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  1. I have already discussed my options with ISU. Thankfully, there are no repercussions and they don't require a written release if a student chooses to rescind their acceptance after the 15th. Not as professional, but I guess it happens often if people get off the wait list at other schools. So I will still accept and then end up rescinding if I get into Eastern. Either way I am just so happy to have an acceptance and I know ISU is a great program. It would mostly be the convenience of being closer to where I currently live, since ISU is also offering me in state tuition. Congrats on the acceptance by the way!
  2. Hi HawaiiMikeO! I will be accepting my offer for ISU the Meridian campus-unless I get off of Eastern's waitlist by April 30th. Otherwise I'll be packing my bags for Idaho! Are you planning to attend their program?
  3. Thankfully, one of my friends emailed the school I was accepted to and asked a few questions including what happens if an acceptance is rescinded. The faculty member said there were no repercussions at all, but they do encourage people to only accept if they are 100% sure. I guess like ljhslp said above though, I'm sure it's fairly common. I have decided I will accept my offer close to the 15th, and then wait until the end of the month. At that point I will withdraw myself from the waitlists and really focus on my plans for my accepted school. That gives some time to see if I get off a waitlist in-state, but doesn't leave me hanging around and not knowing if I should look for housing, plan to move, etc. Hopefully this information helps others, although my accepted school does not require a down-payment or anything so it may be different for other programs.
  4. I received an email last week, I think it was Thursday or Friday.
  5. I'm also aware it wouldn't exactly come off very well to email the school and be like, "so will I get in trouble if I accept and then change my mind? lolz just wonderin"
  6. I have thankfully been accepted into a program and have been given the April 15th deadline. However, I'm wait listed at a few in-state programs, one of which I was told I am high in the wait list. These programs don't admit off of the wait list until after the April deadline though. I am not willing to not accept my offer on the chance of getting off of the wait list, but come April 17th or 18th, what happens if I get accepted to another program? Does anyone know the repercussions of rescinding an offer after the deadline? I have not yet been informed if I need to put down a deposit or anything. I am already aware it is not the most professional decision (and yes, that does bother me a great deal) but I also know they can't technically make me attend their program. Any information? Anyone else in the same boat? I have seen another thread on this but the answers were to ask for an extension, which is not possible at this point.
  7. AH MY FIRST ACCEPTANCE! Idaho State sent their email this afternoon, and I just burst into tears. I didn't even know what school it was, all I saw was "Congratulations" and I went off the wall. I swear, I'm not usually this crazy...
  8. Cue the Frozen soundtrack. I swear I've watched it 9 times since I bought it. It's my only distraction
  9. Congrats on Pacific again! I have still yet to hear anything.. but I know they emailed rejections yesterday so maybe this no news means a waitlist at least? I can only hope!
  10. I got lower third, so my chances are "highly unlikely". I had emailed her yesterday so it was a bummer of a reply
  11. I saw that they phoned acceptances yesterday, so if they repeat the same pattern as last year, waitlists will go out sometime this week. Pretty sure they phoned all in one day
  12. Hi! I'm Emma, I'm 22, and I'll be graduating from Western Washington in Communication Sciences and Disorders with a minor in Russian Language and Eurasian Studies. I also triple and long jump for Western's track team and work part time at a local hotel so my schedule is CRAZY! In the free time I do find, I like to be active, hike, do crossfit, swim, bike, really anything as I'm pretty energetic. I also like my buddies Hulu and Netflix. We hang out on occasion for hours at a time. My interests are in neurogenics, mainly aphasia and stroke recovery but pretty much geriatrics in general. I've volunteered at an assisted living community as well as with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, so I get my doses of all ages. I've applied to 8 schools this cycle, rejected from 1 and waitlisted for 2 so far. I am keeping my fingers crossed and wishing the best to everyone! Also, argslp, my confirmation name starts with M too!
  13. Another waitlist! Portland State Now, I just need there to be an acceptance... *pleasepleasepleaseplease*
  14. I got waitlisted at the University of Oregon! I'm honestly excited because it's my first verdict, and it wasn't a rejection. That's got to be good news, right?
  15. @ sayjo, I'm definitely not-I tried to avoid English encounters as much as possible :/ That being said, I know we have a great writing help center which I intend to take too much advantage of. All these ideas and somehow they have to be on paper and make sense! Good luck for the GRE's!
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