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dr. t

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Everything posted by dr. t

  1. Another student being smarter than you is not cause for concern. Lots of people are smarter than you, and you'll bump into many of them in grad school. Even more people will seem smarter than you because they have more experience than you do. Bombing a test that badly, particularly in an area so key to your degree, is much more worrying. However, what it means for your continued career depends why you did so poorly.
  2. A lot of times if you sign up for a professional society which has a publication, they will ask you if you want to do book reviews. For what it's worth, I have been explicitly discouraged from writing book reviews before I have tenure. The consequences for stepping on a land mine far outweigh the benefits of successfully crossing the field.
  3. YES. What is this, 1990? As one of my professors says on his contacts page: "Fax: Seriously? Scan it and send via email."
  4. So just how far can this metaphor be stretched before it gets mixed and deflates like a flan in a cupboard?
  5. Sure, but before they are allowed to work on their PhDs, they're usually required to take general, not specialist, exams. For what it's worth, It sounds like you may have a bit of a feedback loop going with the complaints from your cohort. Relax and take a step back.
  6. If only Papers3 for Windows had... any features at all. To whit: Missing features Search screen: missing features pinned search results importing a publication to a collection importing PDF, media or reference files importing a Mendeley or Zotero library sharing search results exporting search results customising search engine access settings it is not possible to click on a search result to view the web page of the publication importing a PDF automatically Currently supported search engines: arXiv, ACM, ADS, CERN DS, Crossref, IEEExplore, Highwire, Inspire, Google Books, Google Patents, Google Scholar, Gutenberg, JSTOR, Pubmed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Springer Link and Web of Science. Library screen: missing features merging duplicate publications patch editing publication metadata activity tab in the Inspector exporting publications in PDF or other reference formats grid view doesn’t support all column options creating a new publication from reference columns cannot be resized or reordered Reader screen viewing page thumbnails Preferences/settings: missing features General setting configurations
  7. No problem... unless you get in and I don't
  8. I think you're looking at the wrong page - my form is mostly filled out and some recommenders have sent in their letters. ( https://apply-ssd.uchicago.edu/apply/ )
  9. If you make it a priority to be friends with the secretaries and building maintenance wherever you go, you will be shocked how easy life can get.
  10. And public institutions do usually have GRE-based funding, which can affect matters.
  11. This is not so much burning your bridges as it is nuking the entire planet on which the bridges reside from orbit.
  12. The department may be expressing concerns about the professor in question being hired away rather than him seeking to leave. Still, I'm not sure why this is tricky, or why he might take "hey, I heard these rumors, I'm worried, what's happening" at all poorly.
  13. To be fair, this is also advice I have received directly from three different professors at Harvard, one of whom did his degree abroad. It might also be productive to distinguish between Europeans with European degrees and Americans with European degrees.
  14. I'll take the 5th
  15. I wonder how field-specific it is. I am currently trying to thing of a US-based Oxbridge-trained medievalist and drawing an utter blank.
  16. So when does he start EDIT: Oh wow this thread is old.
  17. Huh. This is not my experience at all.
  18. They're all for PhD. An MA in medieval studies from a UK institution is actually a fairly common track.
  19. Lack of funding, duration of program, lack of generals, lack of teaching experience, and hands-off nature of adviser relationships are the things most commonly mentioned.
  20. I would email them. Sometimes if a prof. is out of the country, etc., they have a harder time (or even don't) pulling in a student.
  21. Most of the biggest names are in the UK - Christopher Loveluck, John Blair, etc. A lot of people here will discourage you from a degree in the UK, though. Thus, I would also look at places where you have faculty interested in the Continent for the same period.
  22. We're generally encouraged to use the Stuttgart editions of the Vulgate and Greek NT. I'm pretty sure this applies to the Hebrew as well. This is a critical edition and not, unfortunately, interlinear.
  23. The index of this key reference book is so terrible, I am literally being forced to build an index to the index. What.
  24. Garamond. End of discussion
  25. Did you talk to your instructor about this? What did they say?
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