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Everything posted by Porridge

  1. Looks like Buffalo is done?
  2. Yeah, at the moment, I'm just writing. Not restricting or censoring. Just writing. I really appreciate your thoughts and I am definitely feeling the constipation moving out of me!
  3. Looked at the results board and warm congrats to new admits. Including myself.
  4. This thread could potentially turn into a terrible SOP. "I am applying to University of X because I love literature. As a young child, I sat on my grandpa's knee as he read me stories. It was these tender moments when I was 4 years old that I decided to become a Professor of English. Thus, I believe I will be a great asset to your institution for this very reason that I love literature like no other person in the world."
  5. In my experience. No. I'm in the same boat as you. I have received my first offer from a top institution. It's the total package.
  6. It's too costly for me to visit campus. That said, I'm 99 per cent sure, I'll accept the offer.
  7. Oh thank you. I'll try the usual channel again, and if no luck, I'll let you know. Thanks so much for the generousity (have I spelt that right?)!
  8. OT. Are you visiting Buffalo? If you do, I need someone to photocopy an article from their special collections! Actually if there is anyone out there in Buffalo PM me please. I'm struggling to get this article via my university channels.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if they received more applications this year because of the economic downturn. No work=bored people=need to upskill=apply to graduate school.
  10. Tracy, all I can really say, is that you are smart woman and not to give up. Academia is all about persistance in the face of those insurmountable odds. If the worst happens, I suggest you email the chair of admissions (not your POI, because it is seems that s/he may be somewhat on the outer of the grad committee - even if he is involved, maybe some office politics at work there) and ask for advice. Build up a relationship, start collaborating with people who s/he knows. Start networking. Edited to add: this is my humble opinion only. Others may disagree.
  11. I find it difficult to believe that a graduate committee would look at nationality as a reason to reject, although I do believe international students do have different hurdles to overcome. Whether the students listed at Berkeley's site are Asian or Asian-American is not clear - their nations of origin aren't listed but this is beside the point. I'm trying to help you to see that all is not lost! You have options and you can still obtain your well-deserved goals because you are certainly capable. You don't know whether you have been rejected yet. You may be waitlisted. You may be accepted. Do NOT give up.
  12. If you look at the Berkeley grads currently attending Asian students (of descent possibly) are well represented. I understand your hurt, but it is critical that you do NOT give up. I can see that you are an extremely bright young woman and very passionate about scholarship. That puts you in good stead. It may be that you are not accepted this time round. But do NOT give up. Should you be rejected, email the POI and chair of admissions. Find out how you can improve your application. And TRY again. Success is built up persistance. I believe you can do this because your passion speaks volumes.
  13. I love these off the cuff, authentic posts - I really sense your genuine excitement. Congratulations!
  14. What's your area of expertise? Presumably it's not poetics/poetry because Buffalo is so well placed in that area. Top tier schools are not everything. Maybe it's because I am an International that these things do not matter so much to me, but what motivated all my decisions were the people I wish to work with. You will not believe the number of significant scholars working at less than prestigious schools. But that's my opinion and certainly the opinion I received from other academics. Would be interesting to hear what other people say.
  15. Can I add, don't assume that all posted results are authentic.
  16. I really want to like this, but I am out of upvotes. So someone, anyone, please like Bfat's comment for me.
  17. Thanks and to you too. I'm absolutely in shock. I better finish my thesis!
  18. I'm in at Chicago. Did. Not. See. That. Coming. In shock. Cannot think. Edited to say: ignore the application season in my profile. I applied for Fall.
  19. Well a lot of us are at that place. But if you want to be the best, you don't quit. Edited to correct grammar.
  20. I'm so happy for all these admits...I just...I just...I just had to break out in a dance.
  21. Nada, I think you can feel fairly confident. They are probably deciding what sort of funding (RA/TA/Fellowship).
  22. I have implied rejections. I wish the formal rejections would hurry up so I can get on with my life.
  23. I think she/he means she received a nomination two weeks after the application deadline. Not that she applied two weeks after the application deadline.
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