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About NerwenAldarion

  • Birthday 11/20/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Gatlinburg, TN
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, anything to do with Forensic Anthropology
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Forensic Anthropology

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  1. I'm not an english major but I'm happy to look anything over and offer advice or just moral support, been there too. It gets better
  2. I have to agree. I added a list of relevant courses on my CV but emphasized the field work and out of classroom experience I have. It wouldn't help to take some technical writing courses, let them know you can write for publication.
  3. Guys, have faith. Last year I was rejected across the board and it killed me. I did a few things differently such as contacting POI's in August, visiting the campuses and rewriting me SOP, it'll get better.
  4. I know Mercyhurst received over 100 applicants and are only accepted 7 at maximum.
  5. Hmmm well I can only count from my experience. I didn't have a whole lot of biology background when I applied, then again I took biology in college which was lab based. However to graduate in anthropology I did have to complete two biological based courses that included a lab, that was Forensic Anthropology and Fragmentary Osteology. Most of my experience came outside of the classroom though, going to a bioarchaology field school, working at the forensic anthropology facility on campus and creating my own thesis project. I know Indianapolis is heavily focused on anatomy and chemistry so if you want to apply there, take an anatomy and physiology course as well as a chemistry course. But that was the only school that ever suggested I needed more courses, every other school I visited was more interested in my field work and experiences.
  6. Or you can send them to your kindle which I'm going to do
  7. Go pro I love mine, I got it refurbished several years ago and it's still great. I love the card slot that I can put my photos in as well as the CD drive which is always helpful be it putting in Microsoft office or just a DVD to veg out in.
  8. LOL oh mine is fun I was at WORK! My post office is slooooow bringing the mail and I checked before heading out and nothing. I was bummed. Well my sister stopped to check the mail when she was coming home, stopped right at the mailbox (which is waaaay down the street from my house, I live in the mountains LOL). And she saw the BIG envelope, you know the one. The GIANT behemoth that beckons you in all it's glory because you know they only send the big kahuna when they want you. She didn't even open it, just stood there on the street whipped out her cell phone to call me. Thankfully I was in the back of the store pulling stock and she called me breathless. "YOU GOT INTO MERCYHURST!! THERE IS A BIG ENVELOPE!" I dropped my stuff and screamed. "OPEN THE ENVELOPE! OPEN IT RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU" Thankfully she did and started reading the whole "Congratulations, you've been accepted so on and so forth" She turned around to see my mom was parked behind her, she had just come up and thought something was wrong with my sister's car. Instead she ran around (almost slid down the hill) to tell my mom so they both started screaming and jumping up and down in the street. Meanwhile I hung up on my sister to call my dad (he was the one who supported me the most in all of this) and I told him. He started crying and told me to call everyone else and let them know. First thing I did was RUN out of the stock room to tell my coworker. I literally shouted it "I GOT INTO MERCYHURST! I'M GOING TO GRAD SCHOOL" My coworker laughed and congratulated me, I didn't realize that the store wasn't empty though! LOL Thankfully the customers were all nice, in fact they all came to the register to congratulate me, laughing about the "blue streak" that came flying out of the back hehehe. Then I ran back tot he back room to send a massive text to everyone. Then I took a minute to actually cry tears of joy over the whole thing. Didn't have long though, my phone was flooded with texts and my coworkers from our sister store found out and everyone was congratulating me. Best part was running home to see that BEAUTIFUL envelope myself. My family was so excited that I didn't know this, but when I was still at work they all went online to the school store and bought me merchandise. I now have a jersey, blanket and hoodie for my future grad school. hehehe My family rocks.
  9. Have fun! LOL I took Fragmentary Osteology with Dr. Jantz at UT which included trauma, oh wow that was not easy.
  10. LOL yeah, I've heard of the legendary parties in Symes's yard, can't wait to be there! Their lab is amazing, I was drooling over it a bit to be honest. I even was happy to see their donated collection was very good (not half as expansive as UT's but then again no other school's is) I'm happy with my choice! Hopefully you'll find MSU was the better place for you.
  11. LOL Well I got accepted into Mercyhurst and the next day I got rejected from Boston. I laughed it off but my coworkers were urging me to send in my acceptance letter, like that would show them!
  12. THEML: "have you heard anything yet?" Me: No the deadline to apply is in JANUARY!!! (It was November) I got that a LOT this year. THEM: you'll get in a lot of places." ME: You do realize they only accept like 7 students THEM: Well how many apply?" ME: About 100" THEM: O.O That face was always priceless GRANDMA: Have you hear anything yet ME: No Grandma, not yet GRANDMA: You shouldn't have waited a year after college, it might hurt you ME: Grandma, that won't make a difference. Besides I had to wait, I had no money to get into grad school. GRANDMA: I know what I'm talking about ME: (thinking to myself) You didn't even GO to college.
  13. Honestly, it depends on the field of anthropology you are going into as well as the school. Cultural Anthropology is (arguably) more open to students from other majors into their field since it is a bit more loose. People with sociology backgrounds would be a good fit for this kind of program because it is very much related to the field. Archeaology and Forensic/physical anthropology would be much less likely as these are quite a bit more strict to their topics, you would need some background in the sciences like anatomy and physiology as well as some field work to be a candidate for acceptance with another major. But that's my limited knowledge, I have always known I wanted to be in Anthropology so I'm admittedly not the best person to ask.
  14. Already done, if you have any other questions, just let me know
  15. Thanks! Well that explains the quick rejection from them. I have a friend who is at Chico actually! I'm just happy I'm going to Mercyhurst, they have great casework there! And I'll be working with the man who helped create FORDISC (Dr. Ousley, which is really cool because I worked with Dr. Richard and Dr. Lee Jantz on my thesis!)
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