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Everything posted by windrainfireandbooks

  1. As the term begins, I want to wish everyone a very wonderful semester! Best of luck you wicked smart, awesome, talented people!

  2. Tonight, I move to Toronto to start my PhD. I am in disbelief!

  3. Today has been a whirlwind of teaching and packing. Off to the UK I go!

  4. This morning is a good morning. Everything has worked out. :)

    1. ahlatsiawa


      Hope you got that discount?

    2. windrainfireandbooks


      I did :) Thanks for checking in!

  5. Yes, I agree. In the Humanities, class can be quite important. It also depends on the type of MA you are doing. In my program, we had two options: a thesis-based MA or a course-based MA. I did a course-based MA, so class attendance was really of utmost importance. That is not to say that my classmates and I did not miss class once in awhile for reasons like illness and conference attendance. For example, at least once a term, I missed a class to present at a conference. I discussed why I would be absent ahead of time with my professors, who were very supportive of my conference attendance and helped me prep my conference papers so they would be presentation ready. But, to really emphasize how important class attendance was for my particular MA, one of my dear friends and colleagues doing the course-based MA was denied admittance to our department's PhD program and the reason given by the department? Because she had missed class too frequently for a course-based MA student and, thus, the department questioned her commitment to her studies. Now, when she had missed class, she had missed for research reasons (a.k.a. to attend conferences or talks that were in line with her area of research), and she had only missed a few classes a term. Yet, as the department head told her, it was a course-based MA and, therefore, course attendance was crucial. Since she had committed to the course-based MA, she needed to commit to her classes first and foremost. That all being said, can you miss class once in awhile? You can. But do keep in mind that unforeseeable circumstances can happen that may prevent you from attending other classes in the future.
  6. Today is my last day of work! Where has the time gone? 1 week until England, 2 months until PhD studies begin!

    1. 1Q84
    2. windrainfireandbooks


      :) Can you believe how the time flies??!!
    3. Dr. Old Bill
  7. Enrolled in classes, have a place to live, and have a moving day! Looks like this PhD thing is happening.

  8. I am ecstatic to be spending the majority of my summer in the UK. During that time, I am hoping to sneak in some non-stressful-but-related-to-my-research-interests readings that I have been putting off because of work but have been dying to sink my teeth into. And I will be doing some Shakespearean acting and novel writing as well.
  9. Thank you everyone for the well-wishes and, of course, for partying it up with me!
  10. May I extend or re-start the party? Because I've been accepted to the Book History & Print Culture collaborative program at Toronto and I really think I am going to accept!
  11. Just declined the last of my offers and (though I am super stoked about the program I've accepted) I cried when I hit the decline button. What a journey this application season has been!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. windrainfireandbooks


      Thank you. Best of luck with the rest of the term, and congrats on wrapping up your first year of grad school!

    3. jujubea


      Oh declining is so hard! I was beside myself declining my other two offers :( The people were so great.

    4. windrainfireandbooks


      Yes! I connected with two very wonderful POIs at a school I declined. I sincerely hope to work with them at some point in my academic journey.

  12. Thanks for the insight everyone. I appreciate it. As I said, I submitted this paper back during my first term as an MA student, prior to having received insight about publishing from professors, supervisors, mentors, and so on. I likely wouldn't have submitted the paper for the conference proceedings had I been asked to today. That being said, the paperwork I signed for the conference proceedings did say that I would be able to submit the paper to any other publications I desired. Regardless, this weekend I withdrew the paper from the conference proceedings. I really like the idea that the paper presents, so perhaps one day I will revise the paper extensively and send it off to a few reputable journals.
  13. When I'm in the UK this summer, I will be auditing some intensive Literature courses at a couple of unis as well. I think it will be a stimulating but largely unstressful (i.e. without the mental pressures I place on myself as a graduate student) means to get back into the swing of things after having two semesters away from the academy.
  14. And, as requested, here is a photo of the new sweatshirt.
  15. So sorry to hear this Dog. It was great interacting with you too, and all luck and success for the next application cycle!
  16. My U of Toronto sweatshirt arrived in the mail today! *More party music ensues* Yes, I was so excited to have made my decision that I may have ordered one. And it is gorgeous!
  17. My U of Toronto sweatshirt just arrived in the mail! Yipee!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. windrainfireandbooks


      Will definitely post a pic when I am off work! :) School merch can be so costly, but I got this sweatshirt on sale. $20!

    3. Mwing


      Woot!! That's actually a really good deal. I just got my first sweatshirt and I'm graduating :P

    4. windrainfireandbooks


      It's never too late, Mwing. :) Congrats on graduating! I admit that I do not plan on buying one from my alma mater (where I was a student for 7 years) until just before I head off to Toronto - have refrained from getting one thus far due to the price, but now I want one for sentimental reasons.

  18. Thanks for your insight TakeruK! Very much appreciated, and definitely comforting to hear.
  19. Hi everyone! I have a question about a requested revision for publication. Over a year ago (and in my first term as an MA student), I submitted a conference paper for a graduate student conference proceedings book. After a couple of months, I was notified that the paper had been accepted and to expect the publication to be printed in around 6 months. I was sent some paperwork to sign saying that I gave permission for my paper to be published in this conference proceeding; I signed the paperwork and sent it on its way. I didn't hear anything for a long time and, of course, life went on - I graduated from my MA, took on a rigorous writing job, accepted an offer to start a PhD, and so on and so forth. Quite honestly, I sort of forgot about the paper and conference proceedings. This morning, I was emailed by the editor who I had sent the signed paperwork to all those many, many months ago. They told me that I need to significantly revise the paper and gave me less than a month to do so. In a nutshell, they want me to erase half of my argument, re-write the paper to only focus on one aspect of my argument, look at this side of the argument in a deeper way, and make the paper significantly longer. And after over a year, many semesters, and a thesis between me and that paper, I will fully agree that the paper needs revision. After having written my thesis to be published and undergoing the gruelling process that it took to get that paper publication ready, I am quite aware of the huge commitment it would take for me to get the paper in question publication ready. And, truth be told, I am not currently in a position where I will have the time to get it ready, especially within the time frame they have given me. Is it okay to be upfront with them about not being able to dedicate the necessary time to editing the paper properly and, thus, to withdraw my paper from the publication? Or is this a big no-no, especially considering I signed paperwork? As someone who submitted my paper for the conference proceeding, I know I should edit when asked. But I also don't want to produce something that is low-quality because I do not have the time to dedicate to editing properly. Any insight from those of you with publishing experience would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!
  20. Congrats, congrats, congrats to all of you who have received good news recently and accepted some pretty stellar offers!
  21. Happy April 15th everyone! Drinks and cake and balloons and hugs all around!
  22. Oh dear, I am having a serious case of imposter syndrome and I haven't even started my program yet. I know I am not alone though, and that many people experience this. Glad to have found a positive support network on GC.
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