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@kotatsumuri Congratulations!!! How exciting! 

@Naito I think the odds are in your favor to hear back before April. From what I’ve gathered, most places come back in March at the latest. I’m planning to go abroad in April, too, so hopefully things are settled by then. It would be too bad to experience the sakura blossoms in a state of anxiety! ^.^  

Also, did you change your profile photo? 

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@spicyramen Thank you so much -- that's great to know all the results and get it out of the way before my trip. Yeah I don't want the application process to ruin my trip. Haven't been back to Japan in a while (my first time there was in my freshman year where I did a summer host family program staying for 2 months and second time was for a short trip as well so I'm so excited!). I have several friends there so I'll meet them (if their schedule allows) and then have parties in Tokyo this time hehe.

And yes, I changed my profile photo; the previous one was a character from ancient Japan which 信長の野望 and 大河ドラマ series inspired me to upload as my profile photo. I've been watching 『夏目友人帳』 http://www.natsume-anime.jp/ and have been playing Persona 5 lately on the PS4 (and dreaming I am a butterfly...) so I'm in the anime mood for changing my profile photo to Natsume. I wish I were like Narukami Yu 鳴上悠 in Persona 4 and jump into a TV...Anyhow watching anime and playing video games in the original Japanese is a great way to practice. Some games have hiragana (for example the  visual novel game "Time Travelers" on the PS Vita) so there's no need to look up words and most of the time you can figure out what a new word means by just deciphering it from the context. And certain light novel/anime like 少年陰陽師 (here is a hiragana version book on Amazon JP and Kinokuniya definitely has it http://www.kinokuniya.com/us/) is a good way to learn some literary Japanese. This is how I passed my JLPT... :D

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@Naito Thanks for the anime reference! I'll check out 夏目looks like fun. I'm always looking for ways to practice my languages...I'm not too much of a gamer, but anime and 大河ドラマ are great. I'm currently finishing up デスノート as my post-applications treat, and I'm a huge 甲鉄城のカバネリ fan too (my own profile photo!).

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Had an email from USC today to check the portal for a decision letter. Had a feeling it would be the History PhD (I applied to their East Asian studies MA as well) and sure enough, a rejection! Of course I was at work too :rolleyes: but thankfully I have great colleagues and it didn't take long to get laughing again. :D Good training for any other rejections that may come my way this season!

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37 minutes ago, kotatsumuri said:

Had an email from USC today to check the portal for a decision letter. Had a feeling it would be the History PhD (I applied to their East Asian studies MA as well) and sure enough, a rejection! Of course I was at work too :rolleyes: but thankfully I have great colleagues and it didn't take long to get laughing again. :D Good training for any other rejections that may come my way this season!

Sorry to hear that. Good luck on your other applications!

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I'm also getting extremely nervous. My professors tell me to calm down but I work in a place where calmness is not the norm (everyone is highly educated but irritable all the time) and everything is fast-paced. I think I will have a heart attack in my 20's thanks to the added pressure of waiting for admission results... :( 

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27 minutes ago, lordtiandao said:

Sorry to hear that. Good luck on your other applications!

Thank you! It's nice to have results coming in, even rejections. I'm looking forward to hearing back from the other 6 programs.:)


20 minutes ago, Naito said:

I'm also getting extremely nervous. My professors tell me to calm down but I work in a place where calmness is not the norm (everyone is highly educated but irritable all the time) and everything is fast-paced. I think I will have a heart attack in my 20's thanks to the added pressure of waiting for admission results... :( 

It must be hard to work in a stressful environment. It'll all work out just fine, I'm sure!

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5 hours ago, kotatsumuri said:

Had an email from USC today to check the portal for a decision letter. Had a feeling it would be the History PhD (I applied to their East Asian studies MA as well) and sure enough, a rejection! Of course I was at work too :rolleyes: but thankfully I have great colleagues and it didn't take long to get laughing again. :D Good training for any other rejections that may come my way this season!

Aw, sorry to hear that. Glad your coworkers were there to cheer you up!  Here’s hoping there is good news soon :) 

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Waiting is like a torture. This weekend I'll be watching おんな城主直虎 to kill time while waiting for results. :D  Plus there are Japanese subtitles!! 


It's interesting to see how a woman rose to political power in the Sengoku period, and the dramatic depiction of a female lord of a castle. All this was accidental, of course; it's not like Naotora was like Wu Ze Tian, who deliberately seized power. The last time Taiga Dorama explored the life of someone who represented women's rights was Yae in 八重の桜. :) 

And I can't wait to watch Segodon 西郷どん (ongoing this year) about the life of Saigo Takamori.


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13 hours ago, spicyramen said:

Aw, sorry to hear that. Glad your coworkers were there to cheer you up!  Here’s hoping there is good news soon :) 

Me too! Hope you have some more acceptances as well. How many schools are you still waiting on?

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10 hours ago, kotatsumuri said:

Me too! Hope you have some more acceptances as well. How many schools are you still waiting on?

Still waiting on six! I have 4 back already, 2 acceptances and 2 rejects. So I’m in a good place but would love to see a few more responses! How many are you waiting for?

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12 hours ago, spicyramen said:

Still waiting on six! I have 4 back already, 2 acceptances and 2 rejects. So I’m in a good place but would love to see a few more responses! How many are you waiting for?

That's a great start, and you have 2 choices already! I also have 6 left. I've had 1 acceptance (unofficial, but I'll count it!) and 1 rejection. We're finally getting closer/into decision time. Fingers crossed more more results soon.

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21 hours ago, kotatsumuri said:

That's a great start, and you have 2 choices already! I also have 6 left. I've had 1 acceptance (unofficial, but I'll count it!) and 1 rejection. We're finally getting closer/into decision time. Fingers crossed more more results soon.

Yes, I suspect this and next week will be big ones for many of us! Good luck, everyone! Fingers crossed for good news.

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Same here! Also an applicant of the 2018 Fall PhD. 

Haven't heard a word from POI, not even my own advisor (who I have also applied to). No interviews...Gradually seeing fellows receiving unofficial confirmation and I feel like this might be the end:o

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1 hour ago, Riby said:

@tsuyuri I feel you :( I got a rejection from Chicago today, and I haven't had any interviews so far..but there is still some more time. Are you looking at any MA programs?

I was thinking of applying a M.A. program at Harvard but didn't eventually...just don't have the energy (and money) to go over that again...suffered enough from this one:rolleyes:

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Welcome @tsuyuri and @chihiro!

I'm sorry to read about the rejections, but don't give up hope!! All the schools have such different timelines...I've only hear from 2 out of 8! It's nervewracking to keep waiting, but I suppose one positive of it would be that there's still hope with those schools that are taking longer:)

And of course, congratulations on the acceptances!

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Congrats everyone for the acceptances! Bravo! 合格おめでとうございます!よく頑張りましたね!とうとう念願がかないましたね!大喜びです!!!

I haven't got any email from Berkeley yet...I hope I'm not an auto-reject...

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Thank you @kotatsumuri! Hi! :D 

Just found out I was accepted to WUSTL on 1.30. No emails, no notifications... Have been worrying for one week. Just god another rejection from CU Boulder.. 

Waiting for Harvard, UBC, UCLA, Columbia, and Princeton. Haven't received any interview offers from Columbia nor Princeton nor UCLA yet..

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