Hi everyone! I have a question about a requested revision for publication.
Over a year ago (and in my first term as an MA student), I submitted a conference paper for a graduate student conference proceedings book. After a couple of months, I was notified that the paper had been accepted and to expect the publication to be printed in around 6 months. I was sent some paperwork to sign saying that I gave permission for my paper to be published in this conference proceeding; I signed the paperwork and sent it on its way. I didn't hear anything for a long time and, of course, life went on - I graduated from my MA, took on a rigorous writing job, accepted an offer to start a PhD, and so on and so forth. Quite honestly, I sort of forgot about the paper and conference proceedings.
This morning, I was emailed by the editor who I had sent the signed paperwork to all those many, many months ago. They told me that I need to significantly revise the paper and gave me less than a month to do so. In a nutshell, they want me to erase half of my argument, re-write the paper to only focus on one aspect of my argument, look at this side of the argument in a deeper way, and make the paper significantly longer. And after over a year, many semesters, and a thesis between me and that paper, I will fully agree that the paper needs revision.
After having written my thesis to be published and undergoing the gruelling process that it took to get that paper publication ready, I am quite aware of the huge commitment it would take for me to get the paper in question publication ready. And, truth be told, I am not currently in a position where I will have the time to get it ready, especially within the time frame they have given me. Is it okay to be upfront with them about not being able to dedicate the necessary time to editing the paper properly and, thus, to withdraw my paper from the publication? Or is this a big no-no, especially considering I signed paperwork? As someone who submitted my paper for the conference proceeding, I know I should edit when asked. But I also don't want to produce something that is low-quality because I do not have the time to dedicate to editing properly.
Any insight from those of you with publishing experience would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!