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Everything posted by Gwendolyn

  1. 4pm is approaching. Although I doubt any announcements from the department will be sent out immediately, I'm extremely anxious to hear if I got the fellowship for which I was nominated.
  2. I know Ohio State isn't closed and I know of no schools in my area that are closed either. I definitely have class today.
  3. If they want you, they won't take money away because you accept. I mean, that's akin to punishing you for accepting their offer. If you're certain you'll go either way, why wait? If you feel the need to wait then you probably have doubts.
  4. http://english.osu.edu/courses/current-and-imminent/spring-2013-graduate The class selection is sooooo tantalizing.
  5. Your story reminds me of one of my sorority sisters. She's African-American (both of her parents are African-American and the entire family has dual citizenship), but she was born and raised her entire life in Japan. When she tells people she's from Japan they always think she's just joking and never choose to believe her until she proves she's fluent. I suppose being Black and from Japan is a little less common than being white and from Hawaii though.
  6. Yep. Ohio has my heart.
  7. Yep, I'll definitely be there. Going to stay for about three days total to try and find a place to stay.
  8. I presented at a few major universities (Emory, Rice, WashU, Indiana), hold a few undergrad research fellowships, decent GRE scores & GPA. I also took some GRE prep courses and went to statement of purpose workshops. I think my research interests are a bit unique (ethinc queer studies often using film as a literary medium). Of the schools I got into so far I met with faculty & grad students in the department at two and did research for a summer at one.
  9. I was the acceptance. Idk if anyone else was accepted, but Indiana seems to typically let people know a bit later than I was notified. I definitely wouldn't say give up. I honestly don't think they're done making offers (based on their timeline for previous years). Edit: I checked the offer they sent me and it said there will be a campus visit from February 28th - March 2nd which will allow new students to meet with current grad students and incoming cohort members, so I assume they'll make all of their acceptances very very soon (I doubt they'd give anyone less than a week to make arrangements to visit).
  10. This is extremely exciting to hear. I've only heard positive things from students I've spoken to and when I visited last year everyone seemed genuinely happy within the department.
  11. I strongly doubt smarter, but possibly a better fit. Be happy. It's just a sign you're with somebody who has bright future. The same will surely be said for you.
  12. My dad (an ex-vet raised in a third world country) is as supportive as I think he knows how to be. My mother wants to be supportive, but she's a bit batty so I keep her at the far end of a long stick. My older sister will be 27 this year and finally decided to enroll in a community college. My younger brother is 21, lives with my sister and works at Burger King (he dropped out of college after a semester because he didn't have friends smh), so I think my parents are proud of my accomplishments, but they aren't so good at appropriately showing their support (if that makes any sense).
  13. You've got me totally interested in your work.
  14. Yay! Friends tend to make everything better
  15. Forgive me for speaking generally, but I was referring to the direction in which this thread briefly went (the statement about a user being a desirable candidate largely due to her minority status). Oh well, the discussion makes for an extremely interesting read. In another news it's a new day! Hopefully more good admissions decisions are to come
  16. Let's say that you've graduated and your PhD is in hand. Besides administrative/teaching positions within the Ivory Tower, what other job interests do you have? I asked my department chair what she would do if she wasn't a professor and she suggested working for a publishing house as an editor. Any other alternative fields for an English PhD?
  17. Found out one of my recommenders didn't submit her letter to OSU correctly. Could've turned out awfully, but they (mercifully) called her and told her the only thing keeping me from admissions was her letter. She of course obliged (I totally just realized she graduated from the same program in the 60s).
  18. I try my best not to annoy people, but it's hard. It's such a huge life event! I have a few friends that are in the application process, but I'm afraid to talk to all except one because the others haven't heard back from their schools yet (or if they have it's been negative). Hence why thegradcafe is my new go to place.
  19. Random: at first glance, i always think your name says "Daterape."
  20. Grad admissions director for The University of Alabama said results should be in over the course of the next few weeks.
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