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Playwriting MFAs


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teeth, there were a lot of sucky things about it, but I also got a lot of value out of it. I can't knock it, but I'll be glad to go back to a school where it feels like my department is actually a priority for the people in charge. lol. well I hope it's an awesome secret. as far as my dissertation, I think it will be different depending on where I get accepted. If I end up at UCLA I will probably writ it on gender and sexuality (and I'll probably use In The Next Room) if I end up at Columbia, I'd like to write about magical realism in lit and theatre (and I'll use Eurydice). If I end up at NYU or UCSD I probably won't study her as extensively since those are my performance studies programs and I'm looking at media studies/fan studies/pop culture type stuff for those two. maybe this makes me flakey, but I have a lot of interests and I think different departments are better suited to different things.


playbyplay, we have some of the same schools on our list. maybe we'll run into each other! although if you're not applying until next season probably not. :P I am applying to UCSD and I'll say this for it. their program is very good and very competitive. almost impossible to get into. that said, it's a playwriting MFA, not a dramatic writing or screenwriting program. you might check UCLA for that instead. I'd imagine their program might be more suited to TV/Film.  


Roguesenna, I am applying this season so I hope we will run into each other! The only program I'm applying to for screenwriting is Michener. I went to USC's School of Cinematic Arts for undergrad and have lived in LA ever since. My feeling is that I need to get out of LA and pursue playwriting to broaden my abilities as a writer. Cinema is closely related to theater, but sometimes as a screenwriter we get caught up in writing the visuals. Basically, as a writer I want to be less plot and more character. Many of my favorite screenwriters/television writers started as playwrights and in Hollywood playwrights are actually more well respected than screenwriters. I know it seems odd since most people study playwriting and then go to screenwriting, but my hope is that it will help me grow. Oh, and I love the theater! That too!


Good luck with your apps! 

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playbyplay I think that's a solid plan. Playwriting will definitely reach you different aspects of style than film for sure. For one thing, you have to almost entirely get rid of action slugs/scene direction and try to rely primarily on dialogue. Because I came from a playwriting background I was great at dialogue when I started screenwriting but I was awful with writing for the camera and I had a tendency to REALLY overwrite my action slugs. Luckily I've reigned myself in from that. The page format is also really different and if you haven't written any plays yet it will definitely take some getting used to. Let me know if you have any questions, this is definitely one of my favorite topics and a class I hope to teach as a PhD Student/Teaching Fellow.

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Hey y'all! 


Just thought I'd come back and say hello to everyone applying for playwriting programs this semester! 


For those that weren't here last year, I ended up getting waitlisted at Columbia (and eventually took my name out of the pool of consideration), and got into both USC and NYU's Dramatic Writing programs. I ended up choosing USC, and I couldn't be happier. 


Just a little plug for USC's program for anyone considering applying for it this year:


This program is AMAZING. USC isn't typically in most playwriting applicants' short lists, because it's a dramatic writing program, and it's on the West coast, and it's an up-and-coming program but I can't stress enough how wonderful this program is. Classes are small (they take 3 playwrights each year, and the majority of our classes are just the three of us, which is great), but there's also still a great amount of interaction with the MFA Acting students. Getting to study with incredible the playwrights and directors that teach in the program (this semester we're studying with Velina Hasu Houston, Frank Dwyer, and Michael Arabian-- all amazing artists) is such an inspiring way to look at all the different factors that go into the creation of theatre. 


LA has such an incredible wealth of actors, directors, and designers, and my classmates and I have all been able to set up reading and production opportunities outside of USC with ease, which is a great supplement to the in-classroom work. We've also all had an opportunity to have all our major first-semester work read by professional LA actors. Through most people don't think of LA as a theatre town, there's really an amazing amount of great, innovative theatre here.


And this year is also the first year of a partnership between USC and Pasadena Playhouse, which entailed us first-year playwrights getting an opportunity to do in-depth dramaturgy while sitting in on Pasadena Playhouse's new play development program, AND in the spring, the three of us will have readings of our full-length pieces at Pasadena Playhouse (AMAZING opportunity). There's also the fact that we get guaranteed teaching positions our second and third years, which bumps the program up from being 75% free to 100% free, with an additional stipend. And the fact that we get to take screenwriting classes at the number one film school in the nation our second and third years to supplement the other forms of storytelling that we're learning. 


Honestly, I can't stop gushing about this program. If you're on the fence about applying to USC or haven't even considered it, APPLY! I'm so excited to meet next year's three playwrights, and hopefully one of you on GradCafe will be one of those three!


Feel free to ask me any questions about USC's DW program if you'd like, y'all. And happy application time! Make sure to get plenty of rest and enjoy the holidays!

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So, I took the GRE today and the fire alarm in the building went off somewhere between four and six times! Flashing lights, alarm, intercom announcements.. the whole deal. I guess the building was 'testing' out their emergency system. I did okay considering the blinding light in my eyes 155 V 149 Q, but not as well as I had hoped on the verbal. What do you think I should do? Michener requires the GRE and their deadline is Dec. 15. It's pretty late in the game to schedule another test. My thought was I should just let it slide and thank the heavens that I'm applying to an emphasis that doesn't look to closely at the scores. Still though, pretty angry. Why they don't stop everyones tests when theres a huge distraction that goes on for five minutes is beyond me. 


roguesenna : Thank you so much! I will definitely pick your brain about the differences! 


longwalktonever: I'm so glad you love USC!! USC is my alma mater and very dear to my heart. (except when they ask me for donations all the time :( )While I was there, I got a chance to work with a lot of the actors at the theater school and they were amazing. I also took directing classes from a few theater professors and they were some of the best classes that I took. LA is a great theater city. I think it just gets overshadowed because of the 'industry'. I wasn't planning on applying because I really feel like I need to get out of Los Angeles and see the world, but maybe I will.... 

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I am new to this forum and applying to playwriting MFAs for the first time. 


I also didn't do as well as I hoped on the GRE, playbyplay, and hoping it doesn't play a major role in admissions decisions at Michener.


Does anyone have any info on Brooklyn College's MFA program? There isn't much info on their website and reading pretty much all the posts on this board, I have learned the application process can be a little disorganized, but they have Mac Wellman and some phenomenal alumni whom I admire. Any deets would be helpful.

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So, I took the GRE today and the fire alarm in the building went off somewhere between four and six times! Flashing lights, alarm, intercom announcements.. the whole deal. I guess the building was 'testing' out their emergency system. I did okay considering the blinding light in my eyes 155 V 149 Q, but not as well as I had hoped on the verbal. What do you think I should do? Michener requires the GRE and their deadline is Dec. 15. It's pretty late in the game to schedule another test. My thought was I should just let it slide and thank the heavens that I'm applying to an emphasis that doesn't look to closely at the scores. Still though, pretty angry. Why they don't stop everyones tests when theres a huge distraction that goes on for five minutes is beyond me. 


Actually, that is unacceptable. Something like this happened to me when I took the SATs and they threw out all the scores and let everyone retake the test for free. You should call the company that administered the test and see if they will let you retake it for free ASAP. I would also call the admissions office at the school and see if you can talk to someone about it. They might be able to be lenient. Either way, you should try to get a refund for the test or a voucher to take it again in case you want to use the scores for another round of applications or something. If you can't get the company to issue you a refund or a voucher for a new test, I would call ETS and see if you can't get them to do something about it. One alarm is maybe forgiveable, but to have them testing their emergency system during the test -- the company should have canceled the date.


That said, kudos for how well you did in spite of all the ridiculous distractions. I feel for you.

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I just finished my first semester at Ohio, and I really like it. I spent 10 years in Chicago doing improv and theater, and it's nice to focus on writing. I'm learning a ton and writing a lot. If anyone has any questions about the program, please let me know. I've been working on a new site for the playwriting program and it just went live: ohioplaywriting.org. I'll be updating and tweaking it with news from the past year in the next week or so. 


In regards to Michener and the GRE, I don't think it's very high up for them. I think it's requirement of any grad program at the University of Texas. I would check in with them if you're concerned. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks everyone for the sympathy. I'm definitely going to call up ETS as soon as I get the rest of my apps in. 


Barista did you find anything out about Brooklyn College? I'm curious too... any programs in New York are definitely of interest. 


PuttPutt thanks for the info. I'm going to look in to Ohio.


I wish I had more of a sense which programs I actually have a shot at. This whole application process is such a shot in the dark. I'm nervous already and its not even close to decision time. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All. Just sent in my applications for 2014 -- anyone active and hanging around who is also applying?

Yep, I'm here! Congrats on finishing and good luck! 


Where did you apply? 


I'm sending in my last three this week: Univ. of Iowa, The New School, and Rutgers. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still here as well! I have applied to:







-Arizona State


So scary and exciting at the same time, in the sense that you feel like you have something big to say and you're hoping someone else reading your stuff vibes with it and sees your potential and your voice...


Can you tell I've been writing punctuation-less dialogue lately? :)


Well, I guess here we go! Good luck to all, just save me a seat, will ya?



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Hey all,


I'm a finalist at Austin for both Michener and the MFA.  I had a short phone interview where I asked all the questions, and there's no further interview.  Does anyone know if this is typical?  Are there two sets of finalists, one group they fly down and a group of alternates they speak to by phone?  Obviously, I'm really honored just to be on the short list, but I wondered if anyone had a sense of what was normal.

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Ok so hello, I'm new. First year applicant as well. Incredibly hopeful and aren't we all? Coping with the stress and waiting as well as I can, which isn't well so much as it is that my stomach is actually just acid right now. Does anyone else feel like throwing up always?

I have applied:






Anyone else apply to Smith? I've never seen them mentioned here. Not sure when we'll hear from CMU either.

What all does everyone write? Stylistically speaking? I'm mostly magical realism. Let's all post like crazy! Help get through the darkness right? Hahaaaaaaaaaa....

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Here's the thing- it changes every year.  So we don't know what's normal either.


I was admitted to the Michener about a week after a very brief phone interview. Two of the T&D students did visit for an interview.  But then while I was a student it seemed like they were trying to get the ball rolling faster so they could get people down to look at the campus.  


I don't know if the prospectives were flown down before they were admitted, or if they funded their own trips.  Michener will fund you for a visit, but only after you've gotten an offer (and if you don't use the visit, they just give you the cash.)  I know T&D also gave some of my friends money to visit after they got an offer.


In short, getting a phone interview only doesn't mean you're an alternate.  It could literally mean anything.

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Cobbler, no prob! (Looking back, I don't think the other Michener in my year even got a phone interview.)  Did you hear about other applicants having interviews this year or something?


Cathergirl, as far as I know, there isn't a formal interview process but I think Ohio tries to talk to people that they are interested in.

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