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Backup Plan?


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What is your backup plan, should you not be admitted or receive funding for the programs you want? 

My plan is to move out to California to go live with my girlfriend, and then reapply. Distance sucks either way, but this way, I have a silver lining.

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I've had professors offer me freelance work on projects. I've done some for them before so I know it's easy for me and pays enough to live on.

My friends and I are also thinking about writing crappy porn fiction and selling it on the internet.

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I'm already building up a list of programs that I'm going to apply to in the fall if none of my programs work out this year (as I didn't have the financial means to apply to more than three this year). I'm also going to reapply to Emory and NYU if they don't work out this year.

In the "in-between" time, I'm planning on working to strengthen my CV by picking up another language and maybe working on getting some of my work published. Also just staying with my current job and working to build up my savings, and hoping it works out next application cycle.


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Since I worked in an academic library's special collections as an undergrad and I work at a public library now, I was thinking about applying to a library sciences program if none of the art history programs accept me. It's not ideal since I don't have the credentials to attend a special collections/archival studies or museum studies program, and would probably have to apply to something more general. Still, if I can keep my job at my local library and get a masters degree, then I stand a better chance of going full time and getting a significant raise. I really don't want to live in my hometown forever, but it's better than starving.

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If I don't hear anything by mid-March, I plan on talking to professors at my university about doing a year-long research project with someone. I'll also spend the summer studying to retake the physics GRE in September or October, since I'm sure my low score is hurting my current applications. 

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Yep, I have a list of back-ups! So, there is the order of ideal schools. Then I follow it up with the fact that I've applied for jobs for the Oregon State Parks in areas I love, seasonal work as a park ranger. Following that I've been offered a position as a camphost in Colorado near Telluride. 
I'm also constantly sending out freelance articles and proposals, working on a couple of photo-books, plugging my illustrations online, and then fixing up my home so I can rent it out whatever happens! In some ways, it's too many options, my brain is fried. 


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I'm continuing to apply for jobs and hoping to have something lined up soon... though I will admit that doing a PhD will make me a lot happier than as an employee for these jobs I'm applying to... (not that these jobs will be terrible, but I really do wanna do a PhD... :(

EDIT: Not sure why I was downvoted for this, but okay...

Edited by BlueNahlchee
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