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Andean Pat

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Everything posted by Andean Pat

  1. Congrats on acceptances everyone!!!!!!
  2. I have been working AND studying for a long time. What I am excited about is being focused on ONE thing: academics. I cannot wait to get immersed in a thriving department, read and write all the time, exercise a lot and GROW. I am also happy about JSTOR access!!!
  3. me!!!!!!
  4. OK, before I read all the thread, I am going to tell you about my own experience. This is in high school, which is a little more difficult because students do not choose the subjects (at least where I work). Let me just handle some tips that were quite useful: * Attack the behaviour, not the student. What is wrong is the behaviour, not the person himself. maybe you can approach him/her by saying that complaining about grades but not actually doing the work is contradictory. Avoid saying "you are contradictory". Like this, you give him/her the chance to change. Otherwise, he/she is stuck in that label. * Praise publicly, scold privately. Never never never engage into a rebellion in the open. If you "win" (which you probably will), you humiliate him/her and it is purposeless. I am sure that you/the professor set the rules clearly so if anyone complains in the open, you can simply say it was clear at the beginning of the term and he/she can meet with you later (not in front of everyone). On the other hand, do praise. Not the rebellious person, anyone. You'll see that praising a lot will get students be more positive about their learning. For example: "that is an excellent observation". * Communicate. Meet with this person and explain his/her lousy progress. Leave a record. Ask the professor to be present. when the time comes and if he/she fails, you have everything on records. Anyway, this is very schooly, so forgive me if you do not find it useful.
  5. You shouldn't have a problem. But I wouldn't have included a note. My sample was also a little too long so instead I narrowed the scope. In the introduction I explained the nature of the paper, thus embedding the research on broader topic. In my case, I tend to be indifferent to the readers so maybe that's why I didn't think of a clarification like yours. Don't worry!!!
  6. Out to celebrate I am off to Grad School in the fall!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eager


      Party a little for me! Congrats!

    3. Cookie


      Party hard! When yr in grad school, no party no more lol

    4. Andean Pat

      Andean Pat

      It was awesome

  7. Ok, my top two choices rejected me but one of them sent me a nice e-mail end encouraged me to keep in touch. Will do! My choice 3 accepted me and couldn't be happier. And it is Emory!!!! Since I hate American reputation system, I am not going to ask about it. Around the globe, Emory is regarded as one of top schools for history and its faculty are all from excellent universities as well. So, that means I am in!!!!
  8. "Columbia or Harvard?" BE A MAN!!!!!! MAKE A CHOICE!!!!!!

  9. Broke my heart, like when a year or so ago I told a boy that I wanted to be with him. I always do these things, God!
  10. I am Princeton reject as well.... Thought I was an excellent fit. Obviously I was mistaken.
  11. You may be prepared for a rejection from your top choice, but when it comes, it is TRULY heartbreaking.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eager


      Congrats on the acceptance.

    3. HigherEd2013


      So sorry! Sending hot chocolate with extra marshmallows your way!!! <3

    4. Andean Pat

      Andean Pat

      Thnx for the support!!!!!!!

  12. I agree with everything said, let me add on one little thing. I don't know in your field, but in mine, rejections are seen as not suitable fits. Let me put it this way: I imagine advisers admit students like parents adopt children. Especially where I applied (fully funded programs), they REALLY want to be sure they are adopting the right candidate. A rejection should be seen as an opportunity to find THE place. Of course, POIs can be wrong as well. Clearly, there is something in your applications that you should do differently. Let me add some other questions for you to think about: * Have you asked anyone to read your SOP/writing sample? I asked two grad students and a friend of mine who has recently earned her PhD and now works at a school, reading lots of apps. Their comments were terrific. * Have you worked with your recommenders? I am international and professors/employers here tend to give general recommendations, which can be devastating for an application in the US. So I explained all my recommenders what were the ad comms looking for in their letters, what information was expected and what type of evidence they could provide. Moreover, I looked for samples and websites to help them in the process. * Have you contacted people in your programs? I contacted POIs in June/July last year and got several skype interviews with them in August. Some were in my country so I went out for coffee with them. I also met/e-mailed with grad students who can be very kind and REALLY helpful. POIs, at least in my experience, were very honest with me. There was one that suggested not applying because there was not enough funding for international students. Another directly told me "excellent topic, would love to work with you, but I am not admitting anyone this fall because last year I admitted to many students in my field". DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. practical joke
  14. I think safety schools are those where you have more chances to get in. It does not necessarily mean they are not good schools. I mean, academically speaking, access to your program is not the same as poor ranking. My safety school is one where I have high chances to get in because very few in my subfield apply. It may not be a safety school for other subfields.
  15. After the hectic last 3 weeks due to graduate school stress, mother's health problems, and coming back from holidays, I am leaving 4 days to a country house.

    1. Eager


      That sounds amazing. Enjoy enough for all of us!

  16. Congrats! And congrats to Yale admits!
  17. 3 am, can't go to sleep... shall I write a paper instead?

  18. Sarum, the novel of England. Amazing.
  19. Good luck!!! You'll do perfect!!! Every time there is a rejection/admission I wonder if any of us will wine up in the same school
  20. That's why, at least in my field and in the departments I have applied to, they do not pay much attention to scores.
  21. If you can't make a decision without consulting GradCafé, you are not as mature as you think for grad school.

    1. Quantum Buckyball
    2. Soleil ت

      Soleil ت

      Sometimes it's nice to hear from people in the same boat as you.

    3. Cookie
  22. hahahah It is a VERY high ranked university and program. According to a friend it is because I think I want to go there but I really don't. It makes sense, right?
  23. I got three plans: A, B and C. I got a rejection from one that doesn't even appear in my plans.
  24. Suddenly, everything gains perspective :)

  25. Ok, I did survive but all sweaty. Since the connection had a delay, the interview committee preferred to do it only audio. Here are the questions that they posed: * You talked about your interests in X. Tell us what would you plan to do. (I expanded on the SOP, did not repeat the same thing) * Would you consider also Y and Z for this project? * Have you read Dr. H's foundational article on topic X? (No) * How do you feel about reading all this amount of literature that you have not read in your undergrad? * Have you taken into account that you are going to be a foreigner not only terms of nationality but also in terms of literature? * How do you feel about working with other fields? * Which methodology have you used in your recent project? How would you apply it in your next project? * Have you got any questions for us? (that's all I can remember!) Hope it is useful!!!!
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