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Heimat Historian

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Everything posted by Heimat Historian

  1. These lists are great and give me lots of things to add to my reading list.
  2. Leventel, I didn't see the Rice wait list. That's great. Congrats.
  3. This point has been made before that for purposes of tenure track jobs with a focus on teaching, the maxim that the top 15% is of utmost importance is not as important. Additionally, I think you can also do a lot to make yourself a desirable candidate including prolific publishing, teaching experience, excellent letters of recommendation etc.
  4. I have to say, it is a nice feeling.
  5. I'm worried about that too Chiqui. I'm not looking forward to it, but it is the right thing to do.
  6. Congratulations Dan! That sounds like an amazing package.
  7. Yay Chiqui!
  8. Guys, I got into Iowa!
  9. Sorry to hear that Josh and Chiqui.
  10. It sounds like you're very happy with NYU, Chiqui. What was the deciding factor?
  11. Just emailed Illinois and received my rejection. No wait list there.
  12. This! I'm hoping for the same thing.
  13. Sorry for the bad news, guys.
  14. Sorry to hear that Ivan. Do you still have some other places you're waiting on?
  15. To my knowledge they haven't announced history admissions yet, so I'm still holding out hope.
  16. Has anyone heard anything about Brandeis or Iowa? Historically, Iowa would still be early but Brandeis has been all over the board for communications.
  17. Monday comes with such expectations. What does this week hold for us? Hopefully great news for all.
  18. Wow. That's another tiny cohort!
  19. Sorry all. Sounds like a rough day.
  20. Very quiet around here today.
  21. I have a question for people here: have you had difficulty getting in touch with your POIs following your admittance? At two of my schools I've emailed my POIs and haven't heard anything for a week. I hope this is not foreshadowing.
  22. I feel like we need clinics/workshops on these forums for the whole process of application/acceptance/bargaining, etc. I know it's kind of scattered about but how great would it be in some kind of digestible format?
  23. It's an entertaining read Chiqui. His sequel is good too about roadside commemorations. On another note, I'm impressed by all the medievalist/early modernists on these boards. There are a lot of ya'll.
  24. Congratulations Molly! DC is a great town.
  25. That's a tiny group!
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