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Forsaken in LA

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Everything posted by Forsaken in LA

  1. Chicago interview posted on the results. I'm so bummed. Number one choice. Academia.edu search too.
  2. Well, an NYU interview posted. It's all quiet in my inbox. Damn.
  3. I hate seeing schools I applied to show up in the results page for other departments. Why can't anthropology get its act together and keep up with everyone else? lol.
  4. Just from looking back a few seasons on the results page, it shows interviews taking place. Thats the only information I know about that. I do however know that today is supposed to be the day the department meets and decides on a short list and historically it appears interviews are given to potentials this week, usually by tomorrow.
  5. So, looking back at last years interview requests for Chicago, It looks like this is the week! I hate wishing the weekend to be over before it begins, but wowzers!
  6. Thanks Canis, I'll be sure to look into this should I be accepted.
  7. Strudelle, they can't know right? hahaha. Its got to be just coincidence.
  8. HA! This couldn't be more accurate! Ive been unsubscribing from so much spam! I never realized how many emails UCLA spams me with daily, until I paid attention to every knock on my phone. It's so nice to have everyone here feeling the same way. We may be crazy, but we're crazy together.
  9. Ha! Yes, except yesterday a number from like Grenada called. I couldn't get to it, but apparently its a scam. I was momentarily excited though!
  10. Colorless, so true! Im waiting for NYU's biweekly update to their tracking page.
  11. From what I gathered, the department should know who they are accepting by the end of Monday the 3rd. I do not know the timeline after that, but I was told that if you happen to be one of those few chosen, you would know quite a bit earlier than late Feb.
  12. My information is from the Anthropology Dept. Chair. I couldn't tell you about any other departments. sorry.
  13. Well, tomorrow is the initial adcom meeting for the University of Chicago followed by a Monday departmental meeting. Good luck to all those applying!
  14. eriatarka - yeah, the only schools I applied at that won't be cold in the winter are U of Miami and Florida International.
  15. On a side note, I am seriously wondering why I applied to programs that are in areas that are cold. The one day so far this month that it's been chilly and overcast in Los Angeles and I'm mad because I want to walk my dog but don't want to change out of shorts and shirt into pants and hoodie. Sigh* Oh dear, here's hoping for Stanford...
  16. Xstopfloating- nice! I hope it works out for you!
  17. strudelle- the specific MA programs that I have applied to have assistantships and fellowships that are due prior to the application due date. In order to be considered for this funding, you must apply before accepted.
  18. Pears- Thank you for this response, it was very helpful! I have handed in several applications for funding for the MA programs, mostly because Washington's program sent me the application. Hoping I can PM you if I have any questions?
  19. sorry jump, do they interview all potentials?
  20. NOWAYNOHOW, Thanks for the response. I think I began the application season with delusions of grandeur and right out of gate applied to some very competitive programs in which I don't have much of a chance. I decided to apply to several MA programs, and was very selective of fit and TA assistantship, funding opportunities, etc. When the inevitable does occur, and no PhD programs are offered, hopefully I can attend an MA program to enhance my research abilities. I'm thinking it can only help.
  21. good luck with Brown Daykid! I hope you hear soon.
  22. huh, interesting. I can't find it. Well, fingers crossed still. Nvm. found it.
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