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Everything posted by newms

  1. bird flu
  2. snowy owl
  3. I just saw that on the results board. That really is terrible - i hope they do eventually accept that poster.
  4. night vision
  5. Based on last year's timing, I would say that they will be sending out results at the end of this week.
  6. rainy season
  7. dog training
  8. You can also filter it so that you only get messages sent from your school - so you could use a filter for all emails from *rutgers.edu for example. Of course, if you subscribe to an academic list and someone from the schools sends a message to the list, you'll get a false positive and messages from a prof's personal (gmail/hotmail/yahoo) email account won't get filtered.
  9. police zone
  10. big love
  11. demilitarized zone
  12. dead end
  13. I absolutely agree. Maybe its my field though, but I was at a conference in December and some PhD candidates who had won student awards made their presentation in front of the ~1500 people that were there in jeans and t-shirts or hoodies. I was like, Mark Zuckerberg much?
  14. I am too. It really is hard to focus on anything else at this time. I saw someone suggesting a system where they wouldn't check their email until they graded 2 papers. I'm *trying* to do something like that, but it's hard.
  15. nun's habit
  16. Gradcafe survey
  17. bird nest
  18. The last school I cut from my list of applying schools just sent out an admit - and it had a Jan 15 deadline. Hmmm...

  19. From the reported results on the survey here, nobody reported anything until March 4 last year, so you may have some more waiting to do.
  20. I've heard that too as well. See this comment by a UIUC CS student -
  21. cruise missile
  22. Maybe this week?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cogscipixie


      let's do eet!!

    3. katerific


      just joining the good luck circle. whee!

    4. Zouzax


      fingers crossed!!!

  23. I guess it varies by field, but they do tend to schedule them on weekends, you might have to take off a Friday to travel. Hopefully you'll get in and they'll reimburse your travel.
  24. LOL. I love this point at the end
  25. fish smell
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