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Forsaken in LA

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Everything posted by Forsaken in LA

  1. DigDeep, Amazing as usual, this should be pinned somewhere. I'd give a +1 but I'm out for today.
  2. Decided on Chicago. MA at half tuition. I couldn't wait any longer, plus it's really where I wanted to go all along.
  3. I just accepted Chicago's offer. It's where I want to go. With all this talk about fit and funding. I was solely waiting on Tulane in hopes of funding.
  4. So I broke down and called Tulane regarding my decision to the MA in Latin American Studies program. There was some confusion I guess because I was told I should have heard already.The kind lady in the dean's office told me she'd look into it and return my call. I figured this meant I had been rejected. As the workday in NOLA came to a close I still hadn't heard, so I emailed thinking screw it, I might as well go all in now. Apparently I have been "unofficially" waitlisted. Yeah, so ok... Waitlisted. "Unofficially". What does that even mean? I haven't seen one rejection or acceptance on the results board, and in fact what is worrisome is that for the past 3 years there has been only one per year. The good news (or bad news, depending how you look at it) is that the offers came funded. So now I'm left thinking, if I'm on the "unofficial" waitlist, does that mean there is an "official" waitlist that they have to get through before they get to me? If the offer comes funded, I can pretty much assume that someone is going to jump on it before me. I mean, that's why I haven't accepted the Chicago offer yet, because I am/was waiting on a decision from Tulane. AGGGHHH. I wanted to make this decision, take my finals, then not worry about anything except reading the books I checked out from the library this Spring Break. Oh well, no rest for the weary...
  5. I can't offer advice, but I can wish you luck!!
  6. I cannot speak from any first hand experience, only from others have told me on this board- and that is that for the MA students at Columbia, it has been a mixed bag. I tend to think that wherever you are, you will get out of it what you put in, and the squeaky door gets the grease as the saying goes. Like I said, I have no knowledge of this program and I've never attended or even visited, but going off of what I have been told is that the program is not built to assist MA students but rather to fund PhD students. Again, I must say that I have NO first hand experience at all! I would advise a visit, but if that isn't possible then try contacting students who have, or are currently attending. I did this while researching my own schools by using academia.edu. I found students and messaged them, most of which were delighted to respond to my inquiry. I hope this helps! Good luck with your decision.
  7. #$%& Yeah! Super stoked for you ecologaia!!! That is so awesome!
  8. Welcome Great Ape! Congratulations on your acceptance!
  9. Sorry CulturalAnth, fingers crossed for you on Oregon State.
  10. I missed this, thanks ecologaia, I think everything is going to work out. Im waiting on Tulane to give word, and Im excited to graduate in June. I'm an older student who returned to school late in life. Honestly, I'm just grateful right now for the opportunity to continue advancing my studies. It's been a journey, that's for sure, but one thats been the time of my life.
  11. Canis, I would say that you should go with whichever school feels better. The environment you describe at Memorial sounds great. I can't speak with any knowledge of any of the programs you mentioned, but It seems that the students would be an ideal source of information. It sounds as though Memorial would make you happier! Just my 1/2 a cent.
  12. Widefellow, This was a very reassuring post and I really appreciate it. I have turned down all my MA's except Georgetown and Chicago. I just want to see if Georgetown offers any funding. I'm waiting on Tulane still. I emailed the director today and he said I should know by the end of the week. Realistically I'm going to Chicago, I just want to make sure that either of the two others doesn't make me an offer I can't refuse.
  13. Columbia rejection... Socio-cultural track. I was informed my application was under review for the MA. I will pass on that if offered. good luck everyone!
  14. Thanks Canis, and everyone else! I was rejected to Columbia and I am hearing nothing but awful things about their program. Huh. I'm going to wait a couple more days and accept the Chicago offer. Good advice about writing my POI. I've been putting it off for Chicago for different reasons, but it's time. Thanks everyone!
  15. There have been several acceptances listed. From what I have gathered from different people is that candidates who were accepted to the PhD have all been notified. GSAS apparently has the decisions, and as to why they have yet to be released is up for debate. I emailed the department today because I'm an impatient asshole. Realistically, I know that rejection is likely. From the results search, you can see that mid April tends to show a history of MA offers to those rejected. I am under the impression that those who did not receive an offer of acceptance are under review for the MA program. I also hear it is a notorious cash cow for the university. Either way, I'd like to know one way or another if this indeed is the truth.
  16. Good idea everyone. Any opinion though on the Latin American Studies MA being a negative on the quest to a PhD in anthro?
  17. Ok, here's where I'm at, and I'd appreciate some advice. I am almost ready to just hit the accept button on the U of Chicago MA in Latin American Studies, but I still haven't heard from Tulane or Columbia. I reckon Columbia is a rejection to the PhD, but as far I can tell they offer an MA à la U of Chicago. No doubt it will cost more than the Chicago because I received a half tuition scholarship, but I have another concern. I want a PhD in anthro. What are everyone's thoughts on getting the MA in Latin studies, which is my area of interest and moving to an Anthro PhD? I will have a chance to work with my POI from the anthro dept (hopefully), and I will gear all my classes in that manner. IF Columbia does offer the MA it would be in anthro. Does this make it more valuable to me in the long run? I understand that value will be determined by how much I put into the MA, but I'm speaking in terms of perception. Also, from what i've heard about the Tulane Latin Studies is that they tend to offer substantial financial aid. I would love to hear from them before deciding. I think I've ruled out UW, and I'm mulling Georgetown depending on aid, as well as Miami. Realistically, after looking at Georgetown's PhD placement after graduation I have my doubts about the program being beneficial for someone looking to move on to a PhD. It seems to be an excellent program for creating contacts in foreign service though. Miami has offered field research money, not a lot, but it's something. I want to go to Chicago. Should I wait to hear from Tulane and Columbia? I don't feel like waiting until April whatever to hear from Columbia. Someone interject some wisdom as I am hovering over the accept button as I type.
  18. Haha, thanks ecologaia. It used to be beer, but I'm on the whole "gluten-free" bandwagon since I got home from Israel last summer. I think I had a lifetime of carbs while I was there! If I grab a drink now, which I don't normally do, it's vodka/soda with lime. I totally get what you mean about liking people on the boards here, the only consolation there is with a rejection is that at least it's one less thing to worry about it. A couple things I hope have happen before finals: Columbia responds with the MA at least, Tulane responds, and G-Town comes with a decent financial aid offer. I was hoping to have it somewhat put to bed in my head at least before walking into my finals. Unfortunately, looking at the boards, I may be waiting a bit. Oh well... Good luck to everyone today!
  19. shit anthroflea, i was trying to give you positive points, sorry!!! I'll get you back on another but im out.
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