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eklavya last won the day on January 8 2011

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    Genetics PhD

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  1. i live in the west coast. i hit the sack every night with the hope that when i wake up, my inbox will have some emails from schools that are in +2 hours time zone. alas, hope has never come true :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DrPepper-olic


      Me too! And I wake up before east coast business hours start...

    3. eklavya


      shasha - ditto here.. am going nuts!

      pepper - that's even nuttier! talk about anxiety, right?

    4. Neuronista


      OMG I live on the other side of the world so business hours where I live are sleeping hours in my programs' time zone! good luck people. Hopefully we'll all get that acceptance e-mail soon wherever we are!

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