hoping.

Anyone here apply to Northeastern or UMass? Hear anything?

Edited by Scarlet
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Congrats to the Columbia admits! What a great way to end the week!

I just need the two big M's to give me an answer (either way, but just an answer)- that would be Minnesota and MIT. Maybe we'll see some movement on the latter next week. Sounds like with the former, we'll be waiting until the first week of March.

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I'm in at Rutgers! Their website updated tonight. Finally, after two rejections this week, I know I'm going to grad school! :D

I am also in at Rutgers!!! exactly the same thing here--two rejections in two days and now I am so relieved to know I'm going somewhere next year!!! will most likely be attending :-)

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Some people said that they were rejected by Columbia on the result page, but it seems that nobody claims rejection here. Well, I guess I shouldn't trust that page then.

No, don't trust it until someone claims.

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I also applied to Columbia and got no reply. Why do you think that the rejection post on the board are false? I mean, why would somebody do that? especially so many times?

Someone took the time to post just as many fake Harvard, Princeton and Yale results. Appears he/she still has a lot of time to waste.

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I did not post anything on the results page, but come on, if you receive nothing during the acceptances wave, it is a "no" with very few exceptions. More hopes at that point would only increase the degree of the disappointment.

Though they could have posted "(assumed) Rejection".

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