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Hello everybody,

I am offered an admission by Hertie School to study MPP starting in September 2017, without an scholarship. Could anyone tell me if it is possible for am student to manage his/her studies costs, without a great save up, by working only while studying or not? I mean, is it possible in your idea, to work as an student in Berlin and earn enough to finance expensive study at Hertie School? 

Really appreciate any idea!




As a German who lived in Berlin most of his life I would first ask how much you have to pay in tuition? Other than that I would say that you can survive on 700-900€ in Berlin depending on the quality of life you aspire to have? Even though the average rent is increasing as long as you are willing to make use of the public transport system there should be a number of places where rent is comparatively cheap. Also note that food and the like a arguably dirt cheap in Germany anywhere.


Thank you Monody for your response. Seems that living costs are reasonable in Berlin, but it really depends on ones income also. As I know, studying MPP in Hertie School consists of 4 semesters, each costs about 8.000 euros. which is about 32.000 euros in 2 years. is it affordable by working in your idea?

  On 1/21/2017 at 1:13 PM, Mosbostani said:

Thank you Monody for your response. Seems that living costs are reasonable in Berlin, but it really depends on ones income also. As I know, studying MPP in Hertie School consists of 4 semesters, each costs about 8.000 euros. which is about 32.000 euros in 2 years. is it affordable by working in your idea?


I am sorry but I am going to be very blunt. Unfortunately, also taking into consideration that the MPP is a full-time master, there is simply no way to save 32.000 euros. Even saving up 10.000 would be difficult (considering that you would still need to spend at least 700 euro per month in living expenses).

Posted (edited)

You mean whether you can earn 8000€ + 6*700-900€ per semester? I would argue that this is hardly possible. That is about 12200-13400€ per semester or 2000€+ per month. Sorry to be so frank, but I dont think that this is really doable and I would argue that this would even be the case if you were to get a RA position or something like that. It's probably hard to even get a job if you dont speak German.

Edited by Monody

O.k. thank you, OxfoerdApplicant and Monody for your frank and blunt, however disappointing responses! 
As I see, I have to look for an external source of funding.

Again, I will appreciate any advice. :)


You can have a look at the "Begabtenförderungswerke" and see whether the application period hasn't yet passed. They are basically party-based foundations that offer scholarships for students based on performance and political orientation. Some of them offer scholarships for foreigners and partially also interest-free loans. At least mine (Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung) does.


Another important fact: If you think you need 16,000 euros a year tuition and earn it, this assumption would be after(!) tax and national insurance contribution. As a non EU student, you are allowed to work max 20 hours a week. Most student jobs pay 10-11 euros in Berlin gross. Do the maths and the numbers do not add up for self funding to cover full tuition and living cost without savings. This applies for Germans too. Many German applicants are in the same boat without scholarship.


Also bear in mind that the first two semesters, or at least the first one, is supposed to be very intensive, which means you don't have much time for part time jobs. 

I had the same doubts you have about it, and finally, I opted to wait for another year before applying and to save as much money as I could before moving to Berlin. 

Posted (edited)

Seems you are right, l have started my inquiry regarding financing my studies just recently. Maybe l have to wait also for the next year. Thanks for your comments and sharing info.


Edited by Mosbostani

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