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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    English literature

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  1. anybody heard back from northeastern? i saw a few acceptances but i haven't heard a world oh dear god
  2. I will take on a lot of debt and get my MA from a campus where it snows a lot and the smoke from my cigarette freezes before my face
  3. Can I check all the options on the poll? lol I love and hate the cannon. It needs fixing. But it also needs some love.
  4. Sorry about that last post. Sometimes I don't know what comes over me after a couple of drinks. I really didn't mean to vent my wrath on this forum. In fact, I don't even remember putting that up and when I read my comment I was completely taken aback. I do apologise for being an asshole.
  5. There's a reason why ivy league grads get a book deal every so often. (It's coz they know the editors and publishers)
  6. There's a reason why ivy league grads get a book deal every so often.
  7. Yo are you dumb fucks really arguing about this? Let me poop some truth on you. Even if you don't get a tenure track job at Columbia. An ivy league will. Will. Help you get a job at Melbourne or Berlin or Penguin or Verso or some other fucking corner of the world where they pay a decent amount of money to talk Marlowe. So suck it up. And realize that brand name does have value. And if God forbid. You end up having kids and a partner that loves going to the spa every fucking 9th weekend. You will still fucking need an income to pay for that bs. So here's the cold damn truth -- money matters. Reputation matters. And even if you don't end up teaching. You could make a living as an editor or an administrator. And pay the bills. Sorry that reality doesn't sound like a Stoppard show. But here's the truth -- if you got bills to pay, where you come from has significant fucking bearing on where you end up.
  8. Damn this bums me out. But I'll still PhD of I can.
  10. Lit theory and Critism Everyday my mind opened up to new ways of thinking about the world and about myself. It was like walking into an epiphany every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am.
  11. I am very drunk right now. But grad school is all I got. So fuck it y'all. Just be merry smoke a joint or 6. And remember what Nietzsche said: "truths are illusions" Happy motherfuckibg new year
  12. So this may or may not brighten y'alls mood today. But 2015 is the Chinese year of the goat. If you all were born in a goat year (like me!) then 2015 is your lucky year! And not only that, the month of Feb is supposed to be extra special! Now I am not a superstitious person. But if some ancient Chinese mystic tradition tells me that the month when all the decisions come out is auspicious then I will bank on that haha!! We all know that admissions decisons are a crapshoot and a little bit of good luck never hurt anybody. So try and stay optimistic and hope for the best Wishing you all the best of luck!
  13. I have been reading Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. And it is incredible to say the least. I just finished reading Crime and Punishment and after that I knew that I needed more Dostoevsky. He's my crack. I would highly highly recommend reading the chapter entitles "The Grand Inquisitor" from Karamazov. Its some powerful stuff.
  14. Its great to hear that this year might be a little less competitive, in terms of the number of people applying. It gives me immense hope. I was wondering if anybody knows from where this rumor has originated. Who has heard that this year there might be fewer people applying? Is there any strength to this rumor? Can you send a link to some article or blog post where this is mentioned? Getting an acceptance this season is my plan A,B,C, and D. Failure is not an option for me. I would appreciate any news telling me that this year might be less competitive.
  15. Thanks for putting this list together!
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