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Andean Pat

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Everything posted by Andean Pat

  1. congrats!
  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! (Sorry, that's all I can say! I am so happy for you! )
  3. Are you comparing little funding top-10 with lots of funding top-25? I don't see why top 25 is bad.... I agree with fuzzy about the topic of going into debt for an MA. Is it really worth it? On the other hand, $25k is an excellent offer and, from what you've said, it's an excellent fit. Now, going to the top-10 school is a bet, and you seem to know what you are betting. I'd say that if you, as trantorian said, realistically weighed your chances of entering at an Ivy school, then make your bet! Of course, I say this as an outsider. I am not that familiar with domestic rankings in US higher education. However, from what I have seen and read, a top-25 school is not bad at all. There's nothing wrong with rejecting a top-10 school offer. Bottom line, take into account the funding offer against the price for going into debt against the department fit against your job prospects. Good luck!!!
  4. OP, As you have seen, I am not neither European nor American. What I've learned in life, and apparently several would agree with me, universal values such as the truth have no geographical boundaries. Probably you read about this in your Political THought classes. Likewise, dishonesty has no geographical anchor. Thus it is not a matter of relative truth, it's a simple question of taking someone's money to do something that you know you are not going to do. Theft is theft here, in China, in Europe and in the US. Let me strengthen my argument: here (in Argentina) PhD programs are more open than in the US and Europe. You enrol in one university buy you are only required to take a minimum of courses there, most of them you take them in other places, wherever they are available. Furthermore, your advisor does not need to belong to that university, although he/she usually thus. Moreover, in some cases you can enrol in one university in one city and work in another. This is all agreed, it is all one paper and all the people involved know about this (advisor, committee, DGS, you, etc.). As Kira said, why don't you try telling both institutions about your plan and then you come and tell us how wrong we all are?
  5. Good comments! In my case, it was the first time I sat for a 4-hour exam in front of the computer. However, the only difference between my first and second time was not the V or Q (just a couple of points) but the AWA for the reasons I've mentioned. It is probable I needn't sit for a second time if I had known what I needed to do in this section. Besides, also in my case, I tend to be very self-demanding and knowing that I had another chance when my results came in (78Q, 82V and 30AWA, for those of you that asked) although my advisors did not seem to care (they only told me: give a good impression, do not present a low percentage). My scores were better, I do not remember Q and V, but my AWA was 5 score (what percentage is that?). Now, I stressed the second-chance factor because I know people who sat for GMAT too close to application deadlines and therefore could not apply when they got in poor results (in this case, they were applying to Ivy league schools that would not have even looked at their scores, or so they've told me!). On another topic--- Books I've used: Official GRE guide, Kaplan and the third one I didn't remember when I wrote the post: Barron's practice test. Barron's has difficult tests so when I scored 60% it was a high score!!!
  6. I bought a Dell inspiron about 5 years ago. still working, although with no independent battery, but working magnificently. Three years ago I bought a second computer, a Dell mini, amazing. I take it everywhere. No new investment for me this fall... (gonna save for the following year) I've only had one problem with my inspiron. I work at a school so it's very easy to get a virus. We teachers use the same computers at the teachers' room and plug in and out our pendrives. Once my notebook got a terrible virus and stopped working. A friend of mine, obviously computer engineer, saved it. Dell has proved to be, in my experience, excellent technology. I take my netbook around in my handbag, and I love it! But although I like technology, I am not an expert so I'll see what I'll need for grad school next september and work from there
  7. I am so sorry you are undergoing such a frustration and stress! I am not even in grad school yet but can understand what you mean! I agree with Fuzzy's suggestions and really hope that you ace your presentation tomorrow. Do not let this person shadow your work!!!! all the best!!!!
  8. I really wish you hear from them already!!!!!!!
  9. apartment + air ticket. I'm moving to the US!!!!!!!

  10. Absolutely!!!! Now, Sigaba, I did use the search engine, but came up with not very helpful advice. Maybe you are right, maybe what was said here is no different from other threads. But that does not give you the authority to be so harsh and condescending. In some threads I posted a question that had been discussed elsewhere and very kind people only pointed out those threads. Finally, thank you for posting the URLs of those other threads, I am on them right now! Juliet & the rest: I can't thank you enough. Graduate school here is completely different (you enrol in one university but you don't need to take all the courses there and, very often, your advisor does not belong to that school). I am anxious, happy, stressed, sad for leaving, all at the same time (and doing what Juliet mentioned: lots of exercise). I'm sorry my post carries no advice, but I can't just sit and read and not be thankful. Really. AP
  11. Cheers for UConn!!!!! (I don't know if you've notice History Time, but I would drink a beer or two for UConn!!! hahaha)
  12. Seriously, you said can commute to the UK from that other country, how far away will you be from your family if you moved? And besides, do you really want to work with an advisor that supports such unethical, illegal, dishonest strategy? Finally, if you do not intend to properly attend and graduate at the UK institution, be a man and reject that offer. You can't have it both ways.
  13. Yeah, I thought of that. Moreover, sports equipment do not count towards luggage allowance so I thought of taking racquet, stick, shin protectors, etc in my hockey bag. But, honestly, they are SO OLD that it wouldn't hurt buy a new one in the States. Yeah, I want new tech too. They will have to wait though.... Since I am buying everything new, I am making some lists on Amazon: urgent, not so urgent, nice clothes, etc. It's so fun!!!! :D In my urgent stuff I included (besides what I told you earlier): Bathroom curtain + rug set dish set service 4 drinking glasses cutlery What am I forgetting?
  14. What do you mean by "other devices"? Iphone/Ipad? Kindle? (I'll probably buy one of these...) I didn't have problems with OneNote but I have only Windows and the places where I work as well. It has a button to record a lecture, add stuff from internet/other files and save as .docx or pdf (didn't try anything else).
  15. REALLY though choice! It is obvious that the decision is not easy. Because of this, you will feel your are giving away something wonderful. However, if you choose one over the other, you should also feel that you've made the right choice. What I would do is to make a list of everything that might influence that choice, from the big factors to the little ones. For example: Department fit Courses offered TA load Funding Weather Moving expenses Travelling grants Placement Housing Extracurricular activities etc etc etc You can then give a score to each category per university, the highest scores wins. Moreover, you can weigh different categories with different percentages, according to their importance. So maybe department fit for you is worth 30% of the total score and weather only 3% (Tip: if you are not satisfied with the decision, then you choose the other one and that's it ) It's just an idea, I hope it helps!
  16. BTW, I have a question that has been buzzing my mind. I feel stupid asking it, but since you are my fellow historians, who else to answer it? Especially those already in grad school. An important part of life is practising sports. I began to research what sports I can practise at my new school and I found that that not many graduate students join recreational teams. Are doomed to indoor cycling or some tennis match every now and then? Do we have that little time not to do anything else? I'm talking about practise twice a week and a match on weekends, is that a lot? (I hope not!!!) Thank you!!!
  17. HI! I don't think I completely understood. You are saying that you want to enter the US on your connection place? I don't think that's possible, but you should check. I my experience, Delta Airlines had a very cheap flight to NY via Atlanta, but I wanted to go to Atlanta. A direct flight was more expensive! So I asked the agency if I could buy my ticket to NY but check my bags to Atlanta. They said they couldn't be sure that was possible. If your final destination is the UK but you want to enter the US, I don't know, after all you have a valid visa. The problem is not where you come from but rather why you don't complete the flight. Besides, I don't know how are US officers with British citizens. Check with the International student office, the DHS website and you can even call the US embassy in the UK, just to be sure. Have you been to Rio?
  18. Wow, but you applied to very competitive school! Congratulations on Yale!
  19. Are both offers for MA or PhD?
  20. Beers after rowing. Who can say no to that?

    1. Cookie


      That sounds ah-mazing :-) enjoy life before grad school!

  21. In the my last interview with a committee, they asked me: "Have you read Dr. X's work? Is basic for your topic". "errrr... no". And yet, I was admitted, phew! You are right, we cannot cover everything or everyone. Glad you liked the Greeks!
  22. Did you or do you work in some connection with national parks?
  23. I think that it shouldn't be a problem because you will re-enter the country with with your F-1. I strongly suggest that you ask your International Students Office and the US consulate closest to you. Gather as much information as possible from official sources.
  24. Sorry!!!! Out loud would have sounded as funny as I intended It wasn't sarcasm per se because I've read those two (by no means I wanted to sound condescending!!!). My coursework involved A LOT of history courses. Right from the start, we took courses in history, and all history courses are compulsory so I've studied barely all history. I have read Herodotus and Thuchydides in three courses: Introduction to Historical Study, Ancient Greek history and Historiography. And maybe in some elective from political science. Bottom line, I meant it as a joke, please please forgive me! If it helps, I am not fond of Greek literature thus I did not pay attention any three times I read them
  25. (ammmm didn't we all read these as undergrads?)
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