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Status Updates posted by Munashi

  1. Trying to get this thesis proposal in shape for the big time... Oy!

  2. First year is down!

    1. Threeboysmom


      Way to go! I have one exam left and the first year is in the bag for me.

    2. Munashi


      You can do it! I hope it goes well and goes by quickly. :)

  3. Well I'll be damned - we're having a snow day.

    1. ERR_Alpha


      Weirdest snow day ever...

    2. Munashi


      Dude, seriously.

  4. 25 today. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ahlatsiawa


      Happy birthday!

    3. iphi


      It's a great age!

    4. Munashi


      gk210 - One of my closest friends is also exactly 7 days older! You're birthday twins, lol. Thank you all. So far, 25 is good!

  5. Anyone else traveling this weekend/week? Stay safe!

    1. ERR_Alpha


      Leaving Happy Valley tomorrow! :) Have a good holiday!

    2. Munashi


      Same to you! I'm flying out on Sunday, so I guess we won't cross paths at the airport. lol

  6. First semester down. What a year. Interviews, decisions, cross-country move, my wedding, and two fellowship applications. Phew!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Munashi


      You're most welcome. :)

    3. ahlatsiawa
    4. youngcharlie101


      That's awesome! Good luck with the wedding! <3 So romantical! :D

  7. Term paper turned in, final presentation today, and then just one exam next week... Nearly there!

    1. Munashi


      Cross that presentation off the list!

    2. gk210
  8. Just bought a new (to us) car! Hooray for AWD and surviving the snow.

    1. ahlatsiawa
    2. Munashi


      Thanks! It was a good deal, too.

  9. "You are doing really great, and I am so glad you came here." @_@ Thank you, adviser! Now to just not screw it up...

  10. Week 3 and I'm not dead yet.

    1. Threeboysmom


      Interesting I feel like I'm dying a slow death.

  11. Damn, classes kickoff in 3 weeks...

    1. Threeboysmom


      Enjoy your last weeks of freedom.

    2. Munashi


      I'm already working as an RA. :P Quit my job at the end of June, started the RA post here July 1st. But still, more freedom than I'll have once classes get going!

  12. Well, the bursar's office has no record of my assistantship. Great.

    1. Threeboysmom


      A little bump in the road. Take a deep breath, its going to be okay.

    2. Munashi


      I'm sure it'll be fine, I signed the paperwork and all that. It's just preventing me from finalizing my registration, which is in turn preventing me from filing some paperwork with the VA. Still, frustrating/added stress to the moment. :P

  13. Sigh. My RA appointment "hasn't been processed yet" and this is creating problems. I hope that's all this is and that isn't phrasing for "shit, we forgot to get you one in the first place". I did sign a contract.. :P

  14. I now have an actual desk in my assigned grad office. w00t!

    1. Threeboysmom
    2. RBWilliams


      I had my desk, but my hot pink chair came today..lol

    3. Munashi


      Very nice! lol

  15. Ugh, "vehicle safety inspection"? What is this?

  16. Well, we made the cross-country move. Now to unpack and prepare...

    1. Vene


      Don't you just love the thrill of moving? At least the hard part of it is behind you.

    2. Munashi


      Yea, the worst part was honestly renting the truck at the very start. I reserved a car trailer too, and they didn't have one ready for me. But it's all fine now, and here we are - 2600 miles later!

    3. Munashi


      The journey itself was very fun. :)

  17. Moving this week...!

  18. Good luck to everyone out there making final decisions today, and to those still on waitlists.

  19. I guess I can remove the "application season" bit from my profile since that has come to a close for me.

    1. the_sheath


      Figured I would change that once I started attending.

    2. Munashi


      I switched to "Not Applicable" since I'm not applying anymore, but not yet attending.

  20. So ready for Mario Kart 8 to happen in a few months...!

  21. My relatives are about 1000x more excited about my upcoming wedding than my admission to a doctoral program. :P

  22. Way too excited about the arrival of my Penn State sweatshirt...

  23. Just released my other offers. Feels good to have gotten that out of the way. I swear, it's like breaking up with someone...

    1. the_sheath


      You did a good thing. It wasn't them, it was you. You just wouldn't work out. And it's okay. Now they can move on, and maybe find some other aspiring candidate to rebound on.

    2. Munashi


      Exactly. They're totally great, we just weren't compatible!

  24. I just formally accepted an offer from my top choice program! I still cannot believe this is real.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah Bee

      Sarah Bee

      Great!! Congratulations

    3. microarray


      i'm dealing with the same thing - moving 2,500 miles away.. so much planning to do. any thoughts as to how you're moving your belongings? My partner and I are going to sell all furniture, get rid of anything we aren't attached to, and throw what's left in a tiny cargo trailer and haul it behind his subaru outback.

    4. PhDerp


      Scooby <3

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