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Everything posted by spectastic

  1. post quals senioritis is a thing. damn..
  2. passed quals. ? and the new emoji collection is ?
  3. I think the situation needs to be explained better before anyone can have a real opinion on it. that said, I struggle to imagine any situation where it's a good idea to not pay people to do work.
  4. so the material i'm trying to publish on is apparently 50% something else?? hopefully that's just from oxidation from being left in the atmosphere, and not part of the initial synthesis.
  5. jesus christ. do i really need to spell it out? older people tend to have more traditional views when it comes to gender differences.
  6. yea, and some of those female qualities consist of having smaller brains or being less capable of abstract thinking. what you never met a baby boomer before?
  7. i sense the feminists have been triggered! RUN
  8. that's not what i said at all.
  9. i agree with you. there's probably a lot of areas that can benefit from creating environments where everyone is comfortable sharing their thoughts. but honestly, that's an argument that extends beyond gender discrimination. we can talk about introverts in an extrovert world, where the people who think deeply in solitude may have valuable information that is often overlooked. there's a lot of overlap there. besides, we're getting there. the percentage of women engineers were in the single digits a few decades ago. it's still around 1/4-1/3 today, but it's on an upward trajectory. the point i was trying to make originally has nothing to do with this. I see no signs of active discrimination against women in STEM fields. the system isn't perfect, and has traditionally favored men. But if you're smart, you'd adapt to the system, and not complain about how it's not adapting to you. correction. I have seen certain older professors make certain comments about how women don't really belong in STEM, or something to that effect. But these are really old guys with mentalities that they've carried over from the 80s (or some long ass time ago), and who are on their way out. we don't really need to worry about them
  10. quals.. fuuuccck
  11. thanks for sharing
  12. you have a valid point, but I'd like to think that in today's society, that's a pretty outdated perspective. I think it's just the nature of the jobs. leaders and decision makers need masculine qualities to move things forward and see things get done. i've been in the engineering field, and there are important moments when shit hits the fan, and decisions need to be quickly. if you have an opinion, you better get it out, because we're not going to have a circle discussion where everyone gets to share what they're thinking. women are perfectly capable of having masculine qualities in the professional setting. at a risk of sounding a little crude, we're in a competitive world, and if you want to move up, better have some balls.
  13. troll or not, from a man's perspective in STEM, I can tell you that the disparity between the amount of men vs women in the field is not because of gender discrimination. that's kind of like saying the olympics is racially biased towards kenyans in long distance running. that's not to discredit women in their intellectual abilities. the issue i think has more to do with the environments that exists in these STEM settings, such as negotiations, decision making, expression of ideas in clear/concise manners, most of which favor masculine qualities. and if anything, the fields are trying to encourage more women participation (eg. society of women engineers). by and large, it's your effectiveness as a scientist, mathematician, engineer, that determines your placement. yea, the world is unfair, and someone who is equally or less qualified than you might scoop your position. join the club.
  14. i have no idea how much to tip people. was supposed to order pizza for group meeting. got $75 worth of pizza. I only tipped like $3, and apparently, the norm is $5 PLUS 10% or some shit. why?? just pay your damn employees a good wage, cover their gas, with vehicle depreciation. we're not in the 60s anymore. tipping is a retarded practice. be gone.
  15. positive results on both of my projects. heeelllll yea
  16. that's funny. child of 2 was my old account. haha. i still do the green smoothie thing pretty regularly. I'll put in grapes, bananas, strawberries, or any berries I can get my hands on, and pack it down with 1-2 salads worth of vitamin/mineral rich greens. sometimes, I'll even put a piece of carrot in there. everything is prewashed, so the process of taking everything out of the frig all the way to nutrient in my stomach literally takes 5 minutes. super efficient. It doesn't always taste the best. you can put brown sugar in there, but I personally don't care about the taste. I just want my nutrients, so that I can enjoy the steak guilt free
  17. my roommate's fiance saw me walking to the shower naked, and now every time she looks at me funny..
  18. I felt that way last year at the end of the semester. holiday break and being away from research did the trick. aside from that: 1. sleep 2. nutrition 3. exercise 4. meditation it looks like you're already covering 1-3. #4 helps people focus more throughout the day. after something like 11 hours of meditation, they noticed changes in activities in the frontal cortex, which is responsible for "will power." I honestly haven't sat down enough to try it myself, but the science is there.
  19. my undergrads are awesome worker bees.
  20. just found out that some asshole is responsible for ruining my experiment. didn't leave a note or anything. this is going to set me back another day. i think i know who it is. considering confronting him about it.
  21. I can visualize #43 jerseys getting burned on bourbon street right now. haha
  22. it is risky, but then again, the traditional wisdom with investing is to take risks early, like in your 20s, because you can always make it back before you have a house, a spouse and 2 kids. on the other hand the potential reward can be pretty big
  23. when i moved out, my apartment said i owe them $70 some dollars for renovations they were going to do.. I just ignored it, because what are they going to do? take me to court or something? but you probably shouldn't take legal advice from me.. cryptocurrency. it's this new type of currency that got started when bitcoin came out. apparently it's been all the rage because some of them have tripled in value in the last couple of months for some reason. some people think it's a new gold rush. some think there'll be a crash. I feel like i should know about this stuff, but then i realize it's just a stupid stressful game like tetris.
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