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    2017 Fall
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  1. Since you've got time and already are set on a sociology MA/PhD, you can begin to tailor your classes/papers/readings to align with your interests. Whatever you think you're interested in, start reading academic articles and books on that topic, and start thinking about not only what kinds of questions and research you're interested in, but also who you'd like to work with, specifically at UofT. These considerations will strengthen (eventually) your statement of purpose and writing sample, and both are quite important for grad school.
  2. Echoing what's above, since you're from outside the discipline the SoP is super important, and I would say the writing sample as well. If at all possible, try to create a stellar writing sample from some of the relevant research/experience you mentioned. Overall though I do think you have a good shot at a top 20 school.
  3. I'm visiting next week to lock in an apartment! Hopefully they aren't all taken Regardless, I'm getting excited for the fall!
  4. Hey, I'm not sure about this year (I didn't get an invite to it this year since I'm not a prospective student at this point) but iirc last year they were on the same weekend.
  5. Yea, I'd say strengthening your GRE (in particular, getting your quant score up, and maybe writing too) is a good way forward. Since you are completing a MA at CUNY, I don't think another MA will help all that much. I would advise that you try to publish some of your thesis, and present it at sociology conference (ESS would be good); a publication would certainly set you apart in the next round of applications.
  6. What up my fellow sociology PhD hopefuls. I'll be attending PSU this coming fall, for Sociology (not Crim.) I was accepted last year, and chose to defer my acceptance because of some personal things going on in my life; I needed to take a year before diving into the PhD program. (As a side note, I would not recommend deferring your acceptances, as I don't think many schools allows it; this was an unusual case where, I'm pretty sure, I was one of their top applicants last year. Don't really know that for certain, of course, but that's sure what it seemed like.) I chose PSU because I'm interested in the dual PhD program in Sociology and Social Data Analytics, which I'll be applying for after a year or so in the program. I already have my MA in sociology, with specializations and interests in theory and digital sociology, and so the Social Data Analytics program is a perfect pair with my interests, since they teach many big data methods. They have a strong record, even though it's a relatively new program, of placing individuals in internships and jobs with companies like Google, Facebook, etc., so it'll be nice to keep those doors open in case the strictly academic route doesn't work out for me. My hope is to work with either Diane Felmlee or Ashton Verdery during my time at PSU. Best of luck to everyone in their decision!
  7. Well, you're bound to be a bit jittery if you're highly caffeinated
  8. I personally don't assume a rejection until I hear it specifically. They could be releasing in waves, or you could be waitlisted. From the results page it seems there's some list that has everyone who was accepted on it, but we don't know for sure if those people have all been contacted.
  9. Gotta love that social capital. Grats again
  10. Grats! How were you able to visit in November? Are you a current student there? I'm also wondering how the other person from the results page saw the list of those accepted... I'm eager to hear back from Yale!
  11. That was me The grad director emailed me. It was a very encouraging email despite being waitlisted, saying that in a normal year I would've been accepted by now. He did say the official email would be sent in the next 2-3 days so maybe others can expect to hear waitlists/rejections then.
  12. Honestly, I would say you could do some light reading of the classics or basic concepts, and maybe write short summaries of them to get used to writing again because that will probably be as big of a transition as the amount of reading you'll have. But other than that, I'd say you should relax. What you don't want to do is try to take on a huge reading/paper project before you even start in on the PhD and then feel overwhelmed, etc. You're about to enter into 6ish years of intense reading and work; take some time to relax, maybe reflect on some life goals outside of academia that you want to accomplish during these years, prep yourself mentally for the impending challenge, etc. That's my 2 cents.
  13. Yea, it's fairly typical for digital sociology/ internet studies, though this is a very, very new field. Look here for an example of a similar methodology to my own. And if you're interested, a core text on virtual methods would be this one. Thanks! I'm hoping so too I'm hoping to defend in early April. Cutting it down to the wire a bit, but that's where I'm at.
  14. Yea, I echo Bradley610's sentiment; unless you've got a highly regarded published work or something like that, how would we possibly know who you are? Not to be rude or anything, just really don't understand how we'd know you. Well my thesis is still a work in progress But I'm analyzing some viral content on Imgur.com, looking at both the images posted and the comments written by the users, specifically looking for colorblind racism/ coded racetalk. Essentially I'm looking into how race & racism persist in anonymous digital spaces.
  15. I didn't hear anything from Duke, and there's no change in my status on their website. I generally think that if rejections and acceptances have been sent out for a given school yet you've heard nothing, then congrats, you're on the waitlist. That's how I'm thinking about Duke, at least. I see no other reason why they wouldn't send a rejection. I'm open to other ideas tho.
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