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  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    English Literature

omp1292's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Pretty much what the title says. I'm sort of leaning towards University of Cambridge, because their program seems more interdisciplinary than Oxford's, and they seem to have a wider range of classes I could take (though I could be wrong?). I've also heard that Oxford tends to be somewhat...self-isolated? As far as funding goes, I didn't get any from either (cue bitter laughter), so at this point I'm just studying the academic merits of each program first. If anyone has any input whatsoever on what the atmosphere is like at each university, or the positive/negatives of each, I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm in desperate need of some advice.
  2. No offense taken! I'm looking forward to seeing the expression on his face when I tell him I've gotten into two of the three I applied to (still waiting on the third...).
  3. I was sleeping, but an earthquake woke me up. Instead of heading to a door frame, I checked my email inbox, and then University of Cambridge's website (I sure do have my priorities straight! ). Wondering now if the two combined (earthquake and offer) are signs of the coming zombie apocalypse!
  4. I love the title of this thread. Don't know if anyone else is going through this, but I keep waking up in the middle of the night to check my phone/email inbox. (The time difference between the US and the UK!) I haven't had a full night's sleep since late February...
  5. Hilariously, my mom had much the same reaction--we were driving past a homeless man on the curb. She pointed at him, and informed me quite solemnly, in Chinese, "That's going to be you someday." Oh moms... Otherwise, people haven't said too many terrible things to me--probably helps that I'm mostly hanging out with other people applying to grad school!
  6. My advisor was super discouraging. I applied to three schools for a Master's degree, and upon hearing that I only applied to three, my advisor side-eyed me. And then when I informed him that I would be content to find a job if it didn't work out, he side-eyed me some more and told me that it was quite unlikely I would find a job. I keep telling myself that it's just tough love...
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