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Heimat Historian

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Everything posted by Heimat Historian

  1. I'm curious about the weather myself Aubstopper. I wouldn't discount it. They are also quite sporadic with their announcements.
  2. Thanks guys! I appreciate the support.
  3. Thanks guys. Good to know that it isn't that strange. lol.
  4. So, I got an email of acceptance to the Graduate School at SUNY-Binghamton, but I don't have any information from the department. Anyone have any experience with this scenario?
  5. Have a great time on your weekend Chiqui! NYC is a great town.
  6. Congrats ellebe! That's great news.
  7. Check out Saul Friedlander When Memory Comes and Memory, history, and the extermination of the Jews of Europe. Again, not your era, but he writes very well and both works speak to the idea of memory and the limits of memory.
  8. Here's hoping. I figure 33% is normal right? so that means I should at least hear from 1-2 more positively. At this point, I'd really like to hear good things from Brandeis and Iowa. I think I have the best fit at those schools.
  9. Ugh GW said no. Not unexpected because they only take 6 people but still, I really love DC!
  10. I applied with similar projects to each school, though I tailored 2 paragraphs based upon the professors I wanted to work with and what the specialty of the school was.
  11. I've seen little consistency between this year and previous years announcements, but I certainly hope you Michigan applicants get some good news soon.
  12. I'm going to their recruitment weekend the first weekend of MArch.
  13. That's so cool! Congrats again telkanuru.
  14. Congrats RMW!
  15. Just got the Rice rejection email. Not a major surprise. I don't think it was the best fit looking back.
  16. Thanks for the advice.
  17. That's really good advice Aubstopper.
  18. This must be the second round of IU as I was rejected last week. Good luck to the two of you (and others who haven't heard yet) It's nice to know you're both still in the running!
  19. Question for all: what kind of email is appropriate to send in response to an offer of admission, even an unofficial offer of admission?
  20. Congrats Anna Leigh! Fingers crossed for all.
  21. Here's hoping everyone gets some great news!
  22. Sorry Chiqui. They always hurt.
  23. I think that's a reasonable thing to say honestly AZMoose. It lets them know they need to come up with some funding for you if they really want you. Granted, this is not something I've dealt with personally so I don't know. I'm in a bit of a similar situation with CU. They said you're in and they almost certainly will provide me full funding, but they haven't locked it down yet.
  24. Sorry JTE. It is tough not to have heard anything. You have a lot of great programs though that still haven't announced. I'm sure something good will come through.
  25. Congrats Vr4douche! I know what you mean about the purgatory.
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