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Posts posted by menge

  1. 8 hours ago, Eshtah said:


    I guess since I was not interviewed by UPenn, that means I am out. But I am also waiting to hear from UBoston. Did they interview? And how about Georgetown? Specifically the department of Arabic and Islamic Studies? Anyone?

    I know of a waitlist at Georgetown, but in Religious Studies. Not sure about your areas. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, C.C.C. said:

    Long time lurker, first time poster (part of that 30,000 number)

    Accepted at UofT (RMA)
    Waitlisted at PU (RMA)
    Interview weekend at Notre Dame (CJA)
    Interviewed at Cambridge/Oxford (NT)
    Rejected by Yale/Duke (NT)



    Congrats, thats a solid season for you.

  3. If your goal is phil. rel. in a religious studies department, an MA/MTS/MAR is great. If you want to be in a philosophy PhD program, you would be better served by a philosophy MA. It's not to say that the jump is impossible. Just that one track tends to yield better results than the other. That said, it sounds like you'll have as competitive an application as anyone in your position so who knows. The whole process is one big crapshoot anyway. 

  4. 50 minutes ago, Eshtah said:

    the program I am referring to is new and therefore has no graduates yet

    This would make me a bit nervous. Is the entire PhD program new, or just your subfield? Also, are your would-be advisors visible and well connected members of the field? This especially matters if the program is new, and therefore an unknown quantity to hiring committees. 

  5. A couple thoughts: first, I'm not sure what you mean by "average." But I would check into their job placement data and see if students are getting jobs at the kind of places you want to end up. 

    Additionally, I recently had a discussion with my department chair about hiring preferences in our department (a public institution). He indicated that Ivy applicants are always looked at favorably because they boost the perceived reputation of the department. He was quick to say though, that while that might get them an interview, it would not get them the job. In fact, our last two faculty hires have PhD's from public institutions. In fact, he indicated that applicants with Ivy PhD's might be red-flagged because they might view the job as a stepping stone. And in an environment where every humanities tenure line is under scrutiny, the last thing a department needs is to lose a new hire after 2 years. 

    It is true that where you get your PhD is generally the ceiling for where you can get hired, especially early on. But, there is a lot of good work going on in places that are not Ivy institutions. Increasingly there are also good jobs abroad for someone with a strong American PhD. I may have created a false dichotomy by casting this in terms of "Ivy" or elite private vs. "public" schools, but I think this is fair insofar as this is often an implicit divide for academic prestige. 

  6. 3 hours ago, NT PhD ... Hopefully said:

    Hey thanks for the responses guys. I would add that I do seek a Theological/Seminary setting, per one of the responses.

    If you're looking for something funded but confessional, you might check out Western Theological Seminary in West Michigan. I don't know a whole lot about the school, except that I read they funded a couple of ThM students every year. 

  7. 4 hours ago, seung said:

    Just heard from POI @ Yale. Though being recommended for admission, I was ultimately not admitted by the graduate school. Very disappointed. the thing I don't know is if I've been rejected or waitlisted.

    I think I'd rather never know that I got that close. Definitely sucks. You must have a strong application though, so keep your head up! Seems like you have a good chance of getting in somewhere. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, MarthUser said:

    Thanks for the update! I suspect that this is the process for most (if not all) schools/programs. In all my interviews so far, the professors have mentioned that the first step was for the professors to come up with a list of students to submit to the Graduate School and the decision will ultimately be made by them. 

    I guess that means one to two more weeks of waiting.....

    FWIW, I think it depends on the school whether this is truly another hoop to make it through or just a formality. 

  9. 14 hours ago, katusinterruptus said:

    I applied to both of these. I haven't heard anything from UPenn, but I had an interview with North American Religions for Columbia in late January. They said they'd let me know in 2-3 weeks.

    That counts me out, but good luck! 

  10. 31 minutes ago, seung said:

    I am fairly certain that interviews depend for each subfield at Columbia.  That's the word on the street anyway.  South Asian Religions definitely interviews.  Philosophy of Religion--I don't think so, but I may be wrong about that one.

    Thanks. Any idea about North American Religions?

  11. 4 minutes ago, the.waiting.game said:

    Last year acceptances were early Feb, waitlist was mid- to late Feb, and rejections came first of April. UVa has rolling admissions, but if you aren't waitlisted, chances are it's a no. Last year, I emailed the Grad coordinator in early March to learn I had been rejected.

    Helpful, thanks. I'll probably do the same come March just to be able to officially cross it off the list. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, seung said:

    Pretty sure first round decisions for UVA have been finalized by now. UVA is in extra high demand for religious studies right now--especially their TEC program--so the competition is going to be rough =[ I hope to at least get waitlisted.

    I'm with you, hoping for a WL there at best. But realistically expecting a rejection. Any idea when they usually release rejections? 

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