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SSHRC 2010


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1. Funded in category A ($35k/3yrs in Canada); score: 24/30

2. Kingston

3. Letter received: May 7;

4. Economics

5. Applied through university

6. Starting 1st year PhD.

7. Taylor, Ross, or Queen's Fellowship?? No

8. Had MA SSHRC.

Geez Bill, that's monstrous! I'm gonna have to ask you for tips next year!

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Just A quick question for those with experience; I was wondering how good my chances are about being bumped up to a 105,000 SSHRC. I was told my a SSHRC employee that "the last person offered a CGS (in your sub-group) was 3 people above you, but only one of the two between you was eligible for CGS. So, two people would have to decline the CGS to take up the SSHRC in order for you to receive a CGS offer."

My score was 19.80 and I am starting my PhD in History in September. Without getting too specific, what are the chances that I get bumped up, are there generally alot of foreign-based applicants who win the CGS, how big are sub groups. Any information about my chances would be appriciated

i don't know about your chances exactly, but the most common reason people reject the CGS in favour of the "regular" SSHRC is because they're studying in the US and are ineligible for the CGS. my sense is that, at the PhD level, many canadians go to the states to get their degrees unless they fall within a certain subcategory that's strong in canada (canadian history, first nations history, medieval history, etc.). i don't know if that means your chances are really good or not, but if those two CGS students are at american schools, then you'll be set.

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anybody know anything new on the Master's front? Did anybody get any new replies from SSHRC? I contacted my grad studies again and there's nothing as of today. I'm thinking of emailing SSHRC, but probably nobody would reply on the Friday afternoon.


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anybody know anything new on the Master's front? Did anybody get any new replies from SSHRC? I contacted my grad studies again and there's nothing as of today. I'm thinking of emailing SSHRC, but probably nobody would reply on the Friday afternoon.


Hi am in the same boat as you. I am trying to be patient but my patience is now finally running out. I have no news from my university despite me pestering them often. As for contacting SSHRC, I have e-mailed them a while ago and have had no reply. Maybe we should just count on getting news in the mail but that might be only at the end of the month, as rumor has it on this forum sad.gif

Please post anything regarding MA news if ANYONE knows ANYTHINGsmile.gif Thank you!

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Hi am in the same boat as you. I am trying to be patient but my patience is now finally running out. I have no news from my university despite me pestering them often. As for contacting SSHRC, I have e-mailed them a while ago and have had no reply. Maybe we should just count on getting news in the mail but that might be only at the end of the month, as rumor has it on this forum sad.gif

Please post anything regarding MA news if ANYONE knows ANYTHINGsmile.gif Thank you!

I'm the one who originally provided the "end of the month" quote, and have heard nothing new since then. Someone else has heard that the results would be released in the middle of the month, too, so hopefully that will be the case.

At this point, all we can do is wait. Thankfully, we've had lots of practice.

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1. Waistlisted; 16.8/30; 36 out of 76 people in my subcommittee received funding; I'm 8th on the waitlist

2. Brooklyn, NY

3. Letter received: May 12; Letter postmarked: May 3; Letter dated: May 5

4. Fine Arts

5. Direct to Ottawa

6. 3rd year PhD

7. Taylor, Ross, or Queen's Fellowship? Nada.


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1. Received a year of funding in category B ($20,000), score 20/30

2. Davis, CA

3. Letter received: May 14

4. I'm in a Civil Engineering department, but I basically do social science research - environmental justice, air quality, transportation policy.

5. Direct to Ottawa

6. Technically 4th year of PhD (My two years in a terminal MS program counted against my PhD time).

7. Taylor, Ross, or Queen's Fellowship? No.

8. Four mid-range pubs when I applied, three conference presentations, Masters NSERC (PGS-M).

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Just curious to know...do SSHRC people send notification letters even for unsuccessful applicants? I'm curious to know my score so that I can work out my application for next year...Thank you!

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Just curious to know...do SSHRC people send notification letters even for unsuccessful applicants? I'm curious to know my score so that I can work out my application for next year...Thank you!

Yes, but the score won't give you any useful information.

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Those of you who were "recommended but not funded" but sit pretty high on your respective waitlists: please post when you get good news. I'm in the same boat and am curious to know when others start hearing back. Based upon last year (when I was also waitlisted), it seemed that notifications came all at once, as if they were sitting on a batch of good news before releasing it.

Good luck to everyone still waiting!

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Those of you who were "recommended but not funded" but sit pretty high on your respective waitlists: please post when you get good news. I'm in the same boat and am curious to know when others start hearing back. Based upon last year (when I was also waitlisted), it seemed that notifications came all at once, as if they were sitting on a batch of good news before releasing it.

Good luck to everyone still waiting!

How long did it take last year?

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How long did it take last year?

I think it comes in a couple of waves. First, you'll have the re-allocation of funds from people taking up their awards abroad, or immediately turning it down upon receiving their results because they're not going to school after all, or they got something better. That would logically be what, early June?

Then it seems like they do another big round in--sorry to say--January. A handful of people at my school won 2009 SSHRCs in January, 2010. The good news is that you get retroactive payment. I have a friend who had a SSHRC for one term before dropping out, so I assume it's the money from people like her that gets redistributed in January.

Basically, any time in the next eight months. :P

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I think it comes in a couple of waves. First, you'll have the re-allocation of funds from people taking up their awards abroad, or immediately turning it down upon receiving their results because they're not going to school after all, or they got something better. That would logically be what, early June?

Then it seems like they do another big round in--sorry to say--January. A handful of people at my school won 2009 SSHRCs in January, 2010. The good news is that you get retroactive payment. I have a friend who had a SSHRC for one term before dropping out, so I assume it's the money from people like her that gets redistributed in January.

Basically, any time in the next eight months. :P

I figured as much. I'm studying for comps which are June 1st, and 8th, and likely I'll fail 1 of 2, so I'll be studying through August. I'm not too hung up on the whole SSHRC thing (well, enough to wait around for your answer...) because I can't even claim it if I don't pass comps, so whether I win it or not is relatively secondary at this point.

Early June, if that is the case, would be much earlier than I was expecting. Just would love to hear if those Vanier cats in my subcommittee took the award or not. (Take it!.... Awww come on! He's spinning the ball on his finger!!!! Just take it!)

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Attention Master students.

Mathieu Laurin from SSHRC just confirmed by e-mail that "the results for J-A-Bombardier will be mailed out THIS week" ("Les résultats de maitrise seront envoyés cette semaine par la poste").

So within 2 weeks we all should know. In my case, if they mail it this friday latest I'll know by wednesday 26th for sure.

Fingers crossed for all of you colleagues.


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Attention Master students.

Mathieu Laurin from SSHRC just confirmed by e-mail that "the results for J-A-Bombardier will be mailed out THIS week" ("Les résultats de maitrise seront envoyés cette semaine par la poste").

So within 2 weeks we all should know. In my case, if they mail it this friday latest I'll know by wednesday 26th for sure.

Fingers crossed for all of you colleagues.


Thanks for the update! Hopefully they'll release the results electronically, too, so we won't have to wait for the mail. I've had too many letters get lost or stolen lately.

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Thanks for the update! Hopefully they'll release the results electronically, too, so we won't have to wait for the mail. I've had too many letters get lost or stolen lately.

They won't. They were clear in the e-mail they sent in February :

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council acknowledges receipt of your application to the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's.

Your application number is: 766-2010-XXXX. Please use it in all communications with SSHRC.

Please DO NOT direct questions or concerns regarding your application to this email address.

Instead, if you have any questions or require any further information, please contact us at fellowships@sshrc.ca.

The result of this competition will be sent by mail to the correspondence address provided in your application. Please provide us with any changes to your address by sending an email to fellowships@sshrc.ca.

Note: There is no document attached to this message. Depending on your software, it may appear as though there is an attachment. If so, please ignore the message.

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They won't. They were clear in the e-mail they sent in February

No, I meant directly to schools, like the did with the Doctoral results.

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No, I meant directly to schools, like the did with the Doctoral results.

In the case of Université de Montréal, they never did... even if I have excellent relations with the person responsible!

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I figured as much. I'm studying for comps which are June 1st, and 8th, and likely I'll fail 1 of 2, so I'll be studying through August. I'm not too hung up on the whole SSHRC thing (well, enough to wait around for your answer...) because I can't even claim it if I don't pass comps, so whether I win it or not is relatively secondary at this point.

Early June, if that is the case, would be much earlier than I was expecting. Just would love to hear if those Vanier cats in my subcommittee took the award or not. (Take it!.... Awww come on! He's spinning the ball on his finger!!!! Just take it!)

I wonder if people taking Vaniers would move money down the list, though. Did you hear that from someone at SSHRC? It would depend on whether Vanier winners get moved to a totally different funding pool, or just get the equivalent of a top up from a smaller extra fund.

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I wonder if people taking Vaniers would move money down the list, though. Did you hear that from someone at SSHRC? It would depend on whether Vanier winners get moved to a totally different funding pool, or just get the equivalent of a top up from a smaller extra fund.

What Michelle St-Pierre told me, (and someone else told SpaceJump) was that, Vanier winners are in essence, offered both Vanier and SSHRC DF, and if they take one, they forfeit the other. So, she says, if a Vanier winner takes their Vanier offer, the SSHRC DF reserved for them moves down the list. I've got 2 Vanier winners in my subcommittee, and she said that should one of them take the award they were offered, then a SSHRC DF will come my way.

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How long did it take last year?

I heard back that I was successful in mid-September. Unfortunately, I was offered one of those pesky "business SSHRCs" from last year, which are only tenable in Canada. I had to turn down $105,000, which stung pretty badly.

Hearing that you could get the good news as late as January of next year makes me both hopeful and sad.

Once again, best of luck to everyone still waiting! :)

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Ouch I just found out today I'm ranked 12th out of 28 people on the wait list, I wonder if I should be framing my research differently. This subgroup I'm in seems ridiculously competitive... Or maybe a lot of people scored around 18-19/30 and didn't end up with funding either, I dunno. I'm going to have to speak with some profs or something who know about this whole crazy scheme! Oh well, time to start studying for comps and preparing for social science congress! Yay Montreal! :)

Don't be too bummed everyone, I took it pretty hard too.. but you just have to let it roll off your shoulders. Unfortunately, rejection is a part of our job, and it doesn't mean you're a poor student or researcher. <3

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Or maybe a lot of people scored around 18-19/30 and didn't end up with funding either, I dunno.

SSHRCs are scored on a curve, so there's usually a big bottleneck in the 17-19 range.

What Michelle St-Pierre told me, (and someone else told SpaceJump) was that, Vanier winners are in essence, offered both Vanier and SSHRC DF, and if they take one, they forfeit the other. So, she says, if a Vanier winner takes their Vanier offer, the SSHRC DF reserved for them moves down the list. I've got 2 Vanier winners in my subcommittee, and she said that should one of them take the award they were offered, then a SSHRC DF will come my way.

That's great! Your odds sound awesome, then. Good luck!

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Attention Master students.

Mathieu Laurin from SSHRC just confirmed by e-mail that "the results for J-A-Bombardier will be mailed out THIS week" ("Les résultats de maitrise seront envoyés cette semaine par la poste").

So within 2 weeks we all should know. In my case, if they mail it this friday latest I'll know by wednesday 26th for sure.

Fingers crossed for all of you colleagues.


Thanks Alex!!

Appreciate your update.

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