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Everything posted by reinhard

  1. Woah, you get to pick!?
  2. I just ordered my transcripts today and I found out that my university calculuates "overall average" through only the last 2 years of my studies and ignores my grades for year 1 and year 2. It doesn't bother me that much as my grades in 3rd/4th year are much higher, but in the future if I apply for a Ph.D program and they ask for "overall average", what should I do?
  3. I have a really weird question. Do you know (or happen to know) what rooms at MAC has white boards? I watched a couple of YouTube videos inside the university and found most classrooms use blackboards. Also are there any open computer labs at the university? Library is excluded from this discussion...
  4. Watch one of those MIT recitation videos. See if you can do as good or better than them. Learn from them.
  5. Ohh so you have a car. That makes sense now...
  6. Have you been to the city before? How do you plan on getting around? Are you already familiar with the bus routes and schedules?
  7. Wait, $20??? What do you eat??? Crackers and peanuts? Are you sure you are eating enough?
  8. Do you mean first year orientation?
  9. And this doesn't happen with the MSP?
  10. The advantage I was speaking of means that if one day I decide to reside in Ontario, then I can immediately restart the plan without waiting for 3 months. I can also change back without any risks and losses. In other words, I save time. I don't make enough at the moment, so I don't pay premiums for either MSP or OHIP, that's the advantage. Also, is it legal in Ontario for landlords to lease a home without a company?
  11. I am worried about getting familiar with the city and getting around. I think I might do the same thing you do. Make a list of potential places, stay at a motel for 3 days and go out and look. I also hate the fact that i can't cook in the motel...
  12. Yeah here, still ttrying to figure out how to find a place lol?
  13. I meant to say "clearly did". Can't edit my post for some reason.
  14. Hey Takeru, I gotta bug you again. http://www.virginmobile.ca/en/plans/silver.html?itcid=LP:142 Do you think the pay per use plan is good? For the data calculator thing, if I download an app from my computer and install it in my phone, I can't get charged right? Similarly, checking bus schedules on google map on your phone (I think there's an app for this?) doesn't take data right?
  15. Have you had one of these students who claims to have handed it in an assignment, when clearly they didn't or when they missed a presentation when they clearly didn't?? How do you handle these students? In the past when I first started out, I was naive and I let them redo it. But I don't think I should anymore... I tried the "let the prof handle it" part, but I know some profs don't even answer emails. What are your thoughts?
  16. BE NICE, especially with grades. Don't give any grades you feel you do not want yourself. It's sometimes easy to be consumed by the new powers, trust me.
  17. Know basic rules as in 1. (a + ^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2 and not (a + ^2 = a^2 + b^2. Similarly idea for (a+^n 2. If you have two equations, let's say both are nonlinear $x^2 + y^2 = 1$ and $xy = 1$, know how to solve for x and y. I actually made this one up on the fly. 3. Yes exponent rules, know them very well. Even with fractional ones. I can't think of any examples.
  18. Oh I don't mean dental, vision, or prescriptions. I just mean basic checkups. So those ones are covered by the government MSP/OHIP? So the premium rates actually go to the MSP in BC instead of other companies like Greenshield? But once you become a full Ontario resident and if you want to move back to BC, you just have to ask MVP to cancel the coverages in Ontario right? Doesn't this seem more advantageous?
  19. Well if you are going into Computer Science or Math or certain engineeering fields, Waterloo is king.
  20. How did you survive when you were an undergrad?
  21. That includes fellowships too right? The only thing they can tax you is your TA work, none of the research scholarships are in anyways taxable? Because I just found out in my letter of admission, I was given an internal entrance scholarship (I don't know how I missed that...) Also I am not sure if you missed it, but I made replies to your answer at the end of the first page in the thread.
  22. Scholarships don't count right?
  23. Nah it's fine, but don't you have questions yourself too?
  24. So there are health care insurance companies? Do you know a few? What was the one you were on? I see, so if you are self-employed, then you don't have to pay as well? So then doesn't this seem like the most advantageous move for anyone moving to Ontario? Hey my tax return is always different from what I get on TurboTax lol.
  25. I don't think you are supposed to explain this, you should ask your LOR to explain it for you. If you do it, it's just going to sound like you are making excuses.
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