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Everything posted by Dankar1208

  1. Ugh, I agree. It's ridiculous that they send out notifications in waves. I've been telling my bf for a few weeks that they should send rejections out first, then acceptances/waitlists, since it's easier to hang on when you think the news will be good. I hope they shower me with $$$, too. XD There's a scholarship for nearly half of tuition (that only a few people get) and interviews for GTAships that are worth about $5,000. Not ideal, but we'll see what happens. What are your funding prospects?
  2. I hope so and I hope not! lol It would be nice to know that the letters sent out are acceptances, but that's one less slot for me. Ah, the conflict! Thanks for the update. I saw that Emerson sent out another batch of responses. A waitlist isn't bad--congrats! I know what you mean about the funding, though. SCSU accepted me with no word about the money situation, so I'm assuming the worst until proven otherwise.
  3. Just the never-ending frustration of waiting for Miami letters. What about you?
  4. I've seen a few people talking about Emerson, but not many. And they're mostly just waiting on responses--no acceptances or rejections reported on the lists. Not sure about Boston, though.
  5. As far as I can tell, there are a lot of people still waiting on McNeese. It seems to me that they are operating on a rolling admissions basis. You know, I hadn't thought to check an astrologer... *heads off to do that* @MoJuiced--That's awesome! There really always is a silver lining.
  6. @chubbiebunnie The lists at MFA draft are super-long, and I would feel a little odd about posting over a list with people's names onto the Internet at large. (Rather than keeping them in the closed group.) That being said, there's a pretty great acceptances/waitlists/rejections post over at The MFA Blog. http://creative-writing-mfa-handbook.blogspot.com/2014/03/applicationsacceptanceswaitlistsrejecti.html I can also tell you which schools notified most recently, based on the MFA Draft lists.
  7. aland81 I am also fiction. I was jealous of the poetry peeps earlier this semester, when it seemed they were being contacted sooner. I realize, now, that we're all in the same boat.
  8. @pdh12 No, I'm still waiting on Miami, and I did get into Southern Connecticut. I really have no idea why this is bumming me out as much as it is. It was a very nice rejection email. Made me feel a bit better, at least. Have you heard anything from Indiana? Fingers crossed for you.
  9. I don't want to break up all the lovin' (God only knows how nice it is to have all of these supportive people around! ) but I need to whine a bit. I applied to UF thinking that it was a last resort, that I hated the Gators and never wanted to go, ever. Then I got to thinking about it, and decided that "Hey! Football ain't everything." And I made the mistake of getting invested in the idea. I got my rejection this morning and it's really bumming me out--more than even the reject from my dream school (which I knew was a reach). What happened? EDIT: Oh, and a big apology to those of ya'll on the MFA Draft who have to keep seeing my incessant UF posts...
  10. Ugh, I'm dying. I'm down to four programs (one low-res and one with rolling admissions) and it's been silent. And now MFA Draft is telling me that UF is contacting people "now"?! I think I'm a nervous wreck...
  11. I know that AWP's rankings are mainly obtained from applicants, which is why well-funded programs are always at the top. I hadn't thought about the way rankings change the programs. I've heard that getting the university's "stamp of approval" is one of the major complaints people have about Ivy Leagues for undergrad. That being said, I think it's a little unfair to say that Michigan doesn't have an identity.
  12. @mmt34c25 Fiction. There's more people talking about poetry, which is interesting. Did you hear back from them?
  13. Does anyone know when UF or University of Miami get back to their applicants? I can find almost no data from UF and it's becoming my primary Google search term.
  14. Ouch. Wasn't UMich the #1 program last year? lol
  15. Upon receiving a letter from Iowa that I'm 100% positive is a rejection--"You don't know. It could be good news!" Something about my boyfriend's unfailing optimism is killing me. Somehow it makes the rejections worse..? I've been with my bf for 6 years now, and the pressure is always on to get married. I've told everyone not to expect it until at least 2019 since I'll be getting educated. It's kept the relatives off my back--as if I'd want to plunk down money on a wedding when I still don't even know where I'm moving!
  16. I'm trying very, very hard not to call the schools I've applied to and beg. "I'm perfect for your school--trust me! Accept me!"
  17. I have 2 rejections and 2 schools that just never contacted me. I only have a handful of programs left, with low, low acceptance rates. I've pretty much resigned myself to not getting in this year. T_T
  18. Since a lot of us apply for several years before we get in (or that's the impression I'm under) what have you guys done since undergrad? Are you still finding time to write? (or act or paint?) It looks like my first application cycle will be a bust, so I'm trying to brainstorm on what I should do. One of the MFA directors said I should travel (mature worldview and all that), my professor says I should just take a year off to write, but the little voice inside my head says I need to eat and should shoot for a full-time job. Any ideas?
  19. WUSTL's decisions are out.
  20. I'm an undergrad here at USF right now. Our professors are excellent! Make sure you get in touch with Dr. John Fleming if you do decide to attend--he's a wealth of information and an all-around good guy. (I'm super jealous! I wanted to attend here but it's a bad idea since it's my alma mater. ) I've heard that UMich has contacted everyone that was accepted/wait-listed and I never even heard back about Phase I from Ole Miss. Is that normal? And does anyone have info about WUSTL or Iowa?
  21. Got an email from a program I applied to that said "Your application is..." They were informing me they received it. Yup. My inbox has never been so uncluttered!
  22. "Dear [firstName lastName], Oops, you didn't get in! We're just so popular! But f* you very much for applying. , Madison" I think I love this simply because a number of applicants got "[firstName lastName]"
  23. A little late, so OP has probably solved his/her problem, but I'm going to throw in my 2 cents for anyone looking later. Make sure that you call the department and check that everything was received before you panic. Two of my programs this year listed materials as missing when they did, in fact, have them. My application to Iowa is still "missing my transcript" but a call to the graduate admissions office confirmed that my application has been received and marked complete in its entirety.
  24. I know how you feel. My roomie is going through the application process and had 3 interviews for assistantships just last week. I'm 100% sure she's going to get in and I'm really happy for her, but when that call comes in I know I'm going to be jealous as well. Ah well, the cost of friendship.
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