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Everything posted by reinhard

  1. How far are into your thesis? I think you have to look far into the future because you may need him to help you get an academic position later in life.
  2. How do you guys get these "upgrades"...? Do you have to buy some membership with the airline?
  3. How lazy I have become, that is what surprised me the most.
  4. Any of you ever needed to travel outside your city because of research? Did any of you ever get to sit on Business or First class? I am just asking out of curiosity. I am guessing the answer is "no" because supervisors prefer to use their grant wisely?
  5. I thought I add some more, tomorrow everything is closed and I have no food of my own. But thanks to my roommate, I am going to leech offf his food and repay him later lol
  6. Wow you people are lucky. Where I am from, we get I think 16 cookies, sometimes 8 because the cafe in our department couldn't sell them all. We get used coffee too.
  7. I think it is better to have a roommate, imagine if you are sick. In my case, I live apart from my home so it's not like I can go "hey [family member], so I am sick, can you help?" Or at least have someone look after the house. But living alone is probably good too.
  8. Alright, thank you y'all. It's actually really a course with few relationships with what I am studying, I guess I'll chalk it up to bad luck.
  9. I'll cut down to the chase. There is a 8:30am tutorial I am asked to do, but I know that near the end of the term, no one will show up and is gonna waste my time and make me wake up early for no reason. I asked if there is a another course/time, but the person who handles TA matters ask "what course conflicts with the 8:30am tutorial?" There is of course none, and the best excuse I got so far is "meeting with supervisor".
  10. Too late lol. I was in my hoodies.
  11. My program has little to no women.
  12. Wtf that's where I go to!
  13. reinhard

    CGS-M 2015-2016

    I just realized (why the heck did I go back and check...) I left out my current transcript in my transcript...oh god... even though it has nothing (no classes) in it. *facepalm*
  14. I think step 1 should be taken as discreetly and indirectly (enough to hint the problem) as possible to avoid conflict.
  15. Just curious, what do you guys wear at a conference? Is causal okay? The one I am going to takes place in a hotel, so I was thinking of formal wear?
  16. reinhard

    CGS-M 2015-2016

    An A- overall or for one grade...? If it is true then all hope of mine are lost.
  17. Yeah, research no classes, must be living the dream...
  18. reinhard

    CGS-M 2015-2016

    Is it unheard of for a supervisor/reference to miss a deadline to submit the letter...? I feel like I am going to be in this situation soon..
  19. Oh please, I keep mine in the shower. In fact, I keep my razor and toothbrush in the shower.
  20. Hey who is applying for this? For the Outline of Proposed Research, the single most important component of your application, is this supposed to be jargon free? Because when I applied last year, I filled the whole thing with jargons and I just read somewhere that it's not supposed to be... I took the "as detailed as possible" too seriously?
  21. You are charging your fellow classmates? That's not very nice. These people have a high chance of being your colleague and the relationship you develop should not be fiscal. You are going to learn as much (for free of course!) from your fellow classmates just as much from your supervisor.
  22. When I was an undergrad, I never wanted a relationship because I knew I was going somewhere else for grad school (or just leave town in general) and I know long distance relationships are simply illusions. It's eventually going to fall apart. I am in grad school now and I feel like once I am done, I am going off to another city and repeat this mistake. The thing, I realize now that it's going to be harder for me to make new friends or even meet the opposite sex since I will have fewer opportunities to engage myself in social events (not that I even like to or have the motivational as well...). How do other people do it? For those of you who are in school and in a relationship, how do you feel it's going to "work out" if you know you are going to somewhere else after a few years?
  23. I was invigilating a statistics exam and someone asked me what a "trend" is (in a graph). I was going to utter the words "pattern" or "shape", but I stopped myself before then and simply said "I can't tell you..." (because for some reason I felt like it would have given him the answer.) Was that a really bad move on my part...? What could I have done instead...?
  24. Lol in my department unless you are a Ph.D student, all of us are so independent to the point most people don't even want to help each other. Myself excluded, because someone asks for me help, I just show them everything. I was kind of shocked by this behavior even in grad school. To answer the question though, I don't see why being a grad student suddenly removes any right of going to the prof's office hours. I mean if you can, discuss it with your peers first and a TA if one even exists (at my school, there are none for grad classes, even if they do they are only there to mark). And Takeru got some stars on him!
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