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Posts posted by gingin6789

  1. 3 minutes ago, AP said:

    While I was waiting, I needed surgery. I remember waking up from anesthesia, getting an e-mail for an interview. I then focused on recovering on time for the interview. 

    WOW that's an awesome way to get the notice!! going through something painful and then BOOM, awesome news! 

    I hope you feel better! I had surgery in December, and in some ways, I still feel like I'm recovering X_X

    @nka93 I know what you mean about folks wanting you to stay close to home ... only one person I know has had issues with me applying across the country, expressing almost outright disapproval of me even applying there, but I'm like "You know what? I've never had the opportunity to apply ANYWHERE I want in the country. These programs are all good fits so I at least need to give it a try!" I mean, I obviously didn't say that to the person, but it's how I feel ... 

  2. Just now, raaawr said:

    Yessss! Lol. I was looking at the results page again earlier, I saw they notified one person for interview on a sunday 2 years ago. Lol!

    Exactly! And to add fuel to the fire, I got my *official* letter from UC Davis posted online today (they called me last Thursday though), so I'm like "oh maybe letters will be posted today for programs I haven't heard from!"

  3. 2 hours ago, SLPgradstudent said:

    Thanks gingin!  Hooray for more spoons!!!

    I'm sorry you were in pain last night.  Pain sucks, especially when it's the kind that OTC meds don't help.  I know what you mean about not wanting to use them for relief.  Last summer I got sick and was in that kind of pain for months (thus the incomplete for my class.)  I have this somewhat irrational fear that because I have chronic health problems, doctors will see me as being a hypochondriac.  Might have something to do with the fact that I was having problems for years before even getting diagnosed.  "It's all in your head.  Just work harder."

    Tea is my favorite though.  And yes, @piglet33, Cookie is amazing too!

    Ugh I know what you mean!! Basically, yes to everything you said! I'm glad you know what I mean, but I'm sorry you had to go through it too! 

  4. 38 minutes ago, SLPgradstudent said:

    Thank you gingin, you really are so kind.  I am quite a bit feeling better today.

    I've read something similar to spoon theory before, but I don't think I'd seen this particular piece.  It is really quite a good conceptualization of what it's like to like with a chronic illness or a disability (or both).  (And yes I cried again, but this time in a "oh my goodness, someone understands!  That is exactly what it's like!)  I am very grateful to have the support of my wonderful fiancé, as well as others in my life.  It is frustrating to me when teachers/other people who expect things from me don't get it.  I really don't want to be treated any differently than anyone else, but sometimes I do need something from them, such as an extension, and it can be really hard to ask for it.  I'm sorry that you've had to deal with your own health issues, but glad that it has helped to make you who you are now: the awesome, positive, optimistic, and supportive gingin!

    As someone with a chronic illness and disability, I can say this.  I would never want anyone to have to experience what I've been through.  But I also have a desperate yearning to be understood.  Most of all by the people closest to me.  Those two feelings are constantly in conflict, but it does mean a lot to mean when people try to understand a little better.  Thank you.

    I'm so glad today is a better day (with more spoons!)! I'm also glad you enjoyed the spoon theory!! And thank you for your sympathy about my health issues ... you're right, it has shaped who I am! Spoonie whining ahead: I had surgery two months ago to help with my health issues, and guess what? I still was awoken by pain TWICE last night. I tried brushing it off the first time and going back to sleep, but nope! It woke me up out of my sleep again! So I had to take a pain pill for it, which I haaaaaaaaaaate. I hate turning to them for relief, and I hate using them up because I'm always worried that, if I call for a refill, they'll be like "drug seeker!" even though I got a prescription for 20 like three months ago, and it was prescribed for "as needed every 4-6 hours" and I STILL have some left. So whatever. Either way, pain drives me crazy, and OTC meds can't touch it. But there are always heating pads and tea to help too.

    I totally agree about wanting people to NEVER go through it, but just to understand! Besides folks in high school not believing me, everyone since then (so far) has been super understanding, which is great!

    @youthfulwinter welcome!!! So nice to have you with us!!

    @piglet33 OMG COOKIE!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!! Hahaha thank you for that video!!!!

  5. 3 hours ago, piglet33 said:

    @gingin6789 I had my Nirvana band tee on, and when I was explaining it was a band - the older gentleman asked what it was - he thought it was my band. So cute. 

    I haven't officially started yet, but one of the researchers at my university is in the brand new IOC-comissioned research centre for sports medicine and he's developed a novel tool for injury analysis and it looks like I might be able to work with him on that which is just mind-blowingly cool in my book. Isn't it awesome when you get all nerdy excited about research?! haha

    That's actually really adorable! Reminds me of the time my grandpop heard us say something about Lady Gaga and he said, "Oh, Lady Lala?" It was just really cute! I love getting nerdy excited about research, too!

    @Cat_Robutt that was also a lovely message <3 I'm so glad we're so supportive of each other on this forum :D

  6. 2 hours ago, piglet33 said:

    Also a man asked me if I was in Nirvana! 

    On grad school related news, I got to pick my Masters research project yesterday and I'm so excited about it. It's way more advanced than I thought would be possible and I get to use the same software that game creators and animation studios use but apply it to ankle injuries. So much more exciting than the modelling of gymnastics techniques I thought I'd have to do!!

    Hahaha why did he ask you that? 

    Ooooh yay!! That's so cool!! I felt the same way about my master's thesis topic! Except I am using statistics software, not awesome game making software :-P

    How cool! You should keep us posted on how it goes! 

  7. 4 hours ago, A blighted one said:

    Oh, geez. I'm still waiting to hear back from 9 other schools! There are only 2 I'd consider over Lehigh, and although its unlikely that I'd be offered comparable funding, I guess it's possible. That makes finding housing now seem impossible. I don't have Facebook anymore, actually, but I was thinking of one making one if I go to grad school so that I could better keep up with my friends in other cities. Maybe I'll just make it early...

    Thanks so much for asking around for me!!


    Don't feel the need to make a decision early purely based on housing! The "roommate needed" posts continue far closer to august than one might think! If you wait until April 15th to make your decision, you will still find housing. It just might be harder to find online/might be more expensive. Don't panic about housing yet! 

  8. 14 minutes ago, A blighted one said:

    Thanks, I'll try to focus on the excitement. Have any tips for moving to Bethlehem? What's a good time of year to look for housing? Are there any resourses for finding other gead student roommates? I'll probably be moving alone and I'd like to have roommates, at least at the beginning, so that I'm not too lonely.

    P.s. You've got me all excited to try Full of Crepe and the $3.79 sandwich place!!

    Good time to look for housing for August is... Now-ish! I signed my lease in mid-march, so start browsing some websites now. 

    I'm actually on the dean's grad school advisory council for the college of arts and sciences, and we're trying to work out how to make resources for finding roommates easier.

    For now, if you have Facebook, search for the Lehigh grad student life office page! I've seen people post there to find roommates. Plus it might be useful just for you to check out for more info about Lehigh:'s grad programs. 

    I'll also ask some of my friends and contacts in the college of arts and sciences what they recommend! 

    I actually avoided having roommates cause I didn't know anyone here at first, so I'm sorry for not having better advice ahh! 


    So glad you are looking forward to the delicious food!! Even talking about it has made me crave crepes and sandwiches :-)

  9. 7 minutes ago, SLPgradstudent said:

    I had one of those tonight.  A good cry that is.  Second, or maybe third time this week.  It's not just about being nervous waiting for the decisions.  It's the unsympathetic teacher who doesn't understand why I can't just be finished with my final project for the incomplete I took last summer.  It's still feeling crappy all the time, fighting with my health.  It's that my 98 year old grandmother who I love dearly and am very close to is showing signs of early dementia and apparently suffered one or more TIAs (mini-strokes) in the recent past.  It's trying to be in charge of planning our wedding with all of this going on.  And feeling guilty and ashamed that I can't easily handle it like I should be doing.

    Anyway, thanks for your positivity @gingin6789.  You're awesome and we're all glad you're here.

    All of that sounds very overwhelming,  SLP... I'm glad you had those good cries, honestly! 

    I can especially sympathize with the health problems and your grandma's health...it's awful cause it feels like it'll never end! 

    I just remember having teachers who didn't understand why I couldn't just do work at home while sick. They just didn't get it! It was so entirely frustrating! 

    Have you ever read the spoon theory? It's not a theory in the traditional sense, but it's a great way to conceptualize what living with a chronic illness is like... It's super useful and I actually had a good cry after reading it for the first time because it was just so spot on!! 

    I hope that helps somehow. If you would like to talk by PM, too, I'm here <3 



  10. 21 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

    I second this notion. I hope to meet gingin some day.

    Aw shucks! You guys are really the sweetest! I'm so happy to have such great friends here on grad cafe... I would love to meet you, too, bunny, along with everyone else here!! 

  11. 43 minutes ago, bruin228 said:

    Thank you guys, I appreciate it. :)

    I envy your attitude gingin haha, you always seem so positive. 

    I am largely a positive and optimistic person! But I do know the value of a good cry and being sad, too. Just feel out your emotions, let it out, but don't let it hold you down. *more hugs*

  12. 7 minutes ago, bruin228 said:

    Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate them. It's been a long day/week lol.

    I understand that some of this is rather arbitrary, but it's still tough being rejected. I just wish I could know that programs were rejecting me on the basis of fit or something nebulous like that rather than "Man, you're dumb!" like I often imagine it to be.

    Nope, don't even entertain the thought that they think you're dumb. I did this during the time after I had to leave high school. I thought everyone must have thought I was too unintelligent or unmotivated to get through. And that feeling that people thought I was stupid and unmotivated really dragged me down... It sucked what little energy I had, and so it was bad for my health to dwell on that thought. 

    That's why this mindset is heartbreaking to me. I know it's so  tough being rejected. It's an awful feeling. But you're not dumb, and adcomms couldn't look at an applicant to grad school and think they're dumb. It is almost always about fit.

    We're here for you, to lift you up and help you get through the lows and cheer you on through the highs. 


  13. 1 hour ago, A blighted one said:

    That's great to hear! (both about the crepes and the English dept ?) I guess I'm just nervous because I just graduated with my BA a few months ago and I feel so unprepared and and basically shocked that I have this opportunity!

    Also, wow, I didn't even think about summer funding. I'm really excited, but if I'm being honest, having to be a smart grad student who's always on point is kind of scary because I definitely don't feel like a smart grad student! Haha

    Aw I totally understand! But you've got this! You can still be yourself while being a "smart grad student" though. There will be some bumps as you transition to grad student life, but we all go through that. For now, just be excited!! :-)

  14. 7 minutes ago, A blighted one said:

    @gingin6789 I'll have to check out Full of Crepe. I'm not sure if I've ever had a crepe, if I'm being honest.. Haha. I did have something really similar to a crepe when in Thailand a few years back that was filled with bananas and Nutella. I'm more of a savory food person. Do they have savory crepes?

    I was invited to the recruitment day next month and I'd really like to attend. I'm pretty sure I'll be there. I'm nervous though!

    My minimum stipend will be about 25% more than what I've been making at home for the last 3 years as an undergrad, so needless to say It should be a LOT more affordable for me to live in Bethlehem if I decide to go to Lehigh. I was nominated for a fellowship (which I'm not counting on getting because it's competitive) that would be almost 50% more than what I'm currently making at home. 

    It's mostly flat where I live, but I do work on top of a hill and either walk to bike to work. My undergrad institution was on a hill as well, but the campus itself was only slightly hilly. I think I'm in pretty decent shape, so hopefully I won't be gasping for air all the time, haha!

    Oh em gee DO they have savory crepes! Only super wonderful delicious savory crepes! I swear I am not a paid spokesperson, just a huge fan and perpetually hungry grad student!

    I also prefer savory to sweet, so if I love them, you should too. Like you, I never had a crepe before trying theirs! 

    Excellent news on thefunding front! Lehigh has great funding for students. Even summer funding is very attainable through strohl grants and teaching assistant summer fellowships, and sometimes even research assistantships. Don't be nervous about the visit! From what I know, Lehigh's English department is  awesome. I actually took feminist theory with an alum of Lehigh's English PhD program! She's no longer teaching at lehigh, but she's easily one of my favorite professors. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, A blighted one said:

    Wow! Ok, so a (really crappy) studio apartment where I live is $1400 (probably more now, actually, as I was house hunting 2 years ago).  I have roommates now and my room is still $1050/month. And a good sandwich is $10, minimum. A crappy sandwich would still be $8. Coffee is more like $3.50 for a plain cup here. I usually make coffee at home, but I do like to study/read at cafes, so it's good to know.

    I knew it was going to be cheaper in PA than where I live, but that sounds amazing. I moved to this city for college and the cost of living as been killing me the entire time. I'm so ready to live somewhere where my rent doesn't take up 65% of my monthly wages. Thanks for the info!

    I was on Bethlehem's Yelp page the other day looking at coffee shops/grocery stores out of curiosity and I saw Full of Crepe. Hahaha, the name made me laugh.

    FULL OF CREPE IS LIFE. You seriously must go there. Living around the corner from that shop is dangerous for my wallet! Ahhhh you will love it!

    Dang, sounds like cost of living will be awesome for you here! Everyone back home was shocked at the cost of living for me. I went to undergrad in Lancaster, PA though ... quite rural. My husband had a nice, two-story townhouse-like apartment in Lancaster with two roommates and it cost $1250 total, so only about $400 a person. So my friends are like "Dang, your Bethlehem apartment is expensive!" but I'm like "it could be worse!"

    Lehigh's funding for my program is very generous. I hope it's the same for English! Are you coming to visit before you make your decision?

    I know your main concern is with cost of living, but I should reiterate the mountain aspect again. I took the flat campuses I attended in undergrad for granted. This place might leave you winded if you're not used to a campus on any type of hill. 

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