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Everything posted by ScreamingHairyArmadillo

  1. I would like to say I can't believe people would be so dumb, but I really do believe it.
  2. Aw, come on. Show Cleveland a little love.
  3. I've applied to both MS and PhD, though a PhD is my ultimate goal. However, at two of my schools they convinced me to apply straight to the PhD program and skip the masters. It seems that some science fields are veering away from the MS because so many students have already had research experience as undergrads - that's how it was explained to me, anyway.
  4. Eastern European and general European, with a focus on Germany. I'm honestly surprised he heard so early without others on the board also finding stuff out (granted, I doubt all applicants are on here).
  5. He is being nominated for one, but that doesn't mean he'll get it in the end.
  6. Not to stress anyone out, but my boyfriend was the OSU admit from a few days ago. As of today his online status shows he is accepted (it even has an accept/decline button). So basically any university fellowship nominees should hear soon. Good luck to all of you (but I am extremely happy cos now we have a chance to go to the same school! )
  7. I think people are overlooking that the question is about PhD areas - not just jobs in general. Therefore, because farmers and farming is so important, is agricultural sciences one of the most important PhD areas? More so than English (I am not trying to step on toes here!)? And I also don't think this is a battle involving the "pursuit of the mind" - biology, history, and literature all explore different large, esoteric questions, each worthy on their own accord. However, the question is what is the most useful for society. Arguably, that would be the area that benefits the largest portion of people in a population. Hence my vote for agricultural sciences.
  8. But does lute playing necessitate a PhD? I agree there are many facets to "human need" (read Western needs), but does each require a subset of Doctors of Philosophy as representation of "usefulness"?
  9. Winter + grad apps = weight gain for the unlucky. I ended up shelling out some money to join the gym, which I've been going to 3-4x a week. I've finally gotten my body under control again (and some acceptances help my mental health, too ).
  10. My only knowledge of rolling admissions is with the OSU Entomology department; they met Oct 13th, Nov 17th and Dec 8th. So it could be monthly for yours as well. I visited them Dec 4th and heard on Dec 8th.
  11. Sounds pretty good to me. I mean, is your name correct in the email? All of my acceptances so far have been "unofficial" professor emails with letters trickling in afterward.
  12. I've run across both cases and have found it helpful except when faculty don't update their bios! One prof had listed that he was open to hearing from students but told me he had no room in his lab after I emailed him.
  13. Most days I'm ignoring homework, checking my email, my boyfriend's email (I'm more obsessive than he is), and reading the news. I should start going to the evening gym classes to get away from the computer more often.
  14. Yes and yes. All of them. Yes. At both of my interviews I met with multiple people in one day. I asked all of them very similar questions (What does your research focus on? How many students do you have? What do you want to branch out into?). You really could just bring a list and ask each professor all of your questions, but you might not need to. Also, you'll be surprised at how much the professors themselves will talk instead of you! Only one I met with opened up with "So, tell me about yourself." All of them love to speak about their own work - it's best if you really listen and try to tie your interests into it (assuming it is related). Even if you don't want to work with a particular person, it's best to make a great impression so all of them will be pushing for your acceptance. Also, try to meet with grad students alone. They'll answer most of your messy questions about money, bad profs, etc. Good luck!
  15. I'm also in and so excited (not just because it's my first admit, either)! I loved their Wooster campus and have been to Columbus before, too, which I really enjoyed. There's tons of stuff to do there. I still need to visit some other places, but OSU really impressed me. Are you waiting on other schools or have you made a decision?
  16. I haven't seen others mention the UMass OEB program (that I can remember), but I just found out they have put together their top list. Expect to hear things I soon.
  17. I will feel very guilty - so many people from most of my schools have been very supportive and helpful (and all discuss how they want to throw money at me). I could see myself working with all of them! I feel almost lucky to have to consider my boyfriend and his acceptances in my decision, otherwise I would not know how to choose. But then I figure they'll be great people to keep in contact with over the next few years for ideas and discussions.
  18. I have received all mail at my school address.
  19. You are very welcome! Good luck with your applications!
  20. Instead of beating a dead horse, my only other tip is use an Excel file to keep track of all your programs and application materials. I didn't have to keep all important dates, people, or material statuses in my head (though I did anyway).
  21. I expect to have heard back from everyone by the first week of March. However, I should hear informally from UMass sometime this week (eek!) I'm mostly anxious about my boyfriend hearing back, especially from OSU. He's had positive feedback and might hear mid-Feb if someone he's been in contact with gets a sneak peek of the admit list. It's driving me crazy having two people to worry about!
  22. I posted my acceptance to OSU, and plan on posting any upcoming acceptances/rejections. But I don't know anyone else applying to these departments, so I don't feel like I'm going to hurt anyone's feelings.
  23. My boyfriend is going into history, which obvious from the infamous Chronicle article, is an unsafe career move. His advisor met with him, told him all the reasons not to go to grad school...and finally gave him a ton of helpful advice once my bf convinced his advisor why he wanted to go.
  24. I have one of those, too! It feels amazing to be validated by someone other than your parents. The two schools I've visited have also told me I am a very strong applicant and that my research interests are fantastic. In fact, this whole process has really made me feel good (I suppose I can really say that as I have one acceptance so far) because I've become more connected to the scientific community that I've dreamed of for years.
  25. My suggestion is look for summer internships, even if they are only tangentially related. I know the Cleveland Museum of Natural History has one (the vert paleo project has not been determined yet, but they also have mineralogy, invert paleo and paleobotony projects). Don't see it as a career ender though. You may need to step away for a year or two, but there are always ways back in.
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