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Andean Pat

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Everything posted by Andean Pat

  1. Well, maybe they've improved something, like the smoking. Great time of the year to come because it's winter so you won't suffocate!! There are other archives that are nice, like the Buenos Aires council's newspaper library, people there are very nice. The one in the Library of Congress (here) has better machines but less helpful staff and you can't take pictures. Hope you have a great time in the adventure of coming to these archives!!! And, if you want, we can grab a cup of coffee some time.
  2. Excellent thread!!! I have discovered that my interests are quite hot. Now, "hot" we mean in cutting-edge schools (i.e. mostly North American, some European and Asian) as opposed to several schools that are behind. In Latin America is quite new, specially because traditional history and top schools, while diving into specific subaltern history such as Precolumbian peoples', geographical peripheral historical studies are not THAT welcomed. Absolutely, however in MANY circles is being used as apologetic history which complete undermines the purpose of historical studies. I love the idea of borderland, even in Spanish it sounds as a flexible uncertain territory that may fluctuate in time. The complexitiy of borderlands studies rests on the amount of elements that interact at the same time and modify the environment in different ways. Yes, urban history is quite hot here as well as a means to explain nation-building. It's a little to servile but it's OK. Thank you for sharing!!!! I am thrilled that my interests (borderlands studies, environmental history and interdisciplinarity (??)) are hot in the US!!!!! I had a terrible time defending them in my viva in my undergrad... Now, digitalisation in the humanities is by no means hot down here (Cagefree, what do you think?). If you go into the National Archives, you would believe there are people smoking right there were the archives are, they are very poorly kept and most are mistreated. On the other hand, I know a small archive in the Andes where there was one man devoted to the scanning in high resolution of old pictures of the town. This initiative, however, is ad honorem and unsupported by any state organism. I am glad to go to the US to learn more about this (my school has a special seminar on digital age and the humanities). Mind my typos I am sooooooo happy!!!!!! :D
  3. I work as a teacher in several High schools and have had this situations. I even had the misfortune of reporting to the head and being asked: "what bothers you? This person was resourceful enough not to stick to the book and went to look information on line". Yeah, but she copied something it was hers! Anyway, my rules are clear to students and at university level rules are stricter because expectations are higher. They've made a decision and should cope with the consequences. Otherwise, they should stay on mummy's lap. Be firm on your position and, as said by others, be sure the professor supports you. well done!
  4. Absolutely!!! Relax and take it easy
  5. You have read my mind!!!! As an international student I have to buy most of my things once I get there. I feel a little sad for that because I will have to leave many things behind such as grandmother's furniture or old books. For the time being, I am selling some stuff and the rest goes to my sister. Half my library will go to charity and the other half to two friends. My plants will go to other friends. I think I might only take some summer clothes and my favourite books, together with a set of towels and my computers. I hate to leave my hockey stick and tennis racket here but my brother, who lives in NY, told me everything is SO cheap in the US. I have many presents from students (I am a teacher), like a mug that reads "Miss Angie". The first thing I am going to buy is some sheets and duvet cover, and a coffee maker. Since I have never lived on dollars, I do not know if my budget is going to be tight or not (here I am VERY used at saving money, spending little money on stupid things and weigh my financial priorities) so I have a good habit. I want to buy a bike some time, probably after the first semester. Besides, I will be finishing paying some stuff from here, like air tickets (they are SO expensive we buy them in instalments). I have no idea what to expect, and these five months ahead of me are going to be a dead zone: can't get a boyfriend, will be on the moon all the time, can't do the bartender course I wanted.
  6. ABSOLUTELY!!!!!
  7. I am not in grad school yet but what about meeting people outside the lab? I am thinking in team sports, volunteering, concerts, school parties/events, other hobbies? You can also check www.meetup.com
  8. Yes, one acceptance is just what you need. But I was glad to know I made it through the final round... especially to my top school
  9. One of my schools told me that they had less history slots this year and chose people very very close to their fields of interest
  10. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Andean Pat


    Yep, Campus Crossings. I have also been checking out this website http://www.ridethecity.com/atlanta#2545489 it tells you the safest and/or faster way to move around Atlanta by bike. I am thinking of cycling there and have found out Emory rents bikes for $75 a semester. I'll probably arrive to Atlanta by August 15th. Once there, I'll bug you where to buy stuff!!!
  12. I surely browse the school's apparel and regalia!!! so sad nike does not produce for mine...
  13. Get really drunk, best ideas come when you are not hunting them
  14. Ok, this may not come out nicely since I do not like "oh-I-don't-know-which-school-to-choose" problems. Apologies in advance if I seem rude. If you cannot choose based on their offers, base your decision on something else (dah!) like place, weather, further funding available, ranking of other departments that may collaborate with you, graduate students parties, you name it. If you cannot make up your mind then it is always effective to flip a coin.
  15. I agree with many things said. I understand that being a foreigner is more exciting and you probably did not realize that you were wrongdoing. I also sense that there is some exaggeration in your reaction (do not worry, we are girls and we overreact sometimes) so be careful not to see ghosts everywhere. Besides, you are leaving later on. However, as you've said, you are both adults. If you feel you should talk to this man, go to his office, knock on his door and tell him that he inspired you but you feel things are awkward. If he takes it the wrong way, he is the child.
  16. Soooo happy!!! We have a Pope!!! And it's Argentinean!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. na3eem


      isnt he italian..? like his heritage?

    3. Cookie


      Thats great!

    4. Andean Pat

      Andean Pat

      Na3eem, half of us Argentineans are Italians!!! :D EG: All of my great grandparents where born in Italy.

  17. GRE measures logical thinking. Study all. Really.
  18. The university I accepted has not on-campus graduate housing, I would have preferred that, at least for the first year. I opted for a university-owned privately-run apartment complex where you rent rooms in an apartment that you share with other students. For fitting in and getting used to the US culture and the first semester, it's great.
  19. Acceptance??? Congrats!!! Congratulations, really!!! It's tough for me to say it, since I really really really thought I was an excellent fit at Princeton and was really really really bummed for not getting in. I think I'll always have a little scratch in my pride... I don't like it, I am not the kind of person that resents the success of others, but it was hard for me to see people getting in. Now that I am (a little) over it, I can truly congratulate you! All the best there!!!!
  20. Yeah, it's just I forgot about it hehehe how much aprox do they withhold?
  21. Oh, did not know that about taxes. crap.
  22. My undergrad university launched a mediocre new curriculum for History. It seems intellectual development is not a priority AT ALL.

  23. I applied to 5 PhDs in the US, one MSc in the UK and one MA in Qatar, which I withdrew when I was admitted. I don't know if its a lot or not, I think I could have applied to one more program that was excellent fit but I was late.
  24. Andean Pat

    Atlanta, GA

    Hi!!! Great that someone else is going to Emory!!!! I am international as well and decided to do the following: rent at Briarcliff for a year or less while I get used to school and the US and once I know the city, the area, and the places I would like to live, I rent another thing on my own. My first priority is not to live alone, is to start off well and I know that there are going to be tough times during my first year away from home. So, I'd better don't worry if my apartment is well located/my furniture is nice (for the time being).
  25. As an international student, I did exactly that. I signed a lease in an University-owned apartment complex so as to get to know the area and then, once I am settled and have a clear idea of where I want to live, I'll start looking for a place on my own. I am relieved I already have somewhere to sleep, being at a distance is very difficult.
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