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Lilac13 last won the day on January 31 2013

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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall

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  1. Sorry I didn't mean to down vote your post. I was just scrolling through the forum on my phone and accidentally swiped over the down arrow and there's no way to undo it.
  2. So sad to hear about the events in Boston today. I am confused and wonder why people are so evil. My thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by this senseless tragedy.

    1. pears


      on a more reaffirming note, apparently massgen & red cross had so many people who wanted to donate blood that they had to turn some away, & there's footage of people crossing the line then continuing to the hospital, as well as people running towards injured folks rather than away. mucho love <3

    2. ArtHistoryandMuseum


      I am also confused and wonder why people could be so evil. But I am thankful not everyone is that way, and there are those, like Pears suggests, who are thoughtful and compassionate. These actions, despite such awful, stomach-turning tragedy, are nothing short of amazing.

  3. Welcome! From what I understand, most people applying to education graduate programs don't have an undergraduate background in education and thus don't really have letters of recommendation from undergraduate professors in the field of education. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to have strong letters from these people, but having a strong letter from someone who can speak to your academic and research skills regardless of the discipline (probably some caveats here) is what matters. What is your undergraduate major? My letters of recommendation came from professors in clinical psychology and public policy. What makes you say you are a strong applicant (I am not doubting your capabilities- I am just curious)? While knowing what you want to research is definitely important for PhD applications, there are also other factors to be considered (as I am sure you know). Do you have a strong GPA? Do you have strong GRE scores? The reason I ask this is because if you don't, exemplary performance in a masters program may increase your chances of getting into a PhD program. I didn't have the most competitive undergraduate GPA, but got a 3.9 in my masters program and was told that it really helped my application. You mentioned that the masters program is in Higher Ed, would you also be getting a PhD in Higher Ed? This is just my opinion, but I don't really think it makes since to pay for a masters in Higher Ed and then move on to a PhD program in Higher Ed. I say this because most PhD programs offer a masters en route to your PhD and many PhD programs offer partial to full funding. If the terminal masters program that you are referring to was paid for, I think that would make a difference in the decision. I think depending on the specifics of your situation, you could go either way. Just my two cents.
  4. Happy decision day! Best of luck to all of you wherever you're headed!

  5. Big Red
  6. lobster bisque
  7. I will be there for a PhD in Educational Policy.
  8. My husband found a job, we are putting our condo on the market, and we set a move date! California here we come!

    1. pears


      congrats! you'll love it here :)

    2. Andean Pat
    3. Lilac13


      Thanks! I'm really looking forward to the change in scenery.

  9. Even though I have already accepted an offer to another program, I decided to give Vanderbilt a call recently because I had not heard anything at all about my application (I am ready to wrap this process up). I was told that two rounds of rejections have already gone out and that one or two rounds of acceptances have gone out (I can't recall if the person in admissions said one or two). The admissions officer told me this means I am in a "holding pattern". The accepted applicants have until April 15th to accept or reject their offer and if necessary the committee will reconvene after April 15th to decide if they want to make any more offers (was told that this probably won't be likely). I interpret this as being on a wait list and likely not making it off of the wait list. Hopefully this information is helpful for those of you still waiting. I applied to the Leadership, Policy, and Organizations PhD program, so I am not sure if this information is applicable to other departments.
  10. fruit snacks
  11. Getting some experience with grant writing this week. I really will miss my job when I leave for school. I've had some awesome experiences here.

    1. Cookie


      grant writing is great learning experience! have fun!

    2. Lilac13
  12. Working hard to submit three manuscripts for publication before leaving my current job to head off to school. It is an ambitious goal, but I welcome the challenge!

    1. Cookie


      like a boss! :)

  13. Just wrapped up a great graduate school visit. I purchased so much apparel. I am looking forward to getting started in the fall!

    1. ion_exchanger


      Congrats! I do remember going just a little crazy in one of my visit's bookstores!

  14. So excited for my upcoming Admitted Students Day! Looking forward to being on campus, learning more information, and meeting my cohort.

  15. I always wonder how trustworthy their rankings are. I just have so many questions....Who do they survey? What is their sample size? Is the sample representative? What types of questions are they asking survey respondents? Anyone have any insight as to how they come up with these ratings?
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