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  • Location
    Boston MA
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    Counseling Psychology

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  1. Is it counseling psychology major or other psychology subjects?
  2. I must be waitlisted then.... darn...
  3. Has anyone heard back from counseling PhD programs at University of Nebraska Lincoln, University of Hawaii - Manoa, Boston College, New York University, Georgia State, Virginia Commonwealth University ??? Thanks
  4. I only have 6 schools left for counseling phD fall 2016. haven't heard anything about interviews yet.... question: Is interview a normally necessary step towards admission for PhD in counseling psychology If I don't get anything from the schools. Does it mean it is likely a no? I am panicking, that is why I ask.... maybe I drank to much coffee....
  5. Rejected by Counseling Psychology PhD: University of Wisconsin-Madison. Southern Illinois University - Carbondale meh. not cool.....
  6. I am a student of BU studying MS in counseling psychology. What's up
  7. Northwestern University, clinical psychology didn't read the rejection, but saw the word "regret", and knew what's going on. So delete it. I guess northwestern is not fortunate enough to have me there....
  8. It seems like canadian schools are more strict about deadlines than the US schools...
  9. I totally feel ya Stillalivetui. It will be alright. Just make sure always be polite to the reference writer. As an update, the all late recommendations have essentially been submitted. now finger crossed. hopefully those 7 schools people are not super pissed by my late recommendation arriving 2 days after the deadline... Any way, whether it works out or not is really out of my control.... Good luck to you as well.
  10. That is very comforting to know.... Thank you so much JoePianist! Best of luck on your applications!
  11. I am applying for counseling psychology PhD at 9 schools. One of my reference professor still hasn't submitted his online recommendations although yesterday (12-01-2015) was the deadline for 7 of the schools. Normally would graduate school have grace period for late arrival recommendations? I sent couple of following ups since a month ago to inform this professor of the deadline. He is in general late in grading our homework, late in my last recommendation letter for internship.... I am grateful and everything but this time, he still hasn't submitted my recommendations even after the deadline..... Anybody has similar experience on this? Does it mean my application won't be considered due to this late recommendation? Thanks...Feeling so bombed out...
  12. I am applying for counseling Psych PhD now... I found that quite a few schools say that they can guarantee the funding (tuition remission + stipend) for the first couple of years, and later during the dissertation, it will be scholarship (which basically covers only a portion of the tuition, no stipend).... Is this normal for counseling pscyhology phd track? Are there any schools that covers the whole 5 years of Phd with full funding? Please kindly suggest. thanks!
  13. Secate2014, I like the way you approach. MA first and then PhD. My impression is that although your GPA is not quite competitive, but you really have good chunk of research experience. So, based on your background, I don't see why you shouldn't apply for phD directly. Based on your own unsettled interest, I think MA sounds better. Wait, first of all, are there any big difference between MA and PhD? I heard so many people going for a PhD and later on realize that it is not their cup of tea and switch to Masters. I also heard people initially getting Masters but later on realize that PhD is acutally ideal for them.... Does the division line have to be thus clear? Please feel free to give advice....
  14. Sorry, are you saying no funding for MAs or no you are not sure.....
  15. Question, so NYU master's for sure don't have full graduate assistantship? Are you sure?
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