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Everything posted by Horb

  1. For the intensive language grant (I'm not sure about the Fine Arts, so take this with a grain of salt if your application procedure was different): We had to submit an application online, then print it out, and mail it in. If you had to do this, then the website in which you filled out and submitted your application is the "portal" and should list your status if you click on personal funding, then application and funding overview.
  2. There are programs that offer German or French (or French Creole, which is what would actually be more relevant), but just not as many. Thanks for this! I'll check out the list, though I'm pretty sure Berkeley doesn't allow outside applicants (though these don't specifically state so).
  3. Happy Monday everyone!
  4. Thanks so much! Berkeley does, but it seems only for Berkeley students...I think...
  5. Good to know! I contacted the NYC office and they said there were no minimums or maximums (which was odd, as last year it was 500 words max). Mine was 2 pages double spaced, I believe.
  6. Hi All! I'm not sure where to post this question, but thought here might be a good place. If not, I will repost it as a question in the scholarship forum. I am looking to apply next year for either French or German, as I know some FLAS programs fund those languages. However, I'm having issues figuring out which schools allow for students from other universities to apply for the summer scholar scholarship. I know University of Wisconsin - Madison does, but they don't have German or French. Is there a list online that I'm somehow missing that states this? The FLAS website itself was not that useful. Apologies again if this isn't the place to ask this question.
  7. And intensive language students didn't until mid April. I'm hoping that isn't the same this year and we all find out in the next week.
  8. Thanks for letting me know!
  9. Question for intensive language grant applicants: how long was your statement of purpose?
  10. Oh I didn't mean to sound aggressive! I just meant to let people know that DAAD sometimes releases info before they stated they would.
  11. Last year, they told we would hear next week then five minutes later results came out. It isn't that I don't believe them, but things change... Last year we heard from the daad office and I heard after 5pm.
  12. It was awful last year bc I was waiting after all the rejections (a few hours) before I got my rejection so I thought maybe I was accepted.
  13. Anddddddddd I will now start checking my email every five seconds. Thanks for the update though! Gives some hope for the rest of us! also last year rejections and acceptances were sent out at the same time.
  14. I emailed them a ton last year and so feel bad doing that this year (not just for timeline). But they are really nice and respond fairly quickly. You can also call them, which allows for a bit more anonymity as you don't have to give your name.
  15. You have to check with the school (or each individual school that is offering you funding). In my program, we have been guaranteed 5.5 years of funding, but that funding looks different each year (1 year fellowship, 4 years TA-ship, ½ year of a VERY small fellowship and that year, no healthcare). Additionally, we were promised summer grants that are now being turned into "competitive" grants. Lesson learned: get everything in writing in your contract. So you could lose funding after year 2 or you could have to apply for a GA-ship again with the chance of not getting it. You'll have to ask the school(s) directly.
  16. Thanks! I hope we all here back soon. I often feel like that wait is worse than the feeling of a negative result. Drawn out anxiety verses instant blow.
  17. So I went through past forums. It seems like it was usually 1 week after the status change that people heard. I'm not sure when mine changed, but I also know results usually post on Fridays (at least, that has been my experience). Here's to hoping this Friday or next!
  18. I don't suppose anyone who had a status change emailed to ask about timeline for hearing back?
  19. Most likely our programs start sooner so maybe that's why? But I hope we all hear soon.
  20. It seems then that if we don't have a change to funding in a week we were unsuccessful.
  21. My status changed on the portal to selection made. I think from past years this either meant nothing or that I didn't get the grant...wooo
  22. It depends on your location. I know someone who got a grant to Germany (Tubingen) who lived comfortably. I know someone who got a grant to Germany (Munich) and barely paid rent and half of their food with the stipend due to the high cost of living (and they were being frugal too). So it all depends.
  23. I've been stalking the old DAAD forums and apparently two years ago people heard in early March. Here is to hoping!!!
  24. I honestly think it depends on which partnership. My year, everyone for my specific award had interviews. But other schools didn't interview everyone.
  25. You should always get, in writing, an agreement of what your base pay will be before you accept a position. In my case, my 1st year fellowship was 20K, but I had to pay taxes on it which weren't taken out. Currently, I'm getting about 1k more per year (they want to get us up to 25k to be competitive with local universities). I do not have to pay for health insurance, but I do have to pay for dental and eye care, if I want it (which I do). Additionally, I have to pay a $25 fee per semester. Most schools, if there is a health fee that you are charged, will not reimburse it. They either cover all of your insurance, they provide a subsidy, or they don't provide any financial support for health care. Thus, if you find you're getting charged 1-2K for insurance, than you probably won't be reimbursed.
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