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Everything posted by Aenrichus

  1. I did my MA in TESOL at TC. Two of my PhD applications are to education programs, the HDLT program at Harvard and the DAPS program and Stanford. In either case, I am looking to study how brain development correlates with language development in plurilinguals. No news yet.
  2. This is too true. I am married and going for the PhD and people ask me, "Don't you want kids soon?" or "What about giving me some grandchildren?" and I tell them that 2020 seems like a good year for that kind of thing.
  3. Mini retirement. Starting in April, I will be island hopping. Okinawa, Langkawi, Maldives, Hainan. One month each, before returning to the States in August. I hope to finish writing a novel, get into better shape, and improve my cooking skills. If I am accepted, I will read academic articles on the beach. If I am not, I will try to launch my own company from the beach. Either way, beach.
  4. I am still new to the site and just came across this sub-forum so here is my situation. I have applied to the eight schools in my signature, to programs in linguistics, psychology, and education. My research interest is in the neuroanatomy of language development and use, particularly with regards to plurilinguals. My MA from Columbia was in TESOL but the project was a literature review on the neuroanatomy of critical periods in second language acquisition. I am currently in the process of revamping it for publication, whether or not I am admitted to any of my schools. At the moment, I have yet to hear anything from any of my schools. Hoping to hear something soon.
  5. That time when... You get an email from admissions and get excited And then realize you did not apply at this school And you feel disheartened And that they are likely sending this to all GRE takers above a certain percentile And that they are inviting you to apply for their program But that there is no application fee But the application deadline passed a week ago And you feel disheartened But decide to send them an email to see if they will accept a late application anyway Post your own "That time when..." or let me know if this has happened to anyone else. Cheers.
  6. Reading academic articles in preparation for: Being accepted and being able to jump right in or... Being rejected and publishing a few papers before reapplying. I am also studying Chinese and trying to outline what I would do for a year if there were no acceptances.
  7. It has already been said plenty of times, but what I get is, "I'm sure you will get in. You're so smart and you applied at eight schools, right?" Supportive, but all of the people surrounding me have no idea of the reality of the graduate school application process. I do hope they are right. I also get the, "There are plenty of great schools in Ohio. Why would you want to live so far away?" They see it simply as a place to study rather than do research, not knowing that I need to enter a program with professors who have similar interests.
  8. I am giving up an alright job and have applied at eight schools. This would not be much of an issue except that I currently reside in Japan and my wife is Chinese. As such, we are paying roughly $1000 to get her green card. She has already informed her company that she will quit her job at the end of March and thereafter will not be eligible for a Japanese visa. We plan to travel for a few months this summer before going (back) to the United States so that I can start a program. If I don't get accepted anywhere, I think I'll... Kickstart something Continue writing Consider finding a job After the weeping subsists, that is...
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