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Posts posted by TakeMyCoffeeBlack

  1. I think I am trying to not get my hopes up too high. I hope I didn't come across rude!  :unsure:


    Nobody has ever told me that before.. I've always assumed that such good schools would have very low acceptance rates... thank you!


    It's hard to say. For a lot of masters programs, they are willing to take on as many students as they see to be academically qualified. This is especially true if they're a small program with a small applicant pool. The Petersons data could be confirmed or rejected with a short email to the administrative assistant. Like I said, the more informed you are, the better off they will be. 

  2. Thanks. I am leaning towards doing so. Do you think that I will be at a disadvantage if I have my applications out by the end of next month, being that the deadlines for my programs are May 1st and May 15th? 


    I reiterate: Before you drop the money on retaking the GRE, contact the program and ask what they think. It benefits them to have highly qualified applicants, and they will be honest with you about where you stand and how you can improve.

  3. That number just doesn't seem right.  :blink:


    Why? My girlfriend's at a top ranked program for her field doing a masters, and the acceptance rate is ridiculously high. This is usually for two reasons:


    1.) you're in a pretty specialized field and the competition isn't as intense (so the program accepts all students it sees as qualified, doesn't have to split the arbitrary hairs)

    2.) a lot of masters programs bring in a lot of income for schools, so there is little benefit to accepting only the top 1% of applicants (though, of course, schools will still admit in line with the sense of prestige they've cultivated over the years)

  4. I think it would be to your benefit to reach out to the programs and ask specifically. According to data available at Petersons.com, Columbia at least admits about 91% of its applicants in Bioethics (22/24). Assuming your GREs pass their minimum standard - I would guess they do - you should be fine.

  5. Bioethics. NYU requires a 10-page writing sample... I took this as a sign that the AW was important (?). Thanks.


    Masters or Ph.D.?


    The writing sample itself will tell them significantly more about your writing capabilities and logical prowess than a standardized test. You should feel free to contact someone in the program and ask. Also, are the programs quant heavy? You may need to think of ways either to increase your Q score or compensate for it in other ways.

  6. I have a (potentially somewhat ignorant) question. Soon we'll all start getting our acceptances and rejections... Say you get accepted into 5 schools. How typical is it for you to be invited to visit the school over a weekend or something? And if you are invited, are you typically expected to pay for the travel expense yourself, or does the school ever help with that? :)


    I think typically they'll offer to reimburse up to a certain amount for travel to a recruitment/accepted students weekend. Colorado-Boulder did, and they're using the recruitment weekend as a sort of informal interview for funding, too. Last year I flew to DC with money from a Masters program for a recruitment weekend.

  7. Hypothetical question: if you guys got into your dream school or one of your top choices, how are you planning on celebrating or rewarding yourself?


    And for those who've already received acceptances, how are you celebrating the fact (or are you?)?


    I'm not really sure in the hypothetical situation. Though, I plan on saving the celebrating for when I visit home in March. Going to hit up my favorite bar with my favorite people and celebrate with a couple pitchers (and free nachos and popcorn!).


    When I got my (first or only?) acceptance, I didn't do anything special to celebrate. Just smiled a lot.

  8. So without further information from programs, it's hard to say why exactly someone might be accepted or not in any given year, and that leads to hyper-focusing on perceived weaknesses or inadequacies. And quite a few of those who are accepted deal with the impostor syndrome after beginning their program for similar reasons.



    This. An acceptance may confirm your quality as a student or academic, but it does not define it. There are simply too many variables. I imagine most of us will be facing the same anxiety in 5-6 years on the job market, which is even more competitive and even less indicative of your quality.

  9. I may be in the minority here, but in the morning I mainly drink coffee for the taste. It's just something to drink that tastes good. :) I only really use coffee to wake up during the late afternoon if I've stayed up late or I have a late night ahead. Plus the social aspect of going out for coffee with folks... that's one of my go-to activities. I'd probably be inclined to decline the pills.


    If anything, you're not alone. I just build the brewing time into my daily schedule. I use low cost equipment ($20 small drip brew system, 10 Euro press I bought in Germany, $20 coffee grinder) and buy beans about a pound at a time. That means, in the end, I'm spending about $5 a week on cafe quality coffee. Sure, the boost can be nice, but if that were all I cared about, I wouldn't go out of my way to grind fresh every morning. 


    Social coffee drinking is a big plus for me, too. Sure, I like drinking alcohol with friends too, but I find it's much cheaper to go out for coffee, even if you get an expensive latte or something. Chances are, you aren't going to get more than one or two. When I go to a bar, a beer costs about the same and I'm apt to drink more than one. ;)


    So I think for me, the pills would kind of ruin my coffee and tea experience, which is my daily meditation. 

  10. A question to those who are applying for a second (or third) cycle, just out of curiosity:  Why is this your second cycle?  Did you not get into a school you were happy with?  Did you not receive funding?  Was there another factor that kept you from going last year?


    One unfunded offer. I got a great fellowship to go abroad, though, so I took it and entered round two.

  11. This borders on genius. You should have included it as an appendix in your cover letter :D

    Traditionally, none of the schools I applied to send out letters this early, so I don't really feel all too worried. The majority of them are typically right in the middle of February, with a couple of them coming at the end of January/early February. It's just made worse by this being my second cycle. Last year ended badly, so at this point I'm desperate to just get into a school quickly, so I don't have to worry about the rest of the responses, cause I'll know I already have somewhere to go in August. Then I could enjoy the rest of the admissions cycle, no matter what the result. 


    I'm right with you. And then there's the whole catch with my one acceptance, that I don't get information on funding until March. So... even that semblance of security is a facade.

  12. Not going to lie that is pretty cool.

    I just always felt like if I lived back in that time things would be different for me. I would have been married at like 19 or 20 and I would have babies and I would cook and clean for my husband and it would be great. That's just what I envisioned.


    The good news is that the average life span is much longer than it was in the 1950s. Even if you start a decade later, you'll have just as many years to do this. Try and enjoy being young and single as much as you can. You have the next ~60 years to cook and clean for your husband.

  13. For example my family is constantly saying "finish your education and start a career before you worry about husbands and babies" in 1950 they would probably be saying to total opposite.


    In the 1940s my great-grandfather drove his daughter, my "Oma," to Bell-Aerospace, where she became the lead mathematician under Werner von Braun for that location. She met my grandfather there, a young engineer helping to develop the technology that brought us to the moon. When she gave birth to my father some years later, she stayed home to raise him and, eventually, her daughter. Thank God, though, that her father had permitted empowerment and not required her to fulfill the traditional feminine ideal. When my grandfather became very ill, she became financially responsible for the family - which she did as a professional musician.


    This is feminism. It's about choices, and it's about discovering who you are intellectually, professionally, and emotionally. 

  14. I understand both sides, to me I value the traditional 50s household and I would love that. Feminism, to me, made it more difficult to accomplish that. I feel like now women are expected to go to school and further their education and it's looked down on to want to be a stay at home mom or housewife.


    I think what you're thinking of has more to do with major changes to our economic system, and less to do with the empowerment of half of the population. Feminism would hold that if you want to be a stay at home mom or a housewife, you should be able to make that decision. The decision should not belong to your father, brother(s), boyfriend or husband.

  15. I personally think feminism kind of ruined chivalry that's why I hate it.


    Umm... Alrighty then. 


    I rather think that feminism makes it okay for women not to want that, not to have to conform to an image of femininity created by men, and to pursue that which will help to fulfill them as an individual as well as a woman. I don't think it has anything to do with chivalry, other than to say (and as a man I appreciate this): "Although we don't need you, we appreciate you and want you to continue doing this." 


    If women are freer and more independent (even if that means only that they can choose to be stay at home moms), then so are men. It's a matter of basic human equality, not the destruction of traditional values (read: except where those values are ethically questionable or have the effect of restraining, discriminating against or oppressing a certain segment of society).

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